Thursday, November 21, 2013
Obama’s Latest Scandal— GettysburgGate!
Patriotic Americans say it was bad enough when Obama was AWOL for the 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address in zip code “17325” on Tuesday, but the Least Patriotic President in American History also left out the words “Under God” during his lackluster reading of Lincoln’s famous speech.
You can see Obama’s omission at the 1:35 mark. He was supposed to say “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom,” but Obama left out the words “under God.”
Now listen to hear how all those other celebrities who were also recorded reading the most important presidential speech in history got it right, LISTEN HERE.
Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard claims Obama was give a special version of the speech that did not include “Under God.”
And do you think any of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters would ever notice the difference?
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee once again chose Hillary’s “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
BREAKING NEWS: They’ve fixed the ObamaCare site. Just click on the link below and hit the “Apply Now” button to check it out.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says and no matter what our Obama Supporters in the Press would have you believe next week, Barack Hussein Obama did not come up with the idea of a Presidential Pardon for turkeys on Thanksgiving. Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady says that idea originated in 1863 with Abraham Lincoln, when his Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation included: “I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens . . . to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.”\
Maybe that’s why The Blower always liked Jon Stewart’s “I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.”\
MEANWHILE IN HAMILTON COUNTY, our three Meleagris gallopavos on the county commission still can’t figure out where to find money to buy Millionaire Mike Brown a new $10 million Digital Scoreboard somebody stupidly wrote into the County’s contract with the Bungals, and “Odd Todd” Opportune was honored to be nominated for the Whistleblower’s 2013 Turkey of the Year Contest once again. Odd Todd joins COAST’s Litigious Lawyer Chris Finney and NAALP President SMLP Smithermouth, who were both nominated earlier this week by some cockamamie Liberty Group.
Republicans for Higher Taxes report that the Roxanne Qualls campaign is still surging. They also report on the meetings being held by the Qualls/streetcar supporters to talk about how much they hate John Cranley and the 58% who voted for him.
TROLLEY FOLLY UPDATE: Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin says the 3.6-mile streetcar route through parts of Downtown and Over-the-Rhine is expected to cost $133 million by the time it’s completed in September 2016. The cost could increase to nearly $150 million if the city loses a lawsuit with Duke Energy over who should be on the hook for relocating underground utility lines.
Lemmesee here: $133M + $17M + a conservative 15% more for *additional* graft, miscalculations, delays, inflation, etc., and the slip-slidin’-away total would have come to $172.5M or just $47,916,667 per mile. Along with our Dainty Ex-Mayor, Portlanders like the evergreen-for-rail-transist John Schneider and his ilk would have thought that to be cheap at twice the price.
- TRANSIT TROUBLEMAKE TINO DELGATE shows us this statement from The Fishwrap. “Streetcar proponents, however, aren’t jumping on the Hop On Cincinnati idea. They argue permanent-rail lines installed in the streets drive long-term investment by homeowners and business owners. A rubber-tired trolley, meanwhile, is nothing more than a decorated bus that can go away if the route isn’t successful, they say.”
Gee, how stupid is that statement? The whole point is to put a service where it is needed and pays for its use. Not to get STUCK with it thanks to the tracks.
The idea of Trolleys on Tires solves several problems:
1. Costs now and future 2. Adding routes 3. Changing routes 4. No Track noise or ugly rails 5. No overhead wires 6. No law suit with Duke 7. New Hybrid Engine Technology 8. They can start the pilot trial much sooner. 9. More folks benefit; not just those who bought land by the proposed rails
Tino Delgato proposed this Trolley on Tires over 2 1/2 years ago!
- AND FOR PEOPLE WHO STILL DRIVE CARS: On Monday, a Whistleblower reader took a little drive in the afternoon from Hyde Park to Evendale. He was a little low on gas so he kept an eye out for the cheapest unleaded gas price along the ride. The Speedway at Edwards and Markbreit where he got on I-71 was $3.17. Not bad, maybe he would return to purchase there. Once on the Norwood Lateral the traffic backed up and he got off on Reading Road to drive thru Bond Hill and Roselawn. He was shocked when he saw a gas price of $3.08 in Bond Hill and again $3.08 in Roselawn. When he finally got to Galbraith he noticed the prices were once again $3.17 and by the time he got to Evendale the prices were $3.19.
What did the reader learn from this experience? Perhaps that when the news media tells you that the inner city residents are downtrodden and put upon by racist pricing structures put in place by rich white corporate America, they are wrong. The best prices in town are in the hood.
ZOMBIES AT CITY HALL: Here is a scary picture of newly elected Cincinnati City Clown-cilwoman Amy Murray and her campaign team. They are all smiling immediately after her victory two weeks ago. BUT none of these hard working people is smiling now. Why? Seems Amy hired someone who does not even live in the city of Cincinnati and currently works in Western Ohio as her full time Staff in city hall. So much for loyalty!
ANOTHER EMBARRASSING FORMER CINCINNATIAN: Whistleblower Sunshine State Bureau Chief Rank Feikel wonders if there’s any truth to the rumor that “Mean Jean” Schmidt is looking at properties in the Naples, Florida area so she can run to replace Republican Congressman Trey Radel, who has pleaded guilty to cocaine possession and will be on supervised probation for one year. Half of “Mean Jean’s” former constituents live in Naples. Trey went to Elder. His family owns Radel Funeral Homes on the Westside. We bet they’re all really proud of him today.
WTF IN WARREN COUNTY: The local lame stream media, too busy fawning all over Mayor-elect Johnboy Cranley no doubt, missed one of the biggest election upsets up in Warren County. Our intrepid Warren County Reporter Landen Mason recently told us that none other than Mighty Dave Wallace, who really did fight to hand in Iraq (unlike “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, who sat in the rear with the gear clipping toe nails) toppled longtime Hamilton Township Trustee Becky “I Love Impact Fees” Ehling in a whopping landslide. Becky, as you may know imposed an impact tax (fee) on local builders that was later overturned by the Ohio Supreme Court – who called it an “illegal tax.” We guess the voters up there were just pain tired of all the taxes and mollycoddling going in the township so they sent Becky and her cronies packing. Meanwhile, over in the Kings School District, COASTie and FOB (friend of Brinkman) Kim Grant also knocked off some local tax-and-spenders to win a seat on the school board. They sure don’t know what’s in store for them now. Just wait until Kim turns on the lights and all the cockroaches go a runnin’.
ALSO IN WARREN COUNTY: Despite the fact that Warren County’s State Senator Shannon “Faulkner” Jones’ hand-picked successor State Representative Pete Beck has been indicted with charges that could result in over 100 years in prison, he and all the other elected officials were all laughs at the bridge opening ceremony earlier this week because the crooked cronies of Warren County do not care about any indictments. Jones was noticeably absent from the ceremony. When an ODOT official was asked why the State Senator was not in attendance, the press was informed that ODOT engineers were concerned that the new structure may not be able to hold the additional weight.
CLUELESS IN CLERMONT: Here is a picture of two of the best legislators money can buy. State Senator Joe “Uecker for Sale” and Doug Green.
Not only are they bought-and-paid for RINOs, but they’re lazy and ineffective. Just what their owners want in Columbus. Both support Common Core, Kasich ObamaCare expansion, and voted for all of Kasich-Taylor’s tax increases. If the Clermont TEA party wants to continue to take out RINOs like they did in Union Township and West Clermont School District, here are two perfect targets.
- SUPPRESSED IN SYCAMORE says the Trustees have, again, changed the date and time of their regularly scheduled workshop meeting on Tuesday from 0900 AM until 1230PM. This of course was to benefit their personal schedules. They definitely didn’t wish to allow ANY citizenry to plan ahead.
ADDLED IN ANDERSON: The Anderson Township Republican Club Board will hold an open planning meeting on December 4, at 7pm at the Anderson Center. The purpose of the meeting is to talk about plans for the Republican Club in 2013, including speakers and growing the positive impact the Republican Club can have in Anderson Township, Newtown, and Mt. Washington. The meeting is open to all members who would like to provide input and engage in the discussion.
Also in Anderson, if newly elected Anderson Trustee Gerth Pappas show us at tonight’s scheduled Trustees meeting, will he be presenting some lovely parting gifts to Disgraced-and-Defeated-but-not-yet Departed Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien?
- ILLOGICAL IN INDIAN HILL: Those rich parents want their kids to be safe at Indian Hill High School, so you have to be buzzed in at the front door. At the back door, all that keeps the bad guys out of the unlocked door are four signs reminding them that no one in the building is armed, because it is a “Gun Free Zone.”
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders if that was part of Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Kevin Murphy’s face in Patrick Reddy’s photo hiding behind a copy of the $100 million judgment won by his client, William Yung and his family, from Grant Thornton over a tax strategy Judge Patricia Summe said the firm knew was fraudulent. And you though Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters won all those big judgments that everybody knew would be appealed.
The CamBoozler also says it seems Bitch McConnell may have aged, but his attitude is that of young child. We all remember someone saying “I am taking my ball and going home if you all are going to be mean to me!” This is the attitude of Mitch’s Bitches. Mitch was invited to attend the Boondoggle GOP Christmas party this Thursday night at Receptions Banquet & Conference Center in Erlanger. He declined because he has not been given any time to speak this year.
Last year, he came and spoke to a swelling crowd of almost 400 folks. The Boondoggle GOP has decided to streamline the event with Judge Andrew Napolitano coming tonight. Mitch’s feelings have been hurt and now says a scheduling conflict has arisen. That’s funny because word around the county seat says Mitch’s Goons are boycotting the party and are trying to intimidate those planning to attend.
Mitch’s top brass have said that the real reason is because TEA Party Patriots in the Boondoggle GOP wish Matt Bevin to win the May primary. Well, guess what? Matt Bevin is not speaking either. With Northern Kentucky being such a MUST for McConnell, this will be seen in CambooLand as Mitch trying to strong arm people and teaching them a lesson that you “Don’t mess around with Mitch.” That kind of thinking might come back to bite him in May. If not in May, then in November for sure!
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if we should believe Obama’s White House when they claim they were given a special version of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and that’s why Obama forgot to say “Under God.”
“Just because Obama and his Dishonest DemocRATS have all been caught lying about everything else during the past five years, it’s no reason to doubt them on this,” Kane explained.
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s e-dition is brought to you by another generous donation made during our November fund-raising drive by Receptions Banquet & Conference Center in Erlanger, offering discounts on weddings where all the bridesmaids have tattoos.
E-mail your last full measure of devotion today.
Some historical items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally historical insightful subscribers.
Whistleblower Link of the Day
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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