SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015
But Now We’re Planning Our Golden Anniversary Celebration in 2040
Last night’s Whistleblower’s Silver Anniversary Celebration continued long into the night, marking 25 years since The Whistleblower’s very first edition was published on May 29, 1990, and Award Winning Illustrator Artis Conception shows us some of the people who’ve made our publication what it’s been over the last quarter century. How many can you name?
CONGRATULATIONS KEEP POURING IN: Our Sharonville Snitch said he appreciates the posting today of Whistleblower #1. He’ll never forget the GOP fury that was unleashed when he took Sharonville Mayor John Dowlin to the Board of Elections to take out petitions to run for County Commissioner. By the time they got back to Sharonville, Dowlin had four messages from top-level party members on his voice mail. Current Hamilton County Prosecutor (then Clerk of Courts) remembers it was years later that he earned his official “Jaywalking Joe” nickname in The Blower, because you’re noboy in The Blower until you’ve been given your Official Whistleblower Nickname. And Marge Schott said,”Just like Hitler, The Whistleblower was good in the beginning, but they just went too far.”
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1953 New Zealand beekeeper Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mt. Everest, but years later Hillary Clinton got caught lying when she claimed she’d been named for the famous mountain climber, since she was born in 1947, and at that time, nobody had ever heard of Sir Edmund, other than a few New Zealand bees.
MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Hillary’s “What difference at this point does it make?” In a related item, The Blower wonders if that Frumpy Hillary Impersonator will be on hand Saturday, when local Dumbed-Down DemocRATS plan to hold their first grassroots organizing event for Clinton’s campaign from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the local letter carriers’ union branch at 4100 Colerain Avenue.
TODAY’S LIBERAL LIARS are those three Stupid Streetcar Supporters on Cincinnati City Clown-cil, called out in a Fishwrap letter to the editor from our Disingenuous DemocRAT Double Dipping Hamilton County Auditor, who blasted P.G. Sitt-in-Spin for changing his position before the ink on the ballots was dry. David Mann changed his mind several weeks later, and Kevin Flynn switched after announcing a private foundation would underwrite a portion of the expected streetcar operating costs.
WHISTLEBLOWER SUMMER INTERN PROGRAM: May 29 was the final day to email
applications for the summer term which runs June 1 through August 21. Applicants must either be tri-state residents attending an accredited college or university in or outside of Ohio or Kentucky. Applicants must also have completed a full academic year by the end of the internship. Participants are expected to commit to a minimum of 20 hours per week of program-related work over the internship.
Applicants must also submit a 1,000-word-or-less essay on “Why it’s OK to Make Fun of Politicians.”
Applications can also be submitted for the fall term: August 25– November 14, 2015
BLUEGRASS BEREAVEMENT: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo reports James Comer is in mourning today after the Bluegrass Agriculture Secretary wimped out and conceded his 2015 Republican Gubernatorial Primary Race to TEA Party Guy Matt Bevan, after yesterday’s re-canvas showed Comer was still behind by a paltry 83 votes.
Meanwhile, The Blower can’t understand why there won’t be more news coverage about next week’s big Confederate Memorial Day celebration in Northern Kentucky.
Confederacy President Jefferson Davis was born on June 3, 1808 in Fairview, Kentucky. For those of you who don’t know where Fairview is, it’s near Hopkinsville, wherever in the hell that is.
Many people have never understood why so many people in Kentucky celebrate Confederate Memorial Day in the first place, since more Kentuckians fought for the Union than the CSA (100,000 to 40,000).
AND SINCE FRIDAY (MAY 30) IS ALSO OUR OFFICIAL MEMORIAL DAY, we have more marvelous meter from Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves.
Memorial Day has come and gone
We can now put on our white shoes
We’ll cook outside with barbecue
And drink up lots of booze.
The summer time is oh, so fine
With beetle bugs all swarming
Let’s hope we all don’t freeze our ass
From Al Gore’s global warming.
FINALLY AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were all getting ready to make their day be celebrating Clint Eastwood’s 85th Birthday tomorrow on May 31 and comparing some of their favorite Clint Eastwood quotes, like “I have a very strict gun control policy: if there’s a gun around, I want to be in control of it,” “A man’s got to know his limitations,” and “I tried being reasonable, I didn’t like it.”
Also, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane was amused by this Hollywood skywriter’s spacing problems when he tried to write “Happy Birthday, Clint.”
Sodomy Rites Update
Alternate Life-Styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis report this week Hyde Park School first-graders finished the school year at their “Big Gay Play Day,” or as they always call it at the Failed Cincinnati PC Schools, “Thursday.”Racial Healing Update
Sometimes Words Aren’t Even Necessary
e-mail your most marvelous methods to today.
Some interstate cooperating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally interstate cooperating subscribers, but we could always use more.
Whistleblower Muslim Video of the Day
Muslim world reacts to Obama’s latest speech – IPhoneConservative
(Sent in by our Muslim Snitch Mohammed Ackbar, Professor Emeritus at Farouk U. in Cairo, Illinois.
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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