Special “Political Pastime” E-dition


One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.


More All Star Analysis

image006Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sport Andy FurBall wonders what kind of deal Senor Bob Castellini made with the Devil to get the rain to stop so people at home could watch Todd Frazier electrify the hometown crowd, hitting 39 home runs to beat Joc Pederson and win the 2015 Gillette Home Run Derby. Frazier’s thrilling performance was the only good thing to happen at Mediocre American Ball Park since the Reds began their long losing streak after winning the first four games of the season.  

Local Pete Rose fans were disappointed not to see their hometown hero honored at home plate reinstatement ceremonies before the game. Pete Rose also did not throw out the first pitch, didn’t sing the National Anthem, injure the American League catcher during a re-enactment of his famous Ray Fosse slide into home plate, nor did he collect his share of the split-the-pot jackpot during the 7th Inning Stretch.

One of our Persons of Consequence says he’s been sending in questions to all writers who’ve been glorifying Pete Rose to find out if Charlie the Hustler ever gives anything back to the community and they were afraid to ask him.  Maybe he’s too busy selling his autograph to give up his time.

image006image006IN WASHINGTON, OUR DC NEWSBREAKER says Obama’s historically bad dead with Iran is getting blasted by everybody. Officials say it fuels the arms race, making Putin the big winner.  Hillary, who blasted Obama’s rogue nation diplomacy in 2007, now backs the deal. And the fate of Americans jailed in Iran wasn’t even part of the agreement.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who officially kicked off his campaign on Monday and made rejecting a deal with Iran part of his announcement speech, said the agreement “will be remembered as one of America’s worst diplomatic failures.” Walker called on congressional leaders and presidential candidates alike to reject it.”In order to ensure the safety of America and our allies, the next president must restore bipartisan and international opposition to Iran’s nuclear program while standing with our allies to roll back Iran’s destructive influence across the Middle East,” Walker said.

William Kristol, political analyst and founder of the Weekly Standard called the deal “worse than we even imagined possible.” Kristol urged Congress to “rise to the occasion” and override the president’s threatened veto.

Carly Fiorina said in an interview Sunday that fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is “tapping into an anger that I hear every day.” “People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme,” she told ABC’s “This Week.” “It’s not extreme, it’s commonsense. We need to secure the border.” “People are also angry at a professional political class of both parties that talks a good game, gives good speeches, but somehow nothing ever really changes,” she added. “And people are angry as well at a double standard in the media.”

image006image007SOMEBODY ELSE WHOSE TAPPING INTO A LITTLE ANGER THESE DAYS is “JayWalking Joe” Deters, after the Hamilton County Prosecutor said there simply wasn’t any evidence Christopher McKnight was attacked because he is white and the suspects are black. Even if the attack was racially motivated, Deters said ethic intimidation charges in Ohio are considered misdemeanors. Instead, the attackers are charged with serious felonies. Some of the defendants face up to 10 years in prison. Mordecia Black led the attack on McKnight. He’s still at large. This poor misunderstood yoof may appear unruly, but does this racist Black thug look like he’d leave the beaten and bloody body of a man on Fountain Square just because he’s white?

: This year, people were really worried about their electric bills increasing because of the sizzling summer temperatures, but so far all of Al Gore’s Global Warming hasn’t shown up, “Whistleblower readers have always known where to see our local utility company ridiculed,” explained Whistleblower Senior Whistleblower Weather-guesser Delkus Apuozzo, “especially nearly 24 years ago in the July 16, 1991 Edition, with parody ads like the one for C G & E.” (You can read the entire Edition #59 Here)

image009That edition also featured a parody ad for Jeff Ruby’s School of Elegant Egress, where you too can learn how to exit from expensive cars at any speed. Isn’t it curious the Anderson Chamber of Commerce didn’t make mention of that fateful event when Jeff Ruby received its ridiculous “Outstanding Citizen Award?” Maybe it was because when Jeff’s wife Rickelle threw him out of the car, it wasn’t even in Anderson Township either.

image010Meanwhile, Steve Chabothead, then only a lowly County Commissioner, was chastised in that week’s Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

 image006AND IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY:  Our Vanilla Hills Vigilante is beginning to wonder why residents of the once-great City of Villa Hills elected former Covington carpetbagger Butch Callery mayor of their floundering town. So are many other sharp residents. By many “insider accounts”, the ever-goofily-smiling Callery has taken complete leave of his once sharp senses.

image011Sure, almost all that tiny Northern Kentucky City’s residents are very happy that the crooked Mike Martin was annihilated in last November’s election. Why not? Martin was a stupid crook. See ya. We wouldn’t want to be ya.

But, what is Callery thinking now? Why does he continue to waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars employing the trouble-making Craig Bohman? Bohman is a back-stabbing weasel. Is it because ousted, bilious blowhard Steve Arlinghaus loves Bohman (not that there’s anything wrong with that)?

The ancient Callery is long-retired. Hell, he’s a very, very, very, very old man. He spends almost a full doddering day, every day, drooling at that stupid City Building. So why does Callery continue to waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars very unnecessarily on that back-stabbing weasel Craig Bohman? People are beginning to notice.image013


e-mail your political play-by-play today.

Some all star items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally all star subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.image013


John Oliver Explains The Publicly-Funded Stadiums Scam

The Cincinnati Bungals have a clause built into their contract with the city that if 14 other NFL stadiums have something, the taxpayers must buy the Bungals that thing, even if it is a thing that hasn’t been invented yet. “At some point, they agreed to pay for a holographic replay machine…”

image014Probably not sent in by Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Jeff Berding (3,510 Friends, 108 Mutual Friends, including Eileen Osborne WXIX and  Charlie Luken)

image015Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image013

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