Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Cheaters Never Prosper, Except When They Win
At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were congratulating Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane for predicting Obama Supporters in the Press would be able to continue making a bigger deal out of “Deflate-Gate” than all of Obama’s Scandals combined up beyond the Super Bowl.
Is cheating rewarded in America? Media and Culture Blogger Darryl Parks says, “YOU BETCHA! Whether one cheats at cards, on their taxes, when playing sports or on a test, we’ve all done it. And if you deny it, you’re a liar too.” [READ MORE HERE]
At the Fiscal Times, Edward Morrissey says, “Cheating has gone mainstream in America today. We expect people to cheat on their taxes, to cheat on freeway speed limits, to barge into line without challenge. We no longer feel surprised when people cheat in business, sports, in their personal life, and in politics.”
Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor says Seattle Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll had a ready list of excuses for blowing the Super Bowl game. He had the ball second down at the one yard line but chose to pass. The pass was intercepted and the Seahawks lost. NO ONE except Pete feels this was the right call. Trying to figure out Pete’s excuse is like listening to most politicians. I do not know what his reasoning was but I know he was wrong. How stupid was that play call? It was so stupid, it turned out like one of Obama’s foreign policy decisions.
Troublemaking Tailgater Tino Delgato wonders who had the worst day on Super Bowl Sunday? Pete Carroll Seattle Seahawks lost the Super Bowl with 20 seconds left in part due to a Bad Coaches call. Warren Sapp lost his job at NFL Network due to soliciting a prostitute and being arrested. Pete will still have his multi-million dollar job next year. Warren Sapp will have to get a real job as he has a lot of Child Support to pay. The Bigger question is what is Warren Sapp qualified to do? He may change the spelling of his last name to SAP. Go Figure!!!
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: On this date in 1789, the first U.S. president was elected by a real landslide when George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, got all 69 presidential electors’ votes, but we’re sure Obama would never remember this correctly when trying to impress some NBC InfoBabe on TV.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE says maybe that’s why we chose GW’s “I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent.” —Our Quote for Today Committee
- OBAMA’S GROUNDHOG DAY BUDGET: Monday, Obama sent his $4 Trillion Tax, Spend, and Borrow Dead-on-Arrival Budget to Congress so he can fear monger when he accuses the GOP of being unwilling to compromise. Keep in mind he’s never willing to come half way on any of the issues in the first place, this time or in the past. The Blower remembered how his Obama’s 2013 Budget was defeated in the Senate 99-0. In 2012, it was only defeated 97-0.
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Ohio RINO Party Chairman Matt Borges is cheering GOP Governor Kasich-Taylor’s proposed 2016-17 state budget. Which part did he like, increasing the Sales Tax in Hamilton County to 7.5%, or increasing Medicaid premiums?
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Beginning our coverage of “If Black Lives Really Mattered History Month,” Channel 19 reported one of those “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” Protesters involved in the Racial Rally that shut down I-75 on November 25 pleaded guilty last week. Our Sarcastic Sage says, “Judge Mallory’s “time-served” sentence will really keep people from doing something like that in the future!” Still, nine days in jail is more severe punishment than most people get for low level felony charges. Very unusual punishment for a DC charge though it really wasn’t meted out by Judge Mallory. And our Compassionate Conservative thought it was great they had to sit in jail for Thanksgiving!
Compassionate also liked that Sob Story in Monday’s Fishwrap about Poor Shateka Mooney and her two children living with her grandfather ’cause the house she was getting FREE failed to pass CMHA’s inspection. Maybe Shateka needs to stay with grandpa. He wouldn’t put up with her shit for gettin’ pregnant twice and not being able to afford her own place to live. The Fishwrap makes it sound like we are all responsible for the failure in the “FREE it’s for ME” situation. Water leaks, mold and broken windows would make us get our act together and get out of Dodge. Three and four generations of living on the dole has got to stop. Poor Shateka needs to go to Planned Parenthood and get neutered. It’s alright to say Spay and Neuter for animals it should be alright to say the same for human beings. Even the Pope says you shouldn’t breed like rabbits.
Meanwhile at Monday night’s Clifton Community Council Meeting, folks were all upset about the Deer Population in City Parks. The Hunters had a great solution for deer overpopulation, but we liked the Liberal Lady who wanted to pass out condoms for the rutting stags during mating season.
- OUR GAY WAY TODAY: The Gay Flag at Cincinnati City Hall was lowered to half staff this week after Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s Sodomy Rites Newsletter caused an “internal riff” in his department last week. Our FOP Snitch (probably not Kathy Harrell) says, “It’s just another example of how very much he is out of touch with the duties and responsibilities of his position as chief of police.
- LEAVE IT TO DEVER couldn’t find enough (or maybe any) of his deep pocket TEA Party supporters in his district to kick-start his re-election campaign efforts and to hear about his first month as a new State Rep-Tile, so he’s having a crappy cocktails-and-appetizers fund-raiser at Via Vite in Downtown Cincinnati. Surely he and his buddy the Mall Cop will find a few $1,000 Gold Level Sponsors willing to pay the price.
- Bush 41’s War in the Gulf was still going on twenty-four years ago this week, when Edition #36 (published on February 5, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. Here are some of the items. See if you recognize any of the names. [YOU CAN READ THAT ENTIRE EDITION HERE]
WE HOPE YOU DIDN’T FORGET: Payment for your Hamilton County Property Taxes had to be post-marked by midnight ON Monday, and tax preparers all over Hamilton County were busy all weekend helping over-taxed property owners complete their complicated tax forms. And it’s no wonder, since some people’s property taxes are included with their mortgage payments, and they never actually see how much they’re paying for those fools in schools and all those other taxes that are included. That’s why The Blower always says everybody should have to write a really big check on Property Tax Day, and they should hold elections on the same day people have to pay for all those taxes.
First, there are school taxes. Could you ever believe you ever approved paying that much for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, walking around these days? The next big piece goes to the City, Village, or Township where you live. Then come all your other taxes for such things as a Joint Vocational School (wherever the hell that is), County General Fund, Public Library, Family Service/Treatment, Health and Hospital Care for the Indigent, Mental Health Levy, Development Disabilities, Park District, Crime Information Center, Children Services, Senior Services, Cincinnati Zoo so they don’t kill all the elephants, and the Museum Center.
It’s a shame we don’t have an effective local “Anti-Tax” Organization to talk about such things, and our good friend Bunky Tadwell (the Bard of Cleves) says, “The worst part about your property taxes is that they never seem to go down, and never does anybody else I know.”
Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering says, “If you forgot to use one of those new 49-cent postage stamps when you mailed in your Jacked-Up Taxes and your payment was returned due to insufficient postage, our Disingenuous DemocRAT Double-Dipping DemocRAT Obama-loving County Auditor will still publish your name in The Fishwrap, along with all those other deadbeats.”
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the current Bridge plan is good, i.e. refurbish the Brent Spence Bridge for I-71 traffic and build a new bridge for I-75. The Federal Government needs to handle their “required” 80% share via the Gas Excise tax. Ohio and KY can share the remaining 20% evenly. Tolls will pay the rest. Drivers registered in two Northern KY Counties (Campbell and Kenton) and Hamilton County in Ohio should be exempt from the tolls. With gas prices around $2 this might be a good time to raise the excise gas tax temporarily to assist on this effort. But please no more studies, committees or political grandstanding.
On the other hand, Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin says: Build a suspension bridge overhead from the top of “Kill Hill” on the Northern KY side to somewhere north of, probably, Ezzard Charles Drive — a long, slow descent to I -75, with a graceful arc connecting to I-71 somewhere, probably, north of Reading Road. Leave the old Brent Spence Bridge in place and maintain it for local traffic. Limit the number of ramps on to and off of the new bridge so through traffic could move swiftly — 60-70 mph all the way. And make the new suspension bridge LOOK GOOD. Is all this do-able? Of course! [TAKE A LOOK]
Meanwhile, The Blower says, didn’t Obama claim he was going to fix all that when he campaigned in front of the Brent Spence Bridge in 2011?
FINALLY, OUR STUPID LIBERAL LIAR AWARD COMMITTEE is having a problem these days telling the difference between some of the Lies Liberals tell and some of the things Liberals say that are just plain stupid. An example of a Liberal Lie would be when a Lib Rag like the Daily Beast claims Mike Huckabee is a “Christian Wahhabist” trying to force “Christian Sharia Law” on America.
But something a Liberal said that is just plain stupid would be when Hollywood Moonbat Ashley Judd says Hillary Clinton is the “Most Overqualified Candidate Since Thomas Jefferson Or George Washington.”
PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was pilfered from only one websites for the production of today’s Blower. (This time we only plagiarized ourselves!)
E-mail your unfaithful utterances today.
Some cheating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally cheating subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Andrew Klavan: Attack of the But-Heads!
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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