Special “Hate Crime Designation” E-dition



July Fourth Bloody Beatdown Not Just a Bunch of Poor Misunderstood Yoofs

         image004Celebrity Singer Ariana Grande now says she won’t appear at next week’s MLB All-Star Concert in Cincinnati. Didn’t she hear Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley’s wishy whitewash: “Cincinnati is the safest big city in America?”

         Or read the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap’s idiotorial saying “Yes, Fountain Square is Safe?”

         And that was after Rebecca ReButts’ “Capt.: Calling beating anti-white was officer’s opinion,” and “We are not panicking,’ police chief says,” assured everybody the Cincinnati’s Violence Reduction Plan during Obama’s Summer of Racial Violence was really working.

         Then we heard Tuesday night’s Walnut Hills shooting was the third in 24 hours, and finally on Wednesday, Cincinnati Current Black Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell had somebody explain the big words in The Blower, and he’s now actually asking Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters to pursue “Hate Crime” charges in the Government Square attack that left a white man beaten and bloody on the Fourth of July.

         image012Better get working on the fourth version of your Violence Reduction Plan, Chief! Cincinnati’s looking more like Artis Conception’s Award Winning Photo Illustration of the Burning of Atlanta every day.

