Monday, October 27, 2014
What Ordinary Americans Think About “Indecision 2014”
Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports almost everybody has a really strong opinion about Obama these days, and if Obama were on the ballot instead of his policies, there’d be a record turnout on Election Day in only eight more days to thrown his half-black ass out.
But unfortunately, all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, gave Obama another four years to ruin the country two years year at the 2012 Elections, and we’re all be suffering through the next 815 more days of the America’s Dark Ages during Obama’s Second Term (unless he’s impeached).
That’s why The Whistleblower rounded up some of our usual suspects. We found them at dawn still praying for more free stuff at a candle-light vigil around the Peace Pole in Anderson Township Sunday morning.
We just had to find out what they really thought about all those really important upcoming local elections. Remembering that this week, the Hamilton County Board of Elections had received just over 55,000 requests for absentee ballots. That’s close to a 20% decrease from 2010. This year, only 1,100 people had voted early in-person. That’s less than 1/2 of 2010 at this point, and The Blower predicts voters won’t be standing in long lines if they bother to show up at all on November 4.
- MAMA MARUSKA, RETIRED HOMEMAKER: Tell Obama and both Houses of Congress this country is still headed in the wrong direction, and things have gotten so bad, my children have been out of work for the past six years during the Obama Administration. They’ve all moved back home with me along with the grandchildren, and not a single one of those ingrates is even willing to clean up his own room.
- PORKY DORKMAN, STUDENT: My teacher (who belongs to the union) said everybody in the class had to go home and tell our parents to vote for the Forrest Gump School District’s $103 million building bond issue on the November ballot that would increase everybody’s property taxes by hundreds and thousands of dollars, and to support the Common Core curriculum in our schools, regardless of what those crazy TEA Baggers would have you believe.
- MARLENE MANDIBLE, TOTALLY UNEMPLOYABLE: As one of the record number of Americans in their prime working years who’ve become so discouraged that they left the labor force entirely during Obama’s so-called Recovery, I’d like one of those guys running for office this year to tell me when they’re going to give me some more free stuff, or do we have to wait for the 2016 Presidential Election for that?
- NORMA RASHID, FORMER TV5 ANCHORWOMAN: If Republicans in Congress would only forget to investigate all of Obama’s and his Disingenuous DemocRATS’ many scandals, I could just sit home alone watching Charlie Luken’s commercials on TV, wondering if and when the Winkler campaign would be showing a picture of my former co-anchor Charlie and me together in one of Judge Winkler’s attack ads.
- LINDA LIBEL, GOSSIP COLUMNIST: If Phil Bur-ass and Citizens for Community Values would only forget about their obsession against “Sodomy Rites” on their Gay-Bashing Voters Guide, The Blower would find more space to publish more about how Southwest Ohio’s Most Embarrassing Elected Official in History Jerry Springer and Disgraced Ex-Attorney $tan Che$ley donated all that money to Micah Kamrass, the Devious DemocRAT running for State Rep-tile in Ohio’s 28th district, an open seat vacated by Connie Obama Babe Connie “The Pillager,” who’s running for Ohio State Treasurer.
- JACK MEHOFF, USED SOLAR PANEL SALESMAN: Even if Ohio is now appealing Liberal Whacko Judge Tim Black’s ruling in favor of COAST’s Avaricious Attorney Chris Finney’s case to allow those same politicians the “Right to Lie” during political campaigns, those same politicians will be telling the same lies 24/7 during the only 8 more days until the 2014 Midterm Elections.
- SUZIE SOCCERMOM, TEA PARTIER: For the second year in a row, I sent in my Absentee Ballot weeks ago so the 2014 Elections have been over for me for a long time, and all that money being spend on negative TV campaign commercials has been wasted trying to reach me, since I realize nothing good will really happen as a result of the 2014 Mid Term Elections with Obama still in office, and the 2016 Presidential Election will official begin on November 5.
- REVERUM CALHOUN, MINISTER: If Racist Republicans in Congress don’t forget about “Impeaching Obama,” we could be holding Ferguson-style Race Riots right here in Cincinnati demanding a new trial for Convicted Black Juvenile Judge Traci Hunter, because those two Black Cleaning Women on Traci’s Jury changed their minds after they voted to convict her.
- LEROY WILLIAMS, STREET CORNER PHARMACIST: Black Republican Ohio Senate Candidate Charlie Windbag didn’t do enough to save Liz Rogers’ Failed Mahogany’s Restaurant in his campaign for Black DemocRAT votes, he’s also pulling out all the stops pandering for votes by mocking Cecil Thomas for complaining about the way The Windbag wants to find jobs for every unemployed Black person in Greater Cincinnati who wants to work.
- AWAN AFUQYA, MUSLIM SYMPATHIZER: Al Qaeda spent less than $1 million on its signature 9/11 attack, Fox News claims Murdering Muslims from ISIS have found an even more cost-effective way to strike on American soil – inspiring psychotic sympathizers to commit “lone wolf” attacks that blur the line between random crime and terrorism. Grisly photos and video of severed heads and mutilated bodies tweeted out and posted on the Internet, combined with explicit calls to kill, have allowed Islamic State to turn American citizens into weapons.
- EMILY FRUMP, RETIRED CITY EMPLOYEE: If The Fishwrap would stop covering worthy projects for Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley’s New Fun Czar and covering every item on “The Liberal Agenda” like Bikes for Dykes and Gay Homeless Teenagers, maybe our Extreme Liberal City Clown-cil that got themselves voter four-year terms to make it harder to get rid of them would stop wasting millions on that Stupid Streetcar and do something start worrying about my pension plan.
- BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: How’s this for my poem today?
Now that Republicans in Congress have stopped worrying about Balancing the Budget,
Over-taxed payers will be even deeper in debt.
And with Obama still in office for another two years,
You ain’t seen nothing yet. - SEEDY DIEHL, NORTHERN KENTUCKY HOMELESS GUY LIVING UNDER THE BRIDGE: Even though those bleeding heart do-gooders closed the area’s biggest shantytown under a U.S. 50 overpass just west of Downtown Cincinnati in Queensgate, I’m still enjoying these cool fall evenings dining al fresco and bedding down in my refrigerator box at the hobo camp while all you over-taxed payers pay my Medicaid expenses under the ObamaTax provisions.
- CH SNITCH, 1000 MAIN STREET: Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP is supposed to be keeping all of us party hacks busy campaigning for Republicans’ 2014 re-election campaigns, but most observant people could have told you that Mike Mezher had no chance to defeat Double-Dipping DemocRAT Dusty Rhodes, that Ralph/TedWinkler was in the fight of his life against Liberal Luken for Probate Court Judge, and that Jonathan Dever was facing an uphill battle for state rep-tile. It only took the geniuses at Club 700 until mid-October to figure it out. After all, if glad-handing people and attending every ethnic gathering known to man were effective strategies, Pete Kambelos would be county coroner instead of the lady who kicked his ass.
- SID SCHLOCK, SLUMLORD: Before November 4, I’ll be watching to see how many of those deadbeats on welfare who live in my run-down property will be getting bussed down to the Hamilton County Board of Elections to be on TV standing outside in a long line waiting for Early DemocRAT Voter Frauders. Meanwhile, I’ll be busy throwing all those campaign signs DemocRATS keep putting on my property without permission in the trash.
- KEN CAMBOO, NORTHERN KENTUCKY JOURNALIST: All over Northern Kentucky, every time somebody opens the e-mail on his computers, he’s sure to find at least one new message from Lame Duck Bluegrass Governor Steve BeShear or some other DemocRAT celebrity telling them not to forget to donate another $5 for Alison Wondergam Grimes in Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Race in only 8 more days because Bitch McConnell just “loaned” his campaign $1.8 Million to buy a few more attack ads against Ditzy DemocRAT Alison Wondergam Grimes during the last week on the 2014 Campaign.
- TEA PARTY TIM: Now that the 2014 Campaign Season is almost over, we won’t have to watch any more of those meaningless League of Women Vipers debates, like the one between Returning 27th Ohio House District State Rep-Tile “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman and his unnamed DemocRAT Opponent at the Anderson Center that caused Anderson Cable TV to decide to go out of business. And soon Disgruntled DemocRATS can stop writing letters to the editor complaining about how many Republican Candidates The Fishwrap endorses, when the real problem is that Hamilton County Party Boss Tim Burka continues to select such crappy candidates.
- EARL PITTS, TAXIDERMIST: Clermont County Officials will be getting some really great cooperation from the State of Ohio especially next year after the Clermont County Republican Party voted to take Governor Kasich-Taylor’s name off the sample ballot being mailed to all local GOP voters before the election and handed out by party hacks to voters at the polls on Election Day.
- ED NORTON, CURRENTLY FURLOUGHED NORTHERN KENTUCKY SEWER WORKER: Lame Duck DemocRAT Governor Steve Beshear could stop wasting his time sending out e-mails for Alison Wondergams Grimes after The Fishwap endorsed “McConnell for U.S. Senate” on the front page of Sunday’s Forum Section, especially when they said things like: “As for Grimes, it’s been difficult to break through the rehearsed attacks and get a sense of who she truly is and what she stands for. With a thin record of public service, she needed to deliver an impassioned argument for why an inexperienced newcomer deserves a shot at such an important job. Instead, voters got a campaign that was carefully packaged and tailored to meet focus-group expectations.” [YOU CAN READ THE REST OF IT HERE]
e-mail your ordinary views and opinions today.
Some focus group comments in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally unfocused subscribers.
SNL Cold Open Ridicules Obama on Ebola – “Probably One of My Greatest Accomplishments”
Saturday Night Live kicked off Saturday night with an over-the-top mockery of President Obama‘s handling of the Ebola crisis. As the fake president explained, hey, it’t not like they handled it as badly as they did ISIS, Obamacare, or all the rest of it…In fact, as the president explained, “This whole Ebola thing is probably one of my greatest accomplishments.” He then brought on Ebola czar Ron Klain to take questions from the press and advised voters in Southern states like Louisiana and Kentucky to avoid large crowded areas like, say, polling places, for the next week or so. (Latinos in those states, however, may have an immunity.)
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Lone Wolf Radicalization – The Rise Of Radical Islam
(Published on Oct 25, 2014: Judge Jeanine Pirro reports on The Rise Of Radical Islam)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.