Daily Archives: July 6, 2015

Official “Post-Holiday Stress Disorder” E-dition


MONDAY, July 6, 2014

Now That The Official Fourth of July Holiday Weekend Is Finally Over…

Header-JULY 6 RACIAL HEALING The Blower can return to its customary eight-days-per-week schedule. Yesterday, when political insiders were sitting around the pool celebrating Independence Day at Charles Foster Kane’s estate, most members of the Conservative Agenda were asking if the other 364 days this year are still being called “Government Dependence Days” for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, during Obama’s Summer of Racial Violence we see being played out these days, like Saturday night’s mini-riot of Hugless-Thugs on Fountain Square ten days before Major League Baseball’s All Star Game where two Cincinnati Police Officers were injured. It was no BFD, however, since our Liberal Agenda Fishwrap only labeled the mob “unruly,” you know, just like a bunch of white kids from the suburbs.


image025And speaking of racial healing, Happy Fried Chicken Day, Everybody! After all, White Guys like Fried Chicken, too, when we can all enjoy crisp and tasty, finger licking good fried chicken. And we don’t care if it does make us sound slightly racist, our Freebie Gourmet says, “Popeye’s do make some fine chicken.” And wouldn’t you know, our Good Friend Bobby Leach says he’s always preferred big breasts.


image025But if you really want to be Politically Incorrect today, maybe you should also stop in at Chick-Fil-A, which was just chosen America’s Favorite Fast Food Place because America obviously doesn’t give a big rat’s ass what the Gay Mafia says.


image025So if you can only choose one fast food chicken place today, our Freebee Gourmet says you should choose which restaurant offers a larger discount today. Our PC Police might have a problem with that, because they claim it makes Freebee sound a little too Jewish.

image025Also on July 6 at Hamilton County RINO Headquarters, Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP is spamming everybody on his e-mail sucker’s list by forwarding a crappy fund-raising e-mail from the Republican National Committee, where you’re supposed to choose which “SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CARD” you want to send to George W. Bush today.


But the surprise will be on you, because when you click on your choice, the link takes you to a page where they’re hustling you for another $72 donation.

More Big Surprises Later in Tuesday’s E-ditionimage009image037