Tuesday, January 20, 2014
Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers
Can you believe, some voters in Divided America actually plan to follow Obama’s State of Dis-Union speech tonight, but those same voters acknowledge that presidents generally don’t accomplish most of what they promise in their annual addresses to the nation. —Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen
- Do you think Obama will thank me for all I’ve done to improve Race Relations during his administration? —Obama’s #1 Race Baiter Al Sharpton
- Leading black members of Congress took to a church pulpit in Ferguson, Missouri, on Sunday to trace a direct link from Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy to the fight for criminal justice reform after recent fatal police shootings across the U.S. —Your “Liberals Tell the Stupidest Lies” Award Committee
After laying out a laundry list of expensive, polarizing and divisive liberal proposals, what makes Obama think a Republican-controlled House and Senate would entertain those stupid ideas when the Congress with DemocRATS in the majority wouldn’t even consider them? —Bob Schieffer on Sunday’s CBS News’ Face The Nation
- Thank goodness for cable stations and DVR’s. so every channel you turn to won’t have Obama’s face on it. Only one more BO address to go after tonight. They are going to build his presidential library in his native land as soon as they find out where that is. Go Figure!!! —Tino Delgato
- Maybe that’s why we chose Dick Gregory’s, “Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten.” —Your Quote for Today Committee
- Here’s a video of the rehearsal for Obama’s State of Disunion Address tonight. —Your DC Newsbreaker
In tonight’s State of Disunion Speech tonight, Obama plans to warn Congress that he plans use his executive powers to continue to ignore them if they don’t give him everything he wants. — Obama’s White House Propaganda Minister Josh Earnest
We’ll be watching Obama’s State of Dis-Union Speech tonight to find out more about all that free stuff Obama keeps promising us. —Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Him In The White House—Twice
- On this date in 1977, President Gerald R. Ford pardoned “Tokyo Rose.” And who says Republicans aren’t compassionate? —Hurley the Historian
I should’ve known that bartender was trying to poison me when he served me TEA. —Republican House Speaker John Boehner
- Will Republicans in Southwest Ohio be watching to see how many times we stand and clap for Obama tonight? —Congressmen Chabothead and WenSchmidt
- When should we announce our primary opponent for WenSchmidt especially after he gave our Chairman Howard Hines the big blow off in The Fishwrap last week, that has given us two years to raise money and campaign? —Clermont County Central Committee
- Speaking of bitches, at least “Mean Jean” Schmidt won’t be there to embarrass us this year. —Clermont Cronies
Will Republicans in Northern Kentucky be watching to see if I turn my back on Obama when he enters the House Chambers tonight? —Congressman Thomas Massie
- Everybody will be watching to see if Obama gives a shout out to that home-grown Tri State Terrorist Christopher Lee Cornell (also known as Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah) we’re entertaining these days. —Boondoggle County Jailer Ed Prindle
- We had him in our hoosegow first but didn’t think other guests were showing him the proper respect, so we transferred him to Kentucky where those rednecks would know how to treat him right. —Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones
- We’ve invited all of our friends to join us to watch Obama’s 2016 Campaign Rally Speech tonight. —Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose
- I will be hosting a State of the Union party tonight at 9:00 PM. Drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and barf bags will be provided. BYO rotten fruit. No firearms, please. RSVP. —John “No Left Turns in Goshen” Joseph
The DemocRAT Party used my 51st birthday on Saturday to raise money, so now I’m paying the party back with a new fundraising email promoting my husband’s State of the Dis-Union Address to ask for checks up to $2,000. —Michelle Obama
- We understand Republicans will be announcing their Amnesty Plan this week. —Moises, Julio, Alfredo, and Jose
- Now that the Supreme Court will be ruling on the constitutionality of same sex marriage this year, we hope Ohio Senator Rob Portman will wait to perform those gay marriages he had been planning for after the Disunion Speech. —Whistleblower Alternative Lifestyles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis
- Should I wear my military uniform when I deliver the Republican Response to Obama’s State of Disunion Address? —Iowa Soldier Senator Joni Ernst
- We’ll all be firing our AK-47s in the air during Rand Paul’s Response to the TEA Party. —NRA Members
On Chinese New Year’s Day, will anybody remember to send them a New Year’s card instead of our interest payment on the $1.3 Trillion we owe? —American Over-Taxed Payers
- Governor Steve BeSheared wonders why he didn’t get this much publicity when he gave his State of the Commonwealth Address earlier this month. —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
- What I want to know is, if the state of the union is supposed to be so great, how come everything is so lousy? —“Trish the Dish,” Channel 19 News
- I always wear my afro wig to celebrate Martin Luther King’s Birthday. —Jack Atherton, TV5 News
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PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was pilfered from only 643 different websites for the production of today’s Blower.
— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer—
Sometimes The Blower ridicules bogus bipartisanship to show that bi-partisanship of any kind is not appropriate in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t trying to act like a bi-partisan on TV.
Disclaimer: This publication is sometimes a work of fiction, but it may still contain inappropriate remarks and unsupported personal attacks, especially shameless politicians trying to get their wrinkled faces on TV at tonight’s State of the Union Address.
e-mail your state-of-the-disunion shots and sips today
Some State of Dis-union items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally State of Dis-union subscribers.
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – 2014 State Of The Union
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.