Monthly Archives: July 2014

Special “August Action Agenda” E-dition

Thursday, July 31 2014

More Critical Comparisons

  • image004Remember back in 2008 when all thoseDumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, thought Obama could walk on water?

         So how’s that Hope and Change thing working out for you these days?

  • Meanwhile, if Dumbed-Down DemocRATS don’t see 37 more “Impeachment Alerts” this week, maybe it’s because the DemocRAT National Committee is trying to get everybody on its Suckers List to sign Obama’s Birthday Card on August 4.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen say belief that the United States is winning the War on Terror has plummeted to its lowest level in over 10 years of regular tracking. Just 27% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe the United States and its allies are winning the War on Terror. And only 27 % of Americans have a favorable opinion of Muslims. That’s down from 35% in 2010, according to the Zogby poll, commissioned by the non-profit Arab American Institute. Meanwhile, a WaPo/ABC Poll says only 39% approve of how Obama’s handling the Israel-Hamas Conflict, and in Israel, a Channel 10 News Poll says 87% of Israelis approve of how Bebe Netanyahu is handling his War In Gaza.
  • image007TODAY’S LIBERALS SAY THE STUPIDEST THINGS: Nancy Pelosi  on Illegal Immigrants: “We Cannot Have Deportation Without Representation.”
  • image008MORE THAN A SMIDGEN: House Republicans have dug up emails from Obama’s Still Not Indicted Lois Lerner in which the former IRS official refers to some in the Republican Party as “Assholes” and “Crazies” – an exchange they say shows Obama’s IRS Paid Liar may have been just a little bit biased against Conservatives.
  • YES, IT’S REALLY THE LAW: Congress actually passed a law giving itself a five week August Recess beginning tomorrow. With the little they’ve accomplished this year, maybe Hillary was right when she said, “At this point, what difference does it make, anyway?”
  • OBAMA’S ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVASION: Indiana Bureau Chief Hoosier Daddy says National Review Online reported Governor Mike Pence said he first learned the federal government had placed 245 Illegal Immigrant children in Indiana through media reports. Pence called this unacceptable and noted that Indiana may be expected to be responsible for the illegal immigrant children’s education, health and welfare.
  • image010THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Thomas Jefferson’s “A Country with no border is no country.”
  • SCOOP SCORECARD: There’s nothing The Blower likes better than seeing a story show up in The Fishwrap after it first appeared on our web page. Take our item yesterday about Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones getting fed up with the overwhelming number of illegals in his jail and sending a bill for the cost to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The Fishwrap followed up with “Sheriff Jones to Mexico: You owe me $900,000.” With headlines like that, Sheriff Jones will never have an opponent.
  • image012SCREWING THE SUBURBS: Will Hamilton County Commissioners really decide by August 6 if the proposed sales tax hike to pay for maintenance to City-Owned Music Hall and the Museum Center will be put on the November ballot? What could possibly go wrong if they do? Local voters have never voted for anything really stupid before.
  • image014THE PRICE IS RIGHT: Saturday’s “Absolutely FREE” Garage Sale at the Zion Lutheran Church in Anderson is scheduled between 10 AM and 12:30 PM. No kidding. Besides all that “Absolutely FREE Stuff” from your neighbors’ garages, there’ll be Absolutely FREE Hot Dogs, Cold Drinks, Hair Cuts, Car Washes, Blood Pressure Checks, Help, and Prayers.” At those prices, maybe a few Jewish people in Anderson might even show up.
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says James “The Rock” Bogen took a break from representing weirdos and perverts yesterday when he and another attorney filed a lawsuit and a motion for a temporary restraining order in federal court against the City of Cincinnati on behalf of residents on E. McMicken for the barricades the city put up blocking the street back on April 30 to try to curb prostitution.  The bus service to that street was also cut off, and the residents, who are on fixed incomes, went from being able to walk out the door to catch the bus to having to walk anywhere from 2-5 blocks in Over-The-Rhine because of the barriers. The residents with medical issues became shut-ins because of this.  And we’re all sure that the prostitutes and johns took one look at those barricades and decided to go home and rethink their lives.  Just like all the drug dealers in OTR did when the city put up barricades at 13th and Reading 10 years ago. Tuesday morning the city removed the barriers and buses were back- less than 24 hours after the complaint and the motion for a restraining order were filed. It’s going to be real hard for The Rock to bill more than 24 hours of time on this case!
  • image016THE CINCINNATI CITY MESS (YOU ONLY READ ABOUT IN THE BLOWER): Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley’s choice for the City’s next City Mangler is a Black Guy Named Black.Coincidence? We think not!
  • image018THE MUCKRAKER says When Warner Business Class Customers were advised in July that starting in August, they’d be gouged $7.50 per phone line for a “Federal Subscriber Line Charge,” and customers mistakenly assumed that money was going to the government, would you think that message was purposely deceptive?

And if you think that’s really despicable, you should see the shameful sales techniques when pet owners take their injured animals to Med Vet on Red Bank Road. It shouldn’t happen to a dog! 

  • image020WHISTLEBLOWER SENIOR SPOILED SPORTS EDITOR ANDY FURBALL says fair-weather Reds fans who’ve already given up on the 2014 season keep asking when The Blower will start counting down the Reds’ “Tragic Number.”  That’s easy. After Wednesday’s loss, we added the Reds’ losses (54) to the Brewers’ wins (60). That gives you 114, which you subtract from 163 (the number of games in a season plus one) to give you the number of additional Reds’ losses or Brewers’ wins of 49 until the Reds would be eliminated.  
  • LITIGIOUS LAWYERS UPDATE: Is COAST’s Avaricious Attorney Chris Finney now representing the same evil people he used to so gleefully attack? Maybe he’s just selling them protection.
  • image022HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1975, Teamsters Union Goon Jimmy Hoffa went missing, but he still votes every year as a DemocRAT.
  • SODOMY RITES UPDATE: Harry Homophobe says it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole two years since Obama devolved down to pander to homosexual donors on the issue of same-sex marriage, while and Disingenuous DemocRATS were giving same-sex marriage their stamp of approval at the DNC’s Convention in Charlotte, Gay-Loving Liberal Big City Mayors seeking publicity on the 24-hour news channels like Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel, Boston’s Tom Menino, and San Francisco’s Mayor Edwin Lee, who said Chick-Fil- A restaurants would not be welcome in their cities, just because Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy had stated his support for “traditional marriage.”

That’s because when the Chick-Fil-A CEO was asked if he held the same view of marriage Obama had recently held, he answered “guilty as charged.”

image024Two years ago in Cincinnati, everybody was wondering why The Fishwrap wasn’t demanding Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory to call his Extreme Liberal Clown-cil back into session to throw a hissy fit and pass a resolution banning Chick-Fil-A from hiring unemployed people to work at their restaurants within the city limits, like Chick-Fil-A locations in Anderson, Eastgate, Florence, Springdale, Tri-County, Deerfield Crossing, and West Chester, along with locations in Florence and the Airport in Northern Kentucky. The only Chick-Fil-A restaurants that actually appearred to be within Cincinnati’s city limits appear to be the ones at UC, Kenwood Town Centre, and Western Hills. [SEE YOUR CHICK-FIL-A- LOCATOR HERE]

image026This year on August 6, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati will hear arguments as to whether or not marriage laws defining marriage between one man and one woman are unconstitutional. Citizens for Community Values says “Say a Prayer for Marriage.”

  • image027IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says everybody’s getting ready to travel down to Fancy Farm (wherever the hell that is) on Saturday to hear all those wonderful speeches, but The Blower seems to be the only local media outlet following the progress of “Honest Gil” Fulbright, a fake candidate running for U.S. Senate in Kentucky during the most expensive Senate Race in American history between Republican Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell and challenger Alison Wondergams Grimes.

The race between McConnell and Grimes is on pace to cost an unprecedented $100 million. Over three quarters of both candidates’ money is coming from outside of Kentucky, including a who’s who of big money special interests. When it costs that much to win an election, the candidates become dependent on their funders, not on the people they’re supposed to represent. As a result, the issues that matter to the people go unsolved. Enter, Gil Fulbright. Gil is a satirical Senate candidate — an “honest politician” who will openly take any position on any issue… for the right price.

Fulbright is set to formally announce his candidacy at the annual Fancy Farm Picnic in Western Kentucky on Saturday. At noon on Wednesday, Fulbright’s campaign reportedly raised $70,032.

image051And just like Commissioners Filch, Pilfer, and Swindle in The Blower’s “Patronage County” Parody, “Honest Gil” sounds like a lot of politicians we know.

  • image029FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if today’s “Liberals Say the Stupidest Things” item would really become a daily feature, like “Hurley the Historian” and our “Quote for Today Committee.” Kane explained that very popular “Kids Say the Darndest Things” feature first used by Art Linkletter on the radio between 1945-69, and later by Bill Cosby between 1998-2000.

“But what if one day you can’t find something stupid any of our Liberals said?” asked one of our newest members, and all of the rest of our long-time Political Insiders had a really good laugh.

image030Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Cincinnati’s New Black City Mangler Named Black.

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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our July fund-raising drive from Represent.US using fake politicians to make fun of the really fake politicians we’ve already elected.


e-mail your incriminating photos today.


Some rabid political items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally rabid political subscribers.

More Krazy Kerry Kartoons


Whistleblower Video of the Day

Five Minutes That Will Completely Change The Way You Look at Islam

    (Sent in by Israeli Construction Minister Uri Ariel, who criticized Obama’s telling Netanyahu that there should be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and told Obama on Army Radio: “Leave us alone. Go talk to Syria.” 


image030Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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