Friday, May 15, 2015
More Bold and Unprecedented Action Expected!
The “Official Notice” from the Forrest Gump School Board says there’ll be a “double top secret special meeting” on Monday (May 18) at 7:00 AM to discuss personnel matters. Anxious Andersonians all remember their last Board Meeting when Board Members (Forest Heis, M.D.; Randy Smith; Jim Frooman; Julie Bissinger; and Tony Hemmelgarn) finally emerged from executive hiding and attempted to cover their asses for hiring “Smiling Dallas” Jackson in the first place.
Days later we received an e-mail in the spirit of open communication saying The Board wanted to keep us informed of recent developments within the district, and advised simply that Dr. Jackson would be “stepping aside as superintendent.”
Now everybody’s waiting to see if the Forrest Gump School Board continues to self-expose the roots of the Dallas Jackson Debacle.
Board President Randy Smith claimed personal responsibility for “bold and unprecedented action” in an email to concerned citizens (on the public record for anyone who wants to request it). Most agree that his and his associates’ (see below) long coverup of superintendent misbehavior was indeed “bold and unprecedented.”
Board Member Jim Frooman revealed in a “broadly disseminated email” (his description and also on the public record) that the school board’s main consideration in the dismissal of Dallas Jackson was in evading a lawsuit. Obviously, educational integrity takes a back seat to such things in the minds of these school board placeholders. It is unclear why Frooman seemed to be referring only to Jackson suing the school district while not mentioning harassed, bullied, and insulted teachers and employees, students suffering a compromised educational system, and voters misled into a school building plan that promises to be the board’s next scandal.
Board Vice President Tony Hemmelgarn still has no comment.
Board Member Forest Heis remains lost ever since The Fishwrap reported years ago that he “could not be found.” (Smith did not mention any “bold and unprecedented action” to find him nor has Frooman “broadly disseminated” any emails to enlist searchers and we have no idea what Hemmelgarn thinks about anything.)
So we see: The Dallas Jackson acorn fell close to the school board tree.
In character with recent “bold and unprecedented action,” the school board has yet to announce even a temporary replacement for their superintendent. The unavoidable question by over-taxed payers is going to be “So why are we funding this position if we can do without it?” (Over-Taxed Payers will be glad to know their jacked-up Second Half 2014 tax bills will be mailed May 27, 2015 and be due June 22, 2015.)
Inspired by leadership, other “bold and unprecedented action” is under consideration. The thinking is that if Jackson had to resign for unrepairable damage to his credibility, these four board members should be forced to resign as well. (Hang on for the giant sucking sound when the logic of that hits the board room.)
Somehow The Blower doesn’t think the purpose of Monday’s “double top secret special meeting” at 7:00 AM is to accept Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s generous offer to run the school district in his spare time, since with all The Blower’s snitches, Kane always seems to know more about what’s going in the district on than all the Board Members combined.