Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Because Their Dishonesty is Contagious
OUR STUPID LIBERAL LIAR AWARD COMMITTEE says the Obama Administration really hit the trifecta yesterday. First, Obama’s White House Propaganda Minister Josh Earnest said “Climate Change is a bigger threat to America than Terrorism.”
At the State Department, Jen Psaki backed Earnest’s “random” talking point, claiming Jews “Were Not Specifically Targeted” during the Muslim Terrorist Attack on that Kosher Deli in Paris.
Then Obama Advisor David AxelDouche admitted in his new book (Believer: My Forty Years in Politics) that Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election campaign to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons.
Not that any of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, would give a big rat’s ass!
- MORE LIBERAL LIARS: In a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Monday, Obama said he believed a deal with Iran on nuclear weapons was possible because Supreme Leader Khamenei said it would be “contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.” Hold tight, AMERICA. Our President is “Certifiably insane!”
In a related item, NBC News Liar Brian Williams told an audience at Temple University last year that he hasn’t just seen “dead people,” he’s seen “thousands of dead people.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 2006, former Vice President Dick Cheney shot 78-year-old Texas attorney Harry Whittington while quail hunting on a ranch in Texas. What are the chances our Bush Bashers in the Press remember to mention that today
OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE says that’s why we chose Cheney’s “Direct threats require decisive action.”
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Disgraced DemocRAT Former Ohio Gayvenor Ted Strickland is going to run for Ohio’s U.S. Senate seat currently held by Republican Rob “Fighting for Same Sex Marriage” Portman. Alternate Life-styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis says Sodomy Rites Activists don’t know who they’ll support, and they didn’t even mention P.J. Sitt-in-Spin. Now let’s watch the Republicans welcome Ted back to Ohio.
In a related item, Citizens for Community Values President Phil Burr-ass says GOP House Speaker Boehner is disappointing Conservatives these days by not advocating traditional marriage. So what else is new?
FROM THE WHISTLEBLOWER ARCHIVES: Twenty-four years ago this week, when Edition #37 (published on February 12, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town, anti-war protesters were besides themselves for not being advised of Jane Fonda’s visit to Cincinnati the previous week. Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel says the Celebrity Traitoress was in town visiting her future mother-in-law.
Also that week, there was a discount coupon for Republican Clown-cilman Nick Vehr, many years before he ever thought of flim-flamming local leaders with his Phony Baloney 2012 Olympics bid.
Are you sure The Nickster wasn’t advising Alex T. about his own flim-flammery for donations supposedly to bring the 2016 Republican National Convention to the Queen City?
You can see that entire edition HERE.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES says in an article co-authored by a “Krista Ramsey,” named Jim Tarbell their 2014 Winner of the Year for losing to Commissioner Chris Monzel by over 50%. Their runner-up is equally impressive.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ALERT: And just in time for #IF BLACK LIVES REALLY MATTER HISTORY MONTH, Feckless Fishwrapper Amber Hunt can’t stop whining about the exact number of Black employees in Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neal’s department. [READ MORE HERE] Some fools believe if only you could balance the racial makeup of police departments with that of the communities they serve and all will magically be AOK! This, of course, ignores all the other factors that lead to crime, disorder, and other social ills. How in the world do you address such foolish theorists? Many Amber should start by counting all those Black faces on The Fishwrap staff to see how that number compares to the same demographics Amber cites for the City of Cincinnati: “2010 Census data indicates 48 percent white, 45 percent black, 3 percent Hispanic and 2 percent Asian.”
And Alexander Coolidge complains because Duke Energy cuts off electricity to 13% of its customers, twice Ohio’s average. Maybe it’s because those customers are a bunch of deadbeats. Just wait till we become the Marijuana Capital of Ohio after voters pass a Constitutional Amendment that would allow pot farms in Hamilton, Butler, and Clermont Counties and drug heads from all over the state migrate to Southwest Ohio. Tokers in Kentucky and Indiana will finally have a reason to visit Cincinnati.
RACIAL INJUSTICE UPDATE: Remember when only four Pathetic Protesters were able to get themselves on TV by demonstrating at a Walmart store in Beavercreek that closed the store for four hours on the Saturday before Christmas? Now comes this story in The Onion about how despite being the beneficiary of numerous societal advantages and having faced little to no major adversity throughout his life, local man Travis Benton has spent the last four years squandering his white male privilege on a sales floor job at Best Buy. [YOU CAN READ THAT STORY HERE]
ANGRY ANDERSONIANS say the Coalition to Save Johnson Park claims the way the data was manipulated to promote Global Warming sounds a lot like results of that bogus survey the Anderson Park Board used to justify their false claims and make our pristine park look really crappy. Critics complain the survey that was conducted by the Anderson Township Park Board was supposed to determine what features the public wanted at Johnson Hills Park. Unfortunately, there were only SIXTEEN responses, and those came from only THIRTEEN families. In addition, the data from those surveys demonstrated a clear lack of support for the majority of the features proposed by the Park Board. Were critics really denied the opportunity to voice their opinions at Tuesday night’s meeting? It might’ve been fun to watch the melee on Anderson Community TV.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says You might’ve thought Thomas Massie was a bit of a nerd if you read his guest column in the Louisville Courier Journal about the recent Northern Kentucky Regional First LEGO League Robotics tournament, but that’s probably because you didn’t know that our Bluegrass Republican Congressman graduated from MIT with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. According to his congressional office, Massie invented a technology that enabled people to interact with computers using their sense of touch, and leveraged that technology to found SensAble Technologies Inc., which created 70 jobs and obtained 29 patents. The “haptic” software and hardware he invented is used to design automobiles, jewelry, shoes, dental prosthetics, and even reconstructive implants for wounded soldiers. And you thought our favorite Boehner Blaster was only a TEA Party Patriot!
- AND FROM BOONDOGGLE COUNTY: The bus driver who spent 20 years driving for the County schools died of a heart attack last Thursday while warming up his bus at Stephens bus yard. The family asked the transportation department if they could have his bus parked at the funeral home lot during his viewing and. At first they were told “NO,” but then the transportation department turned around and charged the family for a FIELD TRIP BUS CHARGE. How disgraceful was that? It seems to be all about the money in Boondoggle County!
- FINALLY, TODAY’S EDITION MIGHT BE POSTED A LITTLE LATER THAN WE WOULD’VE LIKED, since Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane was returned returning from a Bribe Lunch at Belterra Park Gaming and Entertainment Center in Anderson, where amazingly, none of the Big Shots at Belterra had ever heard of Anderson Trustees Andy Pappas, Josh Gerth, or “In Russ We Trust” Jackson ever since Belterra’s grand opening party when the thirsty trustees showed up for free drinks.
PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was pilfered from only one websites for the production of today’s Blower. (This time we only plagiarized ourselves!)
Some political pummeling items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political pummeling subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Published on Jan 30, 2015: Al Sharpton has declared an emergency meeting of his Diversity Panel since all of this year’s Best Actor / Actress and Best Supporting Actor / Actress nominees are white. In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows the history of this Racial Racket Ball, leading back to its inventor, Jesse Jackson. It’s a long, long way from these racial grievance hustlers to the subject of SELMA.
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.