Saturday, February 22, 2014
Happy Washington’s Birthday, Everybody!
Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1732, George Washington, the Father of our Country was born. Shouldn’t we have a National Holiday to celebrate the occasion?
That’s why our Quote for Today Committee selected Washington’s “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” Do you think the Father of Our Country had Obama in mind?
- Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady says today would’ve been Washington’s 282nd birthday, but on “President’s Day” George Washington was disrespected once again. According to Freedom Warrior host Radio Greg Halvorson (“Failure to Honor Washington: a Triumph of the Left”) President’s Day is “The equivalent of ‘every leader gets a prize,’ it mocks history, inspires no one, and displays the lengths to which fools go to be foolish. There is no equality between George Washington and James Polk, between Thomas Jefferson and Millard Fillmore, and to assert otherwise says: 1) that no president is different from any other; 2) that individuals must bow to the Collective; and 3) that history is a dull, generic ride.
“This, of course, derives from the Left, which spreads tales – even a few false ones – of racism amongst the Founders, and which not so long ago had members of the NAALCP hide General Washington from view. Indeed, they covered the statue of George Washington with a black box (shown at right), even as they praised the author of the line, “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
Maybe that’s why Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin says, “Hey! Maybe someday when the Right is back on top, MLK Day can be changed to Protesters’ Day.”
- One of the scholars at The Conservative Agenda’s Institute of Higher Learning pointed out that The Blower has long referred to the Presidents Bush as 41 and 43, and wonders if we should not now number Adams 2 and 6, Harrison 9 and 23, Johnson 17 and 35, and Roosevelt 25 and 31. Our “Question of the Week” could be: “Which are related and how closely?”
In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker asks with only 1,063 more days remaining during the Dark Ages of America’s Second Term (unless he becomes the First Half-Black President to be impeached), would this nation ever have been founded if our Mendacious Mainstream Media had been around?
Every day in every way, the Liberal News Media continues to cover up Obama’s stupidity and scandals. How else can you explain that with the unholy mess this country is in at home and abroad, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama’s job performance?
Do all of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters who gave Obama another four years to ruin the country in 2012 have a government they deserve or what?!
Meanwhile, on the Cable News Channels, PMSNBC’s Obama Sycophant Chris Matthews, who previously whined about too much “Hate” in Politics, continues to compare the GOP to Hamas. Meanwhile these days on Fox News, Charles Krauthammer says Obama’s FCC Newsroom Study would “Trample On What Rights Are Remaining,” Michael Barone says, “ObamaCare Is Obama’s Iraq War,” and George Will says we are seeing the “Complete Failure” of the Centerpiece of Obama’s Foreign Policy. All of which is just the sort of thing Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane tells Political Insiders at the Conservative Agenda, almost every day of the week.
Is it any wonder The Father of Our Country is spinning in his grave tonight?
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Kneepad Liberals in the Press.
This is the Official “Washington’s Birthday” E-dition. Any other “Opposite Day” E-dition you might possibly see is surely a fake.
Deadbeat restaurateur Liz Rogers, owner of Mahogany restaurant in Cincinnati, is following her predictable pattern. The Blower predicted it.
Liz owes $22,000 in tax liens, including $12,424 in unpaid workers’ compensation and $9,671 in unpaid sales tax.
Liz owes $49,000 in unpaid back taxes.
And how about that $13,628 FEDERAL TAX LIEN against Butler County Mahogany’s Cafe & Grill/LLC Elizabeth A Rogers sole member, 6953 Tarragon Court, Liberty Township 45011?
The sales agent for The Banks, where the restaurant is located, is threatening eviction because of a whopping $53,000 in unpaid rent. They set up a meeting with Rogers but she didn’t show up for the meeting. What a surprise!
Cincinnati’s Disgraced-and-Departed Dainty DemocRAT Mark Mallory shoved through a nearly one million dollar Political Correctness “Loan” to Liz in 2012, and she has failed to make some of the payments. And now, unbelievably, Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley is defending her through his chief of staff spokesperson. Maybe Cranley plans to have his Arab in-laws serve Gold Star Chili at that location soon.
Isn’t it about time for that minister guy to start holding press conferences again, saying what a fine business woman Liz Rogers is?
And The Blower wants to know, when will Liz’s Feckless Fishwrap Enablers tell us what happened to all that PC Payoff she was given?
e-mail your business that will remain open today.
Some historically accurate items in today’s Blower were sent in by our really historically accurate subscribers.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
George Washington “Freedom” American Revolutionary War Ad
(Sent in Faux Facebook Friend “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman- 560 Friends, 115 Mutual, who studied history at George Washington University)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
“Same Play, Different Players” by James Jay Schifrin
Public buildings in Patronage County will be closed two days this week.
Monday, Presidents Day, bureaucrats everywhere took another unearned day off to attend Presidents’ Day sales to honor the birthdays of Honest Abe and the father of our country, who could not tell a lie.
But later n the week, Patronage County Republicans will take a day of sick leave and travel to Columbus to welcome Richard M. Nixon to a fund-raiser.
If Patronage County, Republicans haven’t taken down pictures of their patron saint since he left office.
Cincinnati City Councilman Ken Whitewall held an impromptu press conference. “Nixon’s my kind of man. Although I’ve been a Republican for only a few days, we have a lot in common,” Whitewall said.
At the courthouse, the Gang of Three’s support was unanimous. “Nixon got a raw deal,” said Commissioner Filch. “I’ve known him for years and he’s the most honest politician I know.”
“It wasn’t Nixon’s fault,” chimed in Commissioner Pilfer. “His aides cause all the trouble. Nixon’s problem was that he was to naïve and trusting of the people working for him.”
“Nixon never should’ve resigned,” added Commissioner Swindle. “The attorney general investigated the charges and found him completely innocent of any willful wrongdoing.”
Also at the courthouse, the Committee to Resurrect Republicans was busy Xeroxing material for Nixon’s next campaign, whenever that might be.
Not all Ohio Republicans, however, were overjoyed at the prospects of the defrocked-President’s visit. For example, State Party Chairman Earl T. Barnes, trying to sanitize his image before running for governor in 1982, was planning an enexpected emergency to keep him from attending the meeting.
This op-ed column first appeared in the feisty Mt. Washington Press on February 18, 1981.