Special “Salute to Incompetence” E-dition

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Just Another Worthless White House Investigation

  • image005Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama’s White House has launched another investigation into one of its own scandals, this time it’s into how the name of the CIA’s station chief in Afghanistan was released to the press Sunday during Obama’s secret pho-op to divert attention from all those dead veterans being discovered in Obama’s Current Dead Veterans Administration Scandal.
  • Meanwhile, an interim report released Wednesday by the Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General finds that department has “systemic” problems with clinics lying about patient wait times.
  • Obama says he’s really mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore! And this time whoever’s responsible will be punished. This time he really means it. No Kidding! All that means today we still have another 967 Days of Incompetence remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.
  • image007And while such historically incompetent national leadership is being investigated, maybe somebody can try to discover how Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s field investigators failed to find the body of missing UC student Brogan Dulle who hanged himself in the vacant  building next door to where he lived in Clifton. Was Blackwell really serious when he claimed his Investigators had done everything they could to find Dulle?
  • Yesterday our FOP Lodge #69 Snitch said, “This atrocious police work should embarrass the entire law enforcement community. Incidents like this should begin with a search at the residence and move away from the home using an increasingly larger radius as the effort grows. Empty or partially empty buildings should ALWAYS be a point of interest and THOROUGHLY SEARCHED by the police department. The Dulle Disappearance Debacle points to extremely poor field supervision.”
  • At Tuesday afternoon’s press conference at police headquarters, did Cincinnati Police Colonel David Bailey really say,  …let’s go back and start over cause you always miss something?” Boy, was that ever the understatement of the year, make that the decade!  Oh hell, that’ll be the understatement of the century! 

You gotta love Bailey’s comments!  He had a gut feeling that Dulle didn’t venture away very far so he took some cops back to the residence and started searching again, from the start.  They looked at the building where the dead student was found, saw it was vacant but, nothing looked unusual – WTF!  It’s a vacant building, officer!  Why not take a look inside?

No wonder they couldn’t find him.  An assistant police chief didn’t think it was necessary to look in a vacant building, so why should the average street cop?  “Don’t look in there, fellas, he could be in there!” What a moron and he’s a member of the senior command staff.  By the way, Bailey spent most of his career criticizing the senior command staff as being incompetent, because he always knew better than everyone else…”Duh, now I are one!”

Our FOP Lodge #69 Snitch says he can hardly believe Blackwell claimed they did their very best.  Some might begin to think their very best just isn’t quite good enough, while others might think their very best just plain SUCKS! There is absolutely no excuse for such shoddy work.  The police department failed miserably on a national stage.  Nice work fellas!

Our Compassionate Conservative piled on: With a vacant house right next door to where Dulle lived, the police should have immediately phoned the owner, demanding that he meet them at the vacant house and open it up for an emergency inspection. Failing to reach the owner, they should have called the fire department to enter, or have forced an entrance to the house themselves. Talk about police malfeasance!  The Blower’s amazed Obama hasn’t already called to congratulate Chief Blackwell, or offer him an appropriate position in the Obama Administration.

  • Meanwhile, just in time for Cincinnati’s Gay Pride Month in June, Whistleblower Alternate Life-Styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis report Diminutive DemocRAT Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley actually signed a proclamation declaring May 22 “Harvey Milk Day,” honoring the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in San Francisco in 1977. Citizens for Community Values Moralist Phil Burr-Ass says, “Some people might accuse Cranley of milking our local gay community for all it’s worth.”

Isn’t it great to see how once again, really Cincinnati has all of its priorities in order?  

  • image009ASTONISHED IN ANDERSON: The Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce says today’s the last day to RSVP so you can attend next week’s 2014 Citizen of the Year Banquet and see Jeff Ruby receive his “WTF Were We Thinking Award.” Previous Citizens of the Year who actually deserved their awards must wonder why a guy like Jeff Ruby is being honored. It certainly diminishes the awards they received.
  • image010IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Northern Kentucky Republicans are wondering when NoKY Republicans will be uniting after that really divisive 2014 Primary Election between Kentucky’s US Senator Bitch McConnell and Matt Bevin, before Bitch faces Ditzy DemocRAT Alison Wondergams Grimes in this November’s media hyped election. 

Maybe they should hold a rally. They could sing cum-bah-ah and bury the hatchet. The Blower will be glad to announce the arrangements, just as soon as we receive word.

  • image012WHISTLEBLOWER SUMMER INTERN PROGRAM:  Tomorrow is the final day to e-mail applications for the summer term which runs June 2 through August 22. Applicants must either be tri-state residents attending an accredited college or university in or outside of Ohio or Kentucky. Applicants must also have completed a full academic year by the end of the internship. Participants are expected to commit to a minimum of 20 hours per week of program-related work over the internship.

 Applicants must also submit a 1,000-word-or-less essay on “Why it’s OK to Make Fun of Politicians.”

Applications can also be submitted for the fall term: August 25– November 14, 2014

  • AND SINCE FRIDAY (MAY 30) IS ALSO OUR OFFICIAL MEMORIAL DAY, we have more marvelous meter from Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves:

image014Memorial Day has come and gone
We can now put on our white shoes
We’ll cook outside with barbecue
And drink up lots of booze.

The summer time is oh, so fine
With beetle bugs all swarming
Let’s hope we all don’t freeze our ass
From Al Gore’s global warming.

  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1953 New Zealand beekeeper Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mt. Everest, but years later Hillary Clinton got caught lying when she claimed she’d been named for the famous mountain climber, since she’d already been born in 1947, and at that time, nobody had ever heard of Sir Edmund, other than a few New Zealand bees.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Hillary’s “What difference at this point does it make?”
  • SPEAKING OF MEMORIES: Down in the catacombs, AJ the Archivist reminded Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane to make sure to tellall our Persons of Consequence about The Blower’s really humble beginnings, because today is the 24th Anniversary of The Whistleblower’s very first edition. Our single printed page (Edition #1 on May 29, 1990) looked something like this:


   Edition #1                                                                                                         May 29, 1990

 “Enquiring Minds” want to know. Why is the Cincinnati Enquirer ignoring some of Hamilton County’s biggest scandals? Who do these stories only appear in the Cincinnati Post? Among recent news that never appeared in The Enquirer:

  • CLERK OF COURT DETERS PRESENTLY EMPLOYING HIS BROTHER (at a salary $5,000 higher than comparable employees)

INSIDE SCOOP on why these stories weren’t covered by The Enquirer: BILL KEATING is back as President of the paper. Former Republican Judge and Congressman. Still very active in party affairs. Word in the street is that KEATING is personally killing stories about Court House corruption to protect Republican officeholders. This may also explain why Political Reporter HOWARD WILKINSON’s regular Sunday column has not run the past two weeks.

Longtime Sharonville Mayor JOHN DOWLIN (also a longtime Republican) took out petitions to run as an “Independent” for County Commissioner against appointed-Republican STEVE CHABOT and Republican-turned-Democrat JOHN MIRLISENA. DOWLIN reportedly mad about being passed over by Republicans for a county post. Here’s the deal—DOWLIN has been promised the Republican appointment to replace County Commissioner TAFT. TAFT, running for Secretary of State, plans to resign prior to the Election—but late enough so his replacement won’t have to face the voters for two years. DOWLIN has party Honcho KOHNEN’s “pledge.” Remember—you read it here first.

In case you’re wondering, that private company that’s getting big bucks to screw up the computer programs in the COUNTY RECORDER’s office is owned by a bunch of attorneys at Graydon, Head & Richey. That’s the law firm of JOE HEAD, local Republican Party Finance Chairman. The private company has been “working” on the program for about two years, collecting fat fees, and the damn thing is still a total mess.

Things have hardly changed a lot during the past twenty-four years!

Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Our Good Friend “JayWalking Joe” Deters.


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Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our May fund-raising drivefrom St. Vincent De Paul, for helping publicize all that free stuff they’re giving away to poor people, so they can resell it. 


e-mail your impeachable offenses today


Some Obama-bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers.

Whistleblower Video of the Day

image022Yesterday The Blower told you how Some Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, actually believe Godzilla (a made-up movie monster) was created by Global Warming (a made-up Climate Condition).

Now Let’s check out Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News – Godzilla Edition

(Sent in by John “No Left Turns in Goshen” Joseph, shown at last year’s Whistleblower Halloween Party.)


image024Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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