Special “Cincinnati Comedies” E-dition

Header-May 30 Cincinnati Comedies

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015

The Mockery Stars Here

image004According to Wikipedia, the Keystone Cops (often spelled “Keystone Kops”) were fictional incompetent policemen, featured in silent film comedies in the early 20th century. For similar entertainment these days, folks hereabouts are often amused watching the hilarious antics of the Cincinnati Police Department.

image022 - CopyRecently, Obama’s Racist Black Attorney General Loretta Lynchmob (replacing Obama’s Resigned-in-Disgrace Racist Black Attorney General Eric Holder) met with Cincinnati’s Black Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell when she came to town scouting locations for future riots. It was all part of Obama’s Divisive Racial Policy, falsely claiming to be an attempt to reform policing practices and improve frayed relations between law enforcement agencies and the minority community.

image022 - CopyMaybe the Justice Department had seen Blackwell (nicknamed “The Ghost” at CPD), appearing on CNN’s “Newsroom” program less than 24 hours after about all of 300 people gathered outside the Hamilton County Courthouse for this month’s media-orchestrated #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap protest in Downtown Cincinnati so The Fishwrap could call it a “REBELLION.” Blackwell was quoted saying, “The nation is speaking very loudly to us for us to change,” which was exactly the slanted quote CNN was looking for to support its Liberal narrative.

image022 - CopyThis week, when Cincinnati started to look like Baltimore after eight people were killed in ten days, Blackwell said he was “Disappointed and Upset.”

image022 - Copyimage006Then word came in Friday’s Fishwrap, Blackwell had once again conserved quitting, after reports surfaced that Blackwell had been handed resignation papers twice, but chose to stay on the job. Blackwell said he didn’t want to leave Cincinnati, but added he wouldn’t stay if he wasn’t wanted.

Our CPD Snitch (Probably not FOP President Kathy Harrell) says the command staff reports there is little, if any, direct communication between the chief and his command staff officers.  The trickle-down effect is, the assistant chiefs rarely speak to each other.  The only people who have consistent contact with Blackwell are Sgt. Julie Johnson and her brother, former Mallory body-guard, Scott Johnson, a.k.a., “Johnson & Johnson.”  Command officers report they receive their direction (or lack thereof) from Johnson & Johnson, in the form of, “Chief Blackwell said he wants you to…”  The obvious result is a total lack of direction within the Cincinnati Police Department.  Mid-level managers and police officers report being generally embarrassed by the sad state of affairs within the department.  Most members of the department describe the agency as, “a sinking ship!”

But in the meantime, let’s put Cincinnati Police Captain Maris Herold in charge. Her idea of pushing all of Cincinnati’s crime into Kentucky sounds like the best idea we’ve heard so far, and our Good Friend Kenton Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders says, no problem, and Terry “The Smiling Jailer Carl” has plenty of jail space.

image022 - CopyOther scuttlebutt you won’t find reported in The Fishwrap includes the former City Manager knowing he’d be fired as soon as Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley took office. Cranley told him not to fill the chief’s position, but the City Mangler and and Disgraced Dainty DemocRAT Ex-Mayor Mark Mallory pushed their personal agenda to piss off Cranley.  Blackwell was the least qualified of the finalist.  But most important he was the only black candidate left.

image022 - CopyObviously, the current Mayor and City Manager are completely out of touch with reality when it comes to the police department, and perhaps Blackwell should consider being a Community Organizer in his next career!

 And from The Sublime to the Ridiculous, (which means from something very serious to something very silly)

Greater Cincinnati DemocRATS held their first grassroots organizing event for Hillary Clinton’s campaign Saturday morning at the local Letter Carriers’ Union branch at 4100 Colerain Avenue that was totally ignored by the so-called Mainstream Media, but our Frumpy Hillary Impersonator was on hand.

More Sublime and Ridiculous Stories Laterimage012image013