Daily Archives: July 15, 2015

Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition

Header-Those were the good old days


What a Difference a Year Makes

Think of how much things have changed since the third week in July, 2014. It was our Special “Borderline Insanity” E-dition, and we asked “Why Not Hire Illegal Immigrants As Border Guards?”

image004image004Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen said a near-majority of Americans wanted the undocumented immigrant children currently being held at the border deported as soon as possible, even though only about one-third of adults think these children have someplace safe to return to.

image004Remember when Emma Lazarus said, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore?” These days she’d probably say:  “Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed back home where they belong. 

Meanwhile, as the Obama Administration considered housing Illegal Immigrants at a multimillion-dollar hotel that included swimming pools, tennis courts, and Jacuzzis, that weekend, during the so-called National Protest Against Obama’s Illegal Alien Invasion, protesters in Cincinnati were scheduled to be on the Hopple Street Viaduct and I-75 Overpass with more “Impeach Obama” signs, like we saw the previous year in Kenton, Campbell, and Boondoggle Counties when Vonda Pickens and her Northern Kentucky TEA Party rabble rousers took to the barricades.

image004This year, 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is leading in the polls by tapping into Americans’ outrage about securing the Mexican border and ending Sanctuary Cities because people are also angry at a professional political class of both parties that talks a good game, gives good speeches, but somehow nothing ever really changes, along with their anger at a double standard practiced by our Obama Supporters in the Liberal News Media.

Sunday Trump continued to defend his comments about illegal immigration and border security, claiming it was “okay” for him to have described undocumented immigrants as “rapists.”

And yesterday, Trump joined other 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls tearing into our Beavis’ and Butthead’s Deal With Iraq, calling the Obama Administration’s latest Foreign Policy Blunder “horrible” and “bad for Israel.”


No wonder the Iranians are laughing out loud at Obama’s Dumbed-Down Nuke Deal!
