Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Checking the Obameter
According to PolitiFact, one of the many lies Obama and his Dishonest DemocRATS in Congress told when they after the passed their ObamaCare Fraud was the promise to cut the cost of a typical family’s health insurance premium by up to $2,500-a-year. No wonder all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters are now unhappy that they won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
BARRACK OBAMA, COMPUTER REPAIRMAN, who snubbed the 150th Gettysburg Ceremony on Tuesday because he’s too much busy fixing the ObamaCare Website, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- KATHLEEN SEBELIUS AND OTHER TOP WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS, who were warned In April the ObamaCare Website Rollout was going to be a disaster, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- OBAMA’S WHITE HOUSE SPOKES-DWEEB JAY CARBOARD, who says Obama probably would’ve campaigned in Gettysburg if the event had been before the 2012 Elections, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- CENSUS BUREAU EMPLOYEES, who faked the September 2012 Jobs Report showing the Unemployment Rate falling sharply just before the 2012 Presidential Election, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
POLLSTERS, who found Americans would vote for Romney over Obama if they had a do-over 49-45%, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN, who says on this date in 1945, twenty-four high-ranking Nazis went on trial in Nuremberg, Germany, for atrocities committed during World War II, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- VULNERABLE DEMOCRATS IN 2014, who are desperately trying to drop the name “ObamnaCare,” won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- WHITE SUBURBAN MOMS, who were attacked by Obama’s Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for opposing Common Core, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
PMSNBC’S MARTIN BASHIR, who finally apologized for saying someone should “shit in Sarah Palin’s mouth,” won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- FOXY ROXY QUALLS, who says it used to be a lot easier to selling property along the proposed streetcar route, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on her ObamaCare Plan.
- DIMINUTIVE DEMOCRAT MAYOR-ELECT JOHN CRANLEY, who still hasn’t cancelled giving interviews to The Fishwrap like he shut down the Trolley Folly, Parking Plan, and the City Mangler’s wasteful spending, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- CINCINNATI CITY MANGLER MILTON DOUGH BOY HONEY, whose Health Insurance is probably included in his of lovely parting gifts along with a year’s salary of $255,000, doesn’t have to worry about saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
DEFEATED DEMOCRATS CHRIS SQUEALBACK and LAURE “NOT SO” CLEANLIVIN’, whose parting gifts don’t include a year’s salary, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY BOSS ALEX T., MALL COP GOP, who guaranteed Cincinnati will have a White DemocRAT Mayor for the next eight years by not even putting up a Republican candidate, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- HAMILTON COUNTY COMMISSIONER ME, GREG HARTMANN, who claims to have a plan to give property owners a break next year on paying for the county’s two professional sports stadiums, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plans.
DOWNTOWN PANHANDLERS, who are no longer allowed to crap on the Courthouse steps, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- APATHETIC HAMILTON COUNTY VOTERS, who are busy writing Guest Columns in The Fishwrap these days, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- COAST’S LITIGIOUS LAWYER CHRIS FINNEY AND NAALCP PRESIDENT SMLP SMITHERMOUTH, who have both been nominated for the Whistleblower’s 2013 Turkey of the Year Contest once again, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- ANGRY ANDERSONIANS, who are waiting to see if Disgraced-and-Defeated Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien shows up at tomorrow night’s Trustees Meeting to give his long concession speech, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, who say there’s no limit during RINO Hunting Season, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- BLUEGRASS BUREAU CHIEF KEN CAMBOO, who wonders how much Cincinnati’s brand new Trolley Busses will look like the Southbank Shuttle busses for the past twenty years, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- KENTON COUNTY JUDGE EXECUTIVE STEVE ARLINGHAUS, who wonders why everybody’s asking how they can be included on all those lavish CVG Board Junkets, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE, who chose Traveling Steve’s “CVG board travel is OK, but not paying for booze,” won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- KENTUCKY U.S. SENATOR BITCH MCCONNELL, who claims he’s still a Conservative, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
MCCONNELL’S CHALLENGER MATT BEVIN, who says McConnell doesn’t have to worry about his ObamaCare Account because all Members of Congress are exempt, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- RICK “THE BATBOY” ROBINSON, whose automatic e-mail response says “I am currently out of the office and will return August 2nd,” won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- THAT CABAL OF NOKY ATTORNEYS STILL OUT TO DESTROY ERIC “CALL ME CRAZY” DETERS INCLUDING LOVELY LISA WELLS (THE ATTORNEY WHO REPLACED CRAZY ERIC ON WLW HATE RADIO), who wonder when “Crazy Eric” Deters suspension in Kentucky will be over, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on their ObamaCare Plans.
- OUR GOOD FRIEND, KENTON COUNTY COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY E ROB SANDERS, who seems to have forgotten how to send us our link for this week’s “This Week in Kenton County Circuit Court” with all those pictures of druggies, scumbags, suspected hookers, and even a few pedophiles, won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
- FINALLY, BELOVED WHISTLEBLOWER PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE, who says, “It won’t be the last lie you hear from Obama during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term (with only 1,157 more days remaining unless he’s impeached), won’t be saving $2,500-a-year on his ObamaCare Plan.
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
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