Daily Archives: July 7, 2015

Special “Egregious Editorials” E-dition



More Fishwrap Flogging

image005image004At today’s meeting of The Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about some of the absolutely incredible headlines we’d seen in the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap during the past 24 hours.  We’ve already covered Rebecca ReButts’ “Capt.: Calling beating anti-white was officer’s opinion,” which got a lot of laughs, and “ ‘We are not panicking,’ police chief says,” which had people rolling in the aisle.

Even funnier was Monday’s “Yes, Fountain Square is Safe,” from the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap’s Idiotorial Board, which not a single one of them had the courage to sign–no fear of any John Hancock there, 

image005The Blower couldn’t agree more, unless some moron decides to facilitate a hip-hop concert for da City’s yoofs.  Then we all know there is a very high probability it will end in a riot and innocent white people in the area will be subjected to violent beatings or homicidal death!  Oh, and the police will have understaffed the event, according to The Liberal Agenda FishWrap.

So, tell us, Feckless FishWrappers, just how many officers should be employed to properly staff a hip-hop event for da City’s yoofs?  We all know you’ll be the first to call too many officers a racist overreaction by the police.  And you’ll even add a quote or two from the likes of Reverend Lynchmob and attorney Al Gerhardstein bashing the police for unequal treatment of da City’s yoofs.

By the way, how many of The Liberal Agenda FishWrap’s idiotoral board members took their children for a stroll on Fountain Square last Saturday night during the hip-hop concert?  NONE!  Enough of your Diversity Uber Alles bullshit!  Tell the whole story and tell the truth or shut the fuck up!

image005Speaking of minor problems at the Cincinnati Police Department, how about those three morons who got themselves arrested and had their police powers suspended after the department’s Internal Investigation Unit uncovered a cover-up. [READ THAT STORY HERE]

But reporters Cameron Knight and Patrick Brennan forgot to mention that Richard Sulfsted is a sergeant whose longtime nickname has been “Sergeant Softhead” – go figure!  The Blower wonders how his colleagues and fellow cops came up with such an appropriate title.  Perhaps, because this isn’t the first time he’s shoved his head completely up his own ass!

CPD Sources say Softhead is a “career dumbass.” There was never the question asking “if” he would screw up – it was always “when” he would do so.  Everyone should consider the damage these criminals in uniform have done to the rest of the department especially, at a time when there is widespread support for our officers, albeit, at the cost of Sonny Kim’s life.  The three of them deserve to sit in prison for their blatant abuse of authority and disrespect for the honest members of the Cincinnati Police Department.

And you can bet your sweet ass the dishonest thief sitting as president of the FOP will not criticize their actions. Rather, she’ll try to find a way to be supportive or remain neutral so as to let the process work!  What else would we expect from anyone who engages in blatant theft and perjury!

image032NOTE: As always, the news and editorial departments of properly run publications like The Blower do not coordinate coverage of news events and editorial opinion. We maintain a strict separation in staff and management, and all articles, columns, editorials, and contributions to The Whistleblower-Newswire are always subject to the same requirements of factual accuracy.image010image011