Daily Archives: March 15, 2015

— Official “Wearin’ of the Green” Issue —

Header-March 16

Monday, March 16, 2015

Snakes Alive!

image004 - Copyimage004If only Saint Patrick were alive tomorrow, he could stop in at the White House, Congress, your State House, every city hall and courthouse in the tri-state, and especially at Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters, the Anderson Government Center, and the Forrest Gump School District, where we need to get rid of some of the biggest snakes in history. And if he could a couple of spare minutes, he could also do something about the League of Women Vipers. He could’ve always stop by on Thursday night to see who shows up at the Anderson Township Trustees meeting for old times sake, too. And with a wave of his staff, he could give this traditional Irish Blessing, and what a wonderful world it would be:

        image006 - Copy“May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. The rains fall soft upon your fields, and, until we meet again, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!”

 image004Hurley the Historian says tomorrow will officially be St. Patrick’s Day in Greater Cincinnati. That’s when people of Irish descent will have too much to drink, or as former Cincinnati Mayor Quisling Charlie Luken calls it, “Tuesday.” Quisling wants to make St. Patrick’s Day a real holiday, where people who drink too much can stay home and get paid for their hangovers. Charlie Windbag was having his volunteers call around to find 10 white people to march with him in the St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday to try to offset the 6,432 black people he already had coming. Downtown street vendors were selling Shamrock bracelets made of pure Irish gold. How could you tell? Your arm turned green as soon as you put them on. 

image007 - Copyimage004In Washington, our DC Newbreaker says St. Patrick’s Day just hasn’t been the same in Congress since Defeated, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-And-Paid-For, Tax-And-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-In-A-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt wouldn’t be there without her makeup.

image009 - CopyWith only 675 more days remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless he’s impeached or decides to run for a third term, Senior National Political Analyst Britt Humus reports Barack Hussein Obama, still claiming he has Irish heritage too, has officially changed the spelling of his last name to “O’bama,” but just for St. Patrick’s Day.

But already today, Goof Doofus has been forced to apologize one more time for suggesting Barack was “Black Irish.”   

image004And who’ll ever forget our Saint Patrick’s Day “Obama Song,” made famous during the 2008 campaign?

image004Will our Feckless Fishwrappers still be complaining today that all those Irish gay and lesbian activists were banned from Cincinnati’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, along with Degenerate DemocRATS on Cincinnati City Clown-cil, who would’ve tried to get more publicity by boycotting the parade to show their support for our Fabulous Fishwrappers proclaim makes our community great?

image011 - Copyimage004And even though it’s Lent, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s next door neighbor Archbishop Dennis Schnurr says Catholics on the North Shore can eat corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick’s Day, and Bishop Foys (Rhymes with Boys) in Covington says it’s OK for priests to beat their meat too, because this year St. Patrick’s Day is not on a Friday. Bill Cunningham says meat served at his Willie’s Sports Café that closed last year on November 30 sometimes appeared to be traditional emerald green, but it was always mostly hepatitis-free.

image004Meanwhile, Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl says, “It’ll be seconds on green baloney sandwiches at both lunch and dinner at the Kenton County Escape Center tomorrow,” and Our Good Friend, Kenton Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders says Eric ‘Call Me Crazy,’ Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Won’t They Let Me Practice Law Again, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters will be green with envy and that Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy “Crazy Eric” (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) must all be Irish, because they certainly know how to hold a grudge.

image012 - Copyimage004Kevin “Mad Mick” Murphy says on St. Patrick’s Day, women who get drunk at bars on Mainstrasse should still expose their breasts, or else they could always enter WEBN’s Saint Patrick’s Day Wet T-Shirt Contest.  Phyllis on Madison says Horny in Hebron always asks for a “Hibernian,” if you know what we mean.

image004Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says former IRA terrorists will be ringing the Peace Bell in Newport, and history buffs like Whistleblower Presidential Scholar in Residence Patrick Maloney will celebrate that time in 1866 when members of the Fenian movement planned to invade Canada, and hold it hostage till the British agreed to grant Ireland its freedom, but local lovers of Ireland realized the cause was doomed, got roaring drunk, and headed for California instead.  

image013 - Copyimage004The Blower remembers last year’s Gay St. Patrick’s Day parade in Northside, where Lesbian Leprechauns said the best part was watching Erin go bra-less.

And we all remember at the City Hall Circus, when Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory had Scotty throw out the first homophobe Hibernian, and Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback sent out Gay Tweets while prancing in the parade.

image014 - CopySome folks liked painting their faces green and drinking green beer in public. Others liked doing gay Irish dances.

Senator Rob “Fighting for Fagelas” Portman was marching and Sodomy Rites Activists Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis tried to show everybody their shillelaghs.

Jim TarBall said he wasn’t totally gay, he just dresses that way. And homophobe Steve Chabot’s hair waved in the breeze as he marched by. Many people thought the follically challenged Congressman would be wearing a furry green bowler, but it was only his latest comb-over colored green.

image015 - CopyBud Fugger of Northside says he used to like it when Sheriff Si Leis’ bagpipers marched over a ventilation grate and the air blew up their kilts so horny homos could see their balls.

image016 - Copyimage004The Rhymin’ Reverends once again boycotted the event. Former Local NAALCP President SMLP Smithermouth said police would be racially profiling all the Black Irish who wanted to participate. One of WLW Hate Radio racists-in-residence who is not a Person-of-Consequence said it was because they don’t like being called “Irish Jigs.”

image017 - Copyimage004What’s the biggest difference between Black History Month and St. Patrick’s Day? On St. Patrick’s Day everybody wants to be Irish, even Jews from Amberley and Hispanics from Lower Price Hill.

image018 - Copyimage004What’s the difference between St. Patrick’s Day and an Irish wake? One less drunk.

image004Why do the Irish always drink so much? Have you ever tasted crappy Irish food?

image004At today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders asked Charles Foster Kane to give his favorite Irish Toast, which just happened to be our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher’s goal in life: “May you die in bed at ninety-five years, shot by a jealous husband.” Whistleblower Quote for Today Committee, take note.

image020Kane also introduced The Blower’s latest silly video, released just in time for Saint Patrick’s Day. This one was paid for by The Committee to Elect Persons of Consequence.     

What’s Irish Alzheimer’s? That’s where you forget everything but your grudges. Around here, our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher calls it the Whistleblower Motto.

image021image004Now we have some special St. Patrick’s Day poems from Bunky O’Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, from his latest book, “Love Poems for the Horny Hibernians”:

Today is St. Patrick’s Day
When it’s chic to wear green
And the girlies all dye their thongs
In hopes that they’ll be seen.

An Irishman is a lover
A sex-ridden horny old elf.
His idea of foreplay?
“Get ready and brace yourself!”

Everyone is an Irishman
On each St. Patrick’s Day
But you should ask yourself—
Would you want to stay that way?

The smart ones got out of Ireland
To start a whole new life.
The dumb ones stayed at home
For days of toil and strife.

The Irish hold a parade
To celebrate St. Paddy’s Day.
They drink the city dry
And then there’s hell to pay.

image022image004Finally, we have another crappy Irish toast:
May the road ahead be straight and smooth
May all your troubles pass.
May all your friends bring you cheer
And the wind blow up your ass.

image004Today’s issue is brought to you by a generous donation from Hap’s Irish Pub, where you can still get drunk on your ass today even if you’re not Irish.

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 e-mail your corny beefs today.


In Anderson Township, Trustee “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says the Anderson Park Board has just adopted this “Duffy, the Lucky Leprechaun,” for its “Greenspace Program.”


Vile-and-disgusting pictures from Anderson like the one above were sent in by our equally vile-and-disgusting subscribers from Anderson, like the one above from former overpaid administrator Henry D. Olive.

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Now award-winning illustrator Artis Conception shows us someone you might see at the Gay St. Patrick’s Day Parade.


 Whistleblower St. Patrick’s Day Videos 

Funny St. Patrick’s Day Commercial

image028(Sent in by Women’s History Month Faux Facebook Friend Vivacious Sandy O’Brien [485 Friends, 53 Mutual] remembers when The Blower supported her run for statewide office, whenever the hell that was)


Happy St. Paddy’s Day

 Kiss Me, I’m Irish

Crappy St. Patrick’s Day

 Conan O’Brien celebrates St. Patrick’s Day

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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  Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here 


image031Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially the winner of the Whistleblower’s 2015 Backstabber of the Year Award.