Monday, January 26, 2015
The Flipper and the Gipper
At this weekend’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were already asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about The Blower’s plans for our early February E-ditions, following our upcoming coverage of Obama’s Annual State of Disunion Speech on Tuesday, that George Will called “As undignified as it is unedifying and unnecessary” last year in his Washington Post column about Obama’s Vulgar State of the Union Circus.
“That’s Super Bowl XLIX between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New Englad Patriots and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seathawks,” exclaimed Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy Furball, “there’s nothing in the world more important than that, especially with all that ‘Deflate-Gate’ hype going on.”
“Not so,” countered Hurley the Historian, “on February 2, not only will it be Groundhog Day, but in Hamilton County, it will also be the deadline for property owners to pay their Jacked-Up Property Taxes, because our Disingenuous Double-Dipping DemocRAT Auditor still hasn’t explained how his office came up with your “Fair Property Values.”
“Don’t forget February 6,” interrupted Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady. Ronald Reagan’s Birthday is the Holiest Day of the Year for all Conservatives in America. Just think about how all those other so-called Conservative publications and web pages will be exploiting The Gipper that week to increase their circulations and sell their crappy products.”
“How about combining the events,” Kane suggested, “Just before the Super Bowl kickoff, a tribute to Reagan could be displayed on the giant scoreboard at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. There ought to be a big enough audience for that.”
But other folks exploiting Ronald Reagan during the next eleven days will be those Obama Supporters in the Press trying to compare Obama with The Gipper? Can anything be more ridiculous than that cover of Time Magazine, attempting to portray Obama as the successor to the greatest Republican president of the 20th century?
Doesn’t anybody recall where Obama’s ghostwritten autobiography said how much he hated Reagan and his followers? Obama said one of the reasons he wanted power was to do away with what Reagan had accomplished. Commenting about Time’s cover, last year Mark Finkelstein of Newsbusters wrote:
“What a difference a shellacking makes.” Obama continues to look more like Jimmy Carter every day.
And how outraged was Rush Limbaugh at all of this? Check out this notable quote: “If Reagan were alive today watching all this, for crying out loud, folks, he’d wished he’d had Alzheimer’s so he wouldn’t be aware of what’s going on and see what’s been done to his legacy and the great work that he did as president.”
And a Washington Times editorial said: one of the least credible tales to come out of President Obama’s fantasy ideological makeover was the story that he was modeling his presidency on Ronald Reagan’s. Just to keep this preposterous public relations ploy in perspective, we have compiled a handy list to remind people how little these two men have in common:
Reagan: Fostered national pride in the military.
Obama: Fostered gay pride in the military.
Reagan: We begin bombing in five minutes.
Obama: We begin golfing in five minutes.
Reagan: Made big government a bad word.
Obama: Made big government a bad dream.
Reagan: A shining city on a hill.
Obama: A home mortgage under water.
Reagan: Just say no.
Obama: Yes we can!
Reagan: Stood up to the Soviets.
Obama: Bowed to the Saudis.
Reagan: “Tear down this wall.”
Obama: Tearing down this country.
Reagan: “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”
Obama: Concentrated power has always been the objective.
Reagan: Put labor unions in their place.
Obama: Put labor unions in charge.
Reagan: National health care is socialism.
Obama: National health care is socialism.
Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
Obama: We are that generation.
Reagan: Morning in America.
Obama: Mourning for America.
[For more comparisons on that list, CLICK HERE]
So maybe that’s why our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher said, “If there’s anyone Obama should bow to, it should be Reagan.”
PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was pilfered from a mere 428 different websites for the production of today’s Blower.
More Conservative Agenda Reagan-Obama E-Cards
E-mail us your comparisons and contrasts today.
Some Reaganite items in today’s Blower were sent in by our Reaganite subscribers, but we could always use more.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Reagan Vs. Obama – Social Economics 101
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.