Wednesday, January 14, 2015 # French Lives Matter
At yesterday’s meeting of The Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why Obama failed to show up for Sunday’s big photo op in Paris when France held a Massive Unity Rally for Victims and Freedom Of Speech with more than several million people and world leaders In attendance.
The Liberal NY Daily News blasted the Obama Regime for missing the Paris March. Do you think their “You Let the World Down” Headline was subtle enough?
- Maybe
- Obama’s advisers didn’t think anybody would notice. Yeah, right–because after sitting out the “#HandsUpDontShoot” and “#BlackLivesMatter” demonstrations, Obama and Holder didn’t want to be caught on camera attending a “#JeSuisCharlie” rally in Paris, no matter how many other world leaders were going to be there in solidarity with the French people, with the Jewish people, or with freedom of expression in general. And when they returned, the backlash from their political base would have been too overwhelming. One might think France is not as important as someone who attacks a police officer, when the White House only sent three people to the Michael Brown funeral.
- “Paris is the capital of the world,” said French President Hollande, standing next to 44 foreign leaders. Obama was no longer the “Leader of the Free World,” after “Je Suis Charlie” Morphed into “Je Suis Obama.”
- By choosing to stay away from the march, the United States expressed not only its public disdain for the effort to respond to the rising tide of hate, but the president also demonstrated that he doesn’t understand that being the leader of the free world occasionally requires him to show up even when he’d rather stay home.
- The White House released this photo of Obama attending the rally.
- And as world leaders gathered in Paris, joining several million protesters marching in favor of free expression and western values and in opposition of radical Islamic terror, many wondered who represented the United States of America at this historic occasion. Obama’s Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder was sent to France to participate in meetings focused on efforts to combat terrorism but he did not participate in the rally. The American representative was the US Ambassador to France, Jane Hartley, a top bundler for the Obama campaign who personally accounted for over $800,000 in donations. She tweeted photos of her view of the crowd, which she wrote was “Très émouvant,” which means “very émouvant,” whatever the hell that means.
- Actually, Obama watched the NFL playoffs instead of going to Paris. Which was a good thing, because now when Muslim Terrorists blow up the Super Bowl, at least Obama will be on the right channel.
- Maybe Obama didn’t remember French President Jacques Chirac was the first foreign leader to visit the White House after 9/11. The current French Prime Minister declared “War” on Radical Islam, while Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder refused to do the same, as White House Spinners claimed that besides endless Terror Attacks, “Islam is an otherwise a Peaceful Religion.” No kidding!
- Now here’s the Weasel Zippers Tweet of the Day: “The Empty Chair Strikes Again.”
Today’s “Liberals Tell the Stupidest Lies” Award Winner is Obama’s White House Propaganda Minister Josh Earnest, who tried to explain Tuesday why it has refused to use the term “radical Islam” in describing the Islamist terrorists responsible for last week’s Paris attacks and other acts of violence across the globe. Earnest claimed the phrase “radical Islam” simply is not an accurate way to describe the enemies of the U.S., France, and other nations across the globe. Runner up was Dishonest DemocRAT Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy blames George W. Bush for “Radicalizing” Jihadists who killed Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists, and Texas Republican Congressman Randy Weber apologized Tuesday for his tweet that “Even Adolf Hitler thought it was important to get to Paris,” which some thought critical of President Obama’s absence from the unity rally in Paris. “I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention neither to trivialize the Holocaust nor insult Hitler by comparing him to Obama,” Weber said in a statement.
The White House declined to back our “Absolute Right” to Mock Islam, as White House Officials told critics of Obama’s Paris No-Show to “Chill Out, since he went to the French Embassy last week and signed a book.” How many White House Officials will be showing support for U.S. Muslim leaders at the upcoming “Stand with the Prophet” Rally in Texas, anyway?
- The new Charlie Hebdo cover features a cartoon of the “Prophet” Mohammed holding an “I Am Charlie” sign. The Blower also liked Mad Magazine’s “What me Jihad?” cover and Michael Rameriz’s “Obama Hedbo” cartoon.
Locally, Channel 19 sent a news crew to cover the French Protest in front of the Eiffel Tower, but the gates at Kings Island were locked and they couldn’t get in. Maybe they should’ve checked out the celebration in Columbus after The Ohio State defeated Oregon 42-20 to win the school’s eighth national championship in football in the first year of the NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision’s playoff. Nothing says “champions” like setting dumpsters on fire and rioting, when police were called to the OSU campus and had to deploy tear gas and pepper spray to dissipate the out-of-control crowd. NBC reported as many as 8,000 people converged on the Ohio State football stadium, known as the Horseshoe, several hundred forced their way inside, and the crowd tore down a goalpost.”
- Meanwhile at Tuesday’s Bribe Lunch with a media consultant at First Watch in Anderson, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane proclaimed “Je Suis Urban Meyer,” although the 735 freaking calories in the French Crepes probably didn’t do his diet much good.
PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was filched from a mere 187 different websites for the production of today’s Blower.
More Muslim Mayhem Cartoons
MUSLIM MADNESS HOT LINE e-mail your offensive offerings today.
Some cruel cartoonery items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally cruel cartoonery subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day OHIO STATES RIOTS IN COLUMBUS Cops Bust Out Tear Gas
Published on Jan 13, 2015: The Buckeyes became bloodshot-watery-eyes in Columbus last night … when cops sprayed three canisters of tear gas at out-of-control OSU fans celebrating the big win over Oregon in the National Championship game. Cops also used pepper spray to control the scene — after legions of fans took to the streets near the OSU campus and went crazy … some setting dumpster fires in the streets. Hundreds of cops were called to the scene to control the crowd — many of the officers dressed in full riot gear. According to reports, cops made a “handful” of arrests. Oregon fans also spent the night with tears running down their faces … for a different reason.
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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