Daily Archives: August 20, 2014

Obama’s “New National Crisis” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s top news stories.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More Looters and Shooters

  • image005The Fifth Race Riot of Obama’s so-called Post-Racial Society is still going strong, and his keynote address at the 2004 DemocRAT National Convention offering a vision of America no longer divided along black-and-white lines turns out to be just as meaningless as just about everything else he’s ever said. Welcome to Obama’s Urban Spring Looting Festival in Picturesque Ferguson, Missouri, folks, where one Ferguson Looter said, “I’m proud of us, we deserve this” because there is “injustice in our community.”

Protesters marched on Missouri Governor Nixon’s Office, chanting “National Guard Has Got To Go!” The U.N. said Police must “Exercise Restraint” when dealing with the Ferguson Riots. Amnesty International attacked the US Human Rights record, and a DC Think Tank told them to “Suck It!” Meanwhile, Egypt urges the U.S. to show restraint in Ferguson, using the same language Obama used to criticize their crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama sent his rubber-stamping Attorney General Eric Holder with an Army of FBI Agents to Ferguson to keep stirring the racial pot, trying their best to prove when a white police officer shot a big black thug who was charging him, the white officer wasn’t trying to protect himself—it was just another racial hate crime in America that was George W. Bush’s fault, and the White House claims Obama still hasn’t ruled out a trip to Ferguson if the optics for a photo op are right. Meanwhile, playing golf and dancing under the stars in Martha’s Vineyard, Obama is warning Ferguson over the Governor’s National Guard Deployment: “I’ll be Watching.”

image006Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Johnson got called out for his words on Friday that helped to fuel the anger that was still churning just below the surface. St. Louis County Police were told to remain uninvolved and that night the rioting and looting began again. For much too long it went on mostly unchecked. Retired St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch tweeted that your “hug-a-looter” policy had failed. Boy did it.

At least it’s giving all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, something fun to watch on TV while the Obamas are busy on vacation with all their rich friends in Martha’s Vineyard.

  • Outrage In Missouri Town After Police Shooting Of 18-Yr-Old ManWhistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says although the shooting incident was still under investigation, most Black people and Disingenuous DemocRATS were ready to lynch that police officer who shot that poor misunderstood black yoof, and Obama Supporters in the Press were busy trying to convince America all those violent protests were “legitimate outrage,” not really criminal activity. After all, if Obama had a son, he’d probably look just like the Michael Brown, the victim. Or was that Trayvon Martin? So far, more than a dozen witnesses have corroborated Decorated Police Officer Darren Wilson’s story, and CNN confirmed: Brown attacked the officer, tried to take his gun, and was only shot after he “bum rushed” the officer.
  • image011Michael Brown became the New Jesus when protesters carried a giant wooden cross to his memorial, but which version of the Bible had Jesus robbing convenience stores? The Shrine to America’s New National Martyr on Marijuana included Mad Dog 20/20, Cough Syrup, Liquor Bottles, and of course, a Voter Registration Booth, while the Mother of Michael Brown continues to fan the flames of violence, telling ABC there would be no peace until Officer Darren Wilson Is arrested, even if it was a righteous shoot.
  • Leftists, Race Hustlers and out-of-state criminals were all flocking to Ferguson. “We are not looters, we’re liberators of other people’s stuff,” claimed Race Baiter # 1 Al Sharpton. Race Baiter #2 Jesse Jackson got booed off the stage in Ferguson after asking protesters for money. And Ferguson Protesters threw rocks at PMSNBC’s Chris Hayes (one of their biggest cheerleaders in the media) during a live broadcast. Islamic State Jihadists were there encouraging the Ferguson Rioters. One Protester was even seen holding an “ISIS Here” sign. They warned us they were coming. Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says he can hardly wait until the Council on American Islamic Relations’ Annual Banquet in September when Erlanger, KY’s National CAIR Board Chair Roula Allouch honors Reverend Al. CAIR is now pandering to other Liberals Groups by co-sponsoring a “Being Black Is Not A Crime” Rally.

image015Another literate Ferguson Protester told the Washington Post “This is not the time for no peace.” Still another told CNN: “We ain’t worried about the Motherfucking National Guard! Fuck Them!’ Ferguson Protesters changed their chant from “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” to “Hands Up, Shoot Back.” Trayvon’s Mom claimed Michael Brown was “Executed,” just like the Brown Family Attorney, even though there isn’t a smidgen of evidence to back up his “execution” claim, and there are more than a dozen witnesses who corroborate Officer Wilson’s story that he was attacked by Michael Brown.

  • Disgraceful DemocRAT Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver blames Racism for the violent protests and all the members of the Congressional Black Caucus gave him a big “Amen.” Georgia DemocRAT John Lewis said, “Ferguson is a part of the United States – It’s not China,” whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. And DC DemocRAT Eleanor Holmes Norton said, “There are too many white elected officials in Missouri. Nothing Racist about any of that!
  • Johnathan Gentry was on Fox News Monday night after his video appeared in yesterday’s Blower. The Minority Report says “We think Johnathan is on the right track. None of the ‘black leadership’ – Jesse Jackson (Sr., Jr. is still in prison), Al Sharpton, the NAALCP, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, etc. – none of them will address the real problems in the black community.”

  • image022At least there were no Ferguson-style Race Riots in Cincinnati last weekend after Cincinnati’s Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell drove all the way down from his home in Columbus to be Grand Marshal at the Black Family Reunion Parade. Saturday, Soul Brother Fishwrapper Bowdeya Tweh gave Blackwell a big BJ in print after our current Affirmative Action Police Chief showed up on CNN. And all those rehashed local Race Riot comments in Sunday’s Forum were just more Feckless Fishwrappery.

image019Local Race-Baiter Reverend Demon Lynchmob went to Ferguson on Sunday where he sucked up to Race-baiter # 1 Al Sharpton, trying to take complete credit for Cincinnati’s Historic Collaborative Agreement (which he publicly deserted after a single year).

  • Today’s winner of our “Liberals Say Stupid Things Award” goes to the PMSNBC Guest who warned of the pending “Genocide” of Black Men in America because of the “War on Black Boys.” No Kidding!
  • image009Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says the Reds were doing their best to make baseball fans in St. Louis forget their troubles, allowing them to celebrate with another extra-inning walk off win. Senor Bob Castellini said, “It was the least the Reds could do after what I said yesterday in The Blower about Bill DeWitt’s Cardinals.”
  • Finally at today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what he thought Liberal Teachers would be talking about when students returned for their first day of school at 7:15 this morning. Kane said, at Forrest Gump Schools, they’ll probably already be breaking the law campaigning for that $5,631 tax hike on a $100,000 home, and Hurley the Historian said on this date in 1833, Benjamin Harrison was born in North Bend, Ohio, and Hurley wondered what percentage of our Failed Cincinnati Public $kool$ honor students returning to class this week would be able to tell you who Benjamin Harrison was. That’s probably why our Quote for Today Committee chose Will Rogers’ “The schools ain’t what they used to be and never was.”

image016Kane also wondered what those Liberal Teachers would be telling their students about Obama’s Race Riots in Ferguson. “I’m not sure,” Kane explained, “But you can’t really expect anything to improve in America during the 883 Days of Dishonesty for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.

  • BREAKING NEWS: St. Louis Police just shot and killed another Black criminal in the middle of the afternoon, when that thug, who tried to rob the Six Star Market convenience store with a knife, failed to put down his weapon and surrender.


Today’s Best Conservative Political Cartoon



e-mail your rants and slants today.


Some really cynical items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally really cynical subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.


Eddie Murphy – Kill the White People

image019Sent in by Saturday Night Live, explaining that this is one of Eddie Murphy’s first skits making fun of the normally, somewhat hidden, genocidal theme of some, home-grown, American, black, religious sects, such as Rastafarianism, Black Hebrew-ism, the Black Muslims, the New Black Panther Party, and others.

image020Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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