One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Waiting To See If She Brings In Obama
Tuesday at Fox News, Chris Stirewalt was all over the story about America’s favorite DemocRAT testing his clout on the campaign trail in Kentucky, because how it goes will have a lot to say about the results of this year’s elections and the arc of the party heading into 2016. In a textbook Bill Clinton play, the former president rolled into Louisville to campaign for Alison Wondergams Grimes, the daughter of one of his former campaign financiers. Wondergams is hoping to knock off Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell this fall in one of only two potential Senate bright spots for a party facing a very dark midterm forecast. It’s a perfectly Clintonian moment: high stakes, big egos, sex scandals, retail politics, old cronies, his wife’s ambitions and the long-simmering tensions with President Obama. With control of the Senate at stake and his wife no doubt eager to show the family’s continuing clout in states that disdain Obama, Clinton’s arrival was welcome news. But it came at a cost.
As Clinton arrived, Stirewalt continued, Grimes is in a tight race and the junior senator from the commonwealth, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has made no secret that he believes Clinton’s past as a “sexual predator” should be germane to voters and candidates who accept his help. That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Paul’s “For all these people who stand up for Bill Clinton, say ‘He’s the greatest thing since sliced bread,’ he was a serial philanderer but he also is someone who took advantage of women in the workplace.”
Clinton has a famously short fuse when it comes to any reminder of the scandal that led to his impeachment and disbarment. So that’s hurdle number one: For the former president to not pop off in Kentucky if confronted with Paul’s comments. As Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., can attest, Clinton’s bad temper can hurt the candidates the former president wants to help.
But for Persons of Consequence, there was nothing really new in the Fox News coverage, since Blower readers have been reading about Slick Willie’s campaign stop for the past two weeks.
In our February 10 Focus Group E-dition, Furloughed Northern Kentucky Sewer Worker Ed Norton said, “I can hardly wait to be invited to meet Disgraced Former Pants Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton when Northern Kentucky DemocRAT Dominatrix Kathy Groob invites some of her friends to her house in Fort Mitchell to support DemocRAT Alison Wondergams Grimes’ campaign to unseat Bitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate, which everybody knows is only a rehearsal for Hillary’s big campaign for President in 2016.”
On February 12, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wondered if any of our local Kneepad Liberals in the Press would remember any of this when our Peyronie’s President campaigns for Alison Wondergams Grimes’ equally foolish attempt to unseat Kentucky Senior Senator Bitch McConnell in November.
On February 15, Northern Kentucky DemocRAT Dominatrix Kathy Groob, who can’t wait to invite Disgraced Former Pants Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton to her house in Fort Mitchell to support DemocRAT Alison Wondergams Grimes’ campaign to unseat Bitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate, which everybody knows is nothing more than a rehearsal for Hillary’s big campaign for President in 2016, didn’t send us a Valentine.
On February 20, the CamBoozler said he was all set to cover last night’s Deranged DemocRAT fund-raiser in Louisville for Alison Wondergams Grimes in her attempt to unseat Kentucky Senior Senator Bitch McConnell in November, where Former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton will embarrass everybody in Kentucky with a smidgen of decency who believed it was wrong for a President of these United States to get blow jobs from an intern in the Oval Office. The Blower often remembers when Kentucky’s Venerable Former U.S. “Beanball Jim” Bunning called Bill Clinton the most corrupt, amoral, and despicable president he’d ever seen.
And last Sunday, on February 23, The Blower said today it would be checking to see who won Tuesday night’s “Give Bill Clinton a Blow Job” Lottery, which of course, included hummers from Kneepad Liberals in the Press. So naturally, in Tuesday’s Real Emails From Real Subscribers E-dition, Horny in Hebron wondered if Bill Clinton would be coming to Northern Kentucky for BB&BJ Day on March 20.
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane who won Tuesday’s “Give Bill Clinton a Blow Job” Lottery at Alison Wondergams Grimes Fundraiser in Louisville, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher said, “I’m not sure,” Kane reported after the event. “The e-mail the Grimes campaign sent to supporters detailing the time her naughty parts tingled the time she first met Slick Willie when she was only 14 years old, and asking for $5 donations didn’t mention it, but I’m sure the biggest BJs our former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief got were the ones in print from our Kneepad Liberals in the Press.”
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Disingenuous DemocRATS.
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE: On The Whistleblower’s International News Desk, Jerusalem Bureau Chief Yitzhak Tadwell says Jerusalem Post photographer Marc Israel Sellem’s photo of Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu giving German chancellor Angela Merkel a Hitler mustache is making waves.
Meanwhile, On February 22, former world chess champion and political activist Garry Kasparov declared that if Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, the Soviet Union would still exist.
TWENTY-THREE YEARS AGO TODAY, when Edition #39 (published on February 26, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town, Ken Blackwell provided his exclusive report from the Human Rights Conference about Iraqi atrocities.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1929, President Coolidge established Grand Teton National Park. Bobby Leach says it’s always been his favorite National Park because “Grand Teton” means “really big tits” in French.
HOW STUPID ARE THEY: Tattling Troublemaker Tino Delgato says almost every day in The Fishwrap you can see a lot of Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House Twice, because they haven’t figured out it’s cheaper to mail in an absentee ballot than to go downtown on a bus and stand in long lines to vote.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH UPDATE: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says not to worry just because the NFL wants to slap a 15-yard penalty on any team whose players are heard using the N-word on the field during the game, because calling somebody a “motherfucker” or a gay player a “cocksucker” will only be a five yard penalty. No wonder Obama wouldn’t want his son to play Pro Football.
- THE FOIBLES OF FRED: At this point during February in 2012, Failed Ohio Second District Congressional Candidate Fred Kundrata was getting a lot of coverage on his way to earning 3% of the vote running against Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, because the Ohio Republican Primary was on March 2, but in 2014, Fred’s Foibles could possibly be mentioned at least once or twice during the next 69 days until the DemocRAT Primary, or hopefully for the next 251 days until the November Election when he would be running against Steve Chabothead, the most Conservative Republican in Congress, if only Fred can manage to eke out a victory against an equally unknown loser like Jim Prues, whoever the hell he is. Where is Loony Libertarian Jim Berns when we really need him?
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES wonder if it’s true that Auditor Dave Yost violated his own policy by endorsing a local Councilman in a race for State Representative? That’s what Republicans for Higher Taxes are asking.
The Blower has maintained Willie Carden, who was named Cincinnati City manager this past December, declined that job because he wanted to keep himself in the shadows of city government. Carden didn’t want to be in the spotlight or let people know what he is up to. But we’ll tell you.
Carden, the guy with the shocking big bleached teeth, recently went on a city-financed junket to Las Vegas, Nevada with three Park Commission cronies for a super luxe time. He flew first-class to Nevada with Marijane Klug, the Parks manager of financial services, at a cost of $1,000 per ticket one way.
Also on the junket were Jennifer Moby and Ruth Ann Spears who runs the parks nature camp. Plenty of nature in Las Vegas, right (wink, wink)? The team stayed at the exclusive Mandolay Bay hotel and immediately each upgraded their hotel suites at additional costs.
Willie took a female partner to the Charlie Palmer steakhouse, where the bill added up to $338.52 which included two $60.00 steaks. After dinner, the couple went on to the Four Seasons bar and racked up another big bill on booze to get them in the mood. Does Mrs. Carden know about this?
The devious little foursome then got together to take a private charter helicopter trip to the Grand Canyon, where they landed for a custom picnic and champagne. The cost of this boozy picnic was $1,560.80.
They even charged the Park Commission for tissues and gum, and the Park Commission will happily pay for all their shenanigans. Hey, the financial director was part of this junket, so is it likely Marijane Klug will deny the expenses? Hell, no!
Carden, who says he is very busy, said the junket was to observe a grilling competition in Las Vegas. Anybody believe that? What a total crook!
And this is the guy Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley says is wonderful. Willie is wonderful for draining the city’s coffers, that’s for sure.
AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane who won Tuesday’s “Give Bill Clinton a Blow Job” Lottery at Alison Wondergams Grimes Fundraiser in Louisville, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher said, “I’m not sure,” Kane reported after the event.
“The e-mail the Grimes campaign sent to supporters detailing how thrilled and excited she was the time she first met Slick Willie when she was only 14 years old, and asking for $5 donations didn’t mention it, but I’m sure the biggest BJs our former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief got Tuesday were the ones on TV and in print from our Kneepad Liberals in the Press.”
BEWARE OF THE BIKES: Just because the teacher who died riding his bike on Round Bottom Road was the first to die along that stretch doesn’t mean that road is safe for bikers.
Now that Round Bottom is connected to the MILF-ord shopping area on I-275, it’s easy access to drivers avoiding construction on Route 32. You see riders in packs of 10 riding on a hilly, windy stretch of Round Bottom where the speed limit is 40. And it’s not unusual to come up over a hill and have to slam on your brakes when you come upon a biker on a road with no shoulders and no bike lane.
We’re surprised it hasn’t happened before. Sgt. Jeff Brown with the Union Township police needs to ride that road in his personal car and see what a hazard it is for drivers and bikers. Bikers should be banned riding in groups of 40 along that road, because they ride in a huge bunch and no one can pass them.
- FINALLY, FROM WHISTLEBLOWER RELIGIOUS REPORTER GANTRY TADWELL, we have a video showing you why you should turn off your cell phone in church.
e-mail us your critical comments today.
Some not-so-complimentary items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally not-so-complimentary subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
Same Old Story
(Sent in by Faux Facebook Friend Gerth Pappas [205 Friends, 42 Mutual Friends] )
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.