Daily Archives: April 23, 2015

Special “Angry Andersonian” Update

Header-April 23 Anderson Update

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Another Whistleblower Joke That Turned Out To Be a Prediction

image004Last Friday, The Blower was making this little joke in our “Angry Andersonian” E-dition about Forest Hills Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson (No relation to Anderson Township Trustee “In Russ We Trust” Jackson), who had been nominated last year in the 2014 Whistleblower “Turkey of the Year Contest” now reportedly being the subject of an internal investigation, and Forrest Gump School Board President Randy Smith, who was not nominated, not confirming whether an investigator had been hired to look into the situation.

image007Last week on Magnum, P.I.:  45244, Blower scriptwriters even made up a story about Magnum investigating a strong-arm superintendent who schemed to raise grades in his son’s class so his son qualified for an award after Teachers at Turpin decided to report it to the school board. It was only a joke. Don’t you even know a joke when you hear it?

Because to what to our wondering eyes did appear on the front page of Wednesday’s Forest Hills Urinal— but a breathlessly reported story about the Forrest Gump School Board’s investigation of Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson. Coincidence? We think not.

image008In this week’s Magnum, P.I. 45244 episode, Magnum continues his investigation, discovering several football players getting caught drinking during season including the Superintendent’s son.  Some were suspended but the Superintendent’s son continued to play. There were rumors that the son was somehow involved in the football field “penis incident.”  There was a question whether a school board member would recuse himself because of his close friendship and social interactions with the Superintendent.

image012The Superintendent’s illegal levy campaign tactics included using district personnel, materials, and funds to promote a bond levy, along with his own district time being spent promoting the levy (see picture of him in wig with sign campaigning on Beechmont Avenue).There were reports of bullying teachers to sign a petition in support of the levy on school property on school time. As well as bullying district employees and committees during development of building plans to steer planning outcome. There was deliberately steering plans and allocating funds to benefit schools near his neighborhood in order to raise property values of his own home and those of his school board supporters also living in that area.

image010There were reports of lies told to promote the levy that oversold the quality of renovation work that could be done with the money (now being proven in actual shortcuts and changes in the plans as are the grossly mis-allocated renovation work). There were even numerous bullying incidences involving central office employees, withholding and delaying of information releases to public requests to minimize impact of adverse facts during the levy campaigns and his bullying incident, his systematic misuse of his position and authority, along with publicly bullied a pregnant mother in writing who tried to provide facts to the public he was withholding about the shortcomings of his bond levy plan, not to mention the Superintendent’s unusually numerous and lengthy trips at school district expense.

The script for next week’s Magnum, P.I. 45244 episode might even include the Superintendent’s resignation because all this stuff we made up was just the tip of the iceberg. Some board members heads should roll, too, because they put him in and protected him, along with Anderson Trustee Josh Gerth who speaking at rallies in favor of that Humongous $103 million Forrest Gump School District Tax Hike that will really cost dumbed-down voters $170 million.


Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially, any-or-all of the folks mentioned in this exclusive report. 
