Thursday, November 14, 2013
What a Difference a Year Makes
Think of how much things have changed since last year since on November 14. It had been only been a week since Obama was re-elected, and amazingly, people from more than 20 of the Divided States of America had already used the White House’s online “We the People” program to petition the administration and allow that state to secede. The Obama program rule stated if 25,000 people signed your petition within 30 days, the White House would be forced to respond. Texas already had more than 25,000 signatures on its petition, and these other states would soon have theirs: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee. Three states — Georgia, Missouri and South Carolina are each represented by two competing petitions. Ohio just got its petition too. And the only impediment keeping the Obama Administration for telling more lies ever since is the amount of time it takes them to open their mouths.
Why don’t people who come up with all those great ideas ever follow through with them?
WE HAD A MESSAGE FOR JOHN BOEHNER: A year ago, Firebrands at Grasstops said was time for John Boehner and Republicans in Congress to stop compromising and start impeaching. They were wrong to think standing up for the Constitution would cost them the 2012 election; and it was time some of them finally realized what patriotic Americans have known all along… that it was their refusal to stand up and do their Constitutional duty that cost them the election. So a year ago, we said it was time to stop capitulating and start impeaching.
- GOING GALT: John Galt said was past time productive people went on strike, withdrawing their services in protest against a society that damns them for being productive and expropriates the fruits of their labor. “Going Galt” doesn’t simply mean getting angry. That would be “Going Postal.” It means having righteous indignation at the injustice of a political system that bails out individuals and institutions for irresponsible behavior and at the expense of those who prosper through hard work and personal responsibility.
WHISTLEBLOWER FOCUS GROUP: A year ago, The Blower had asked for explanations of what had gone wrong on Election Day. Here’s what one TEA Party Critic had to say:
Last week’s election was a complete and total loss for the TEA Party on the national level with the failure of so many national TEA Party candidates such as Allen West in Florida, Richard Mourdock in Indiana, Josh Mandel here in Ohio and Todd Akin in Missouri, and locally Mike Wilson was rejected for a second time even after Republicans in the Ohio Legislature drew him a tailor-made district.
THE TEA PARTY TODAY seems to be coming back to life. RINO Season officially opens at 7 PM tonight at the Anderson Center. Conservative candidates challenging House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Surrender Monkey Bitch McConnell will be speaking before a packed house.
- MORE FREE STUFF: Obama Supporters in Bond Hill, Evanston, Avondale, College Hill and Price Hill were whining about grocery stores and the American Heart Association had wasted a $75,000 grant to tell people to eat better foods.
Those neighborhoods all had grocery stores, but they were robbed blind of everything on their shelves: especially pampers and baby formula all those unwed mamas were so fond of. Stores can’t operate when they don’t make a profit. Maybe black entrepreneurs, like Wendell Young, Chris Smithermouth, along with local race hustlers Steve and Stevecia Reese would like to open grocery stores for their black voters and see how long they can stay in business.
- SYMBOL OF DISTRESS: In Florida last November 14, Whistleblower Bureau Chief Rank Feikel said WTSP-TV in Tampa was reporting the story about Navy veteran Philip Hoezel, a Fleming Island resident who’s been flying his American flag upside down as a “symbol of distress” ever since Obama was re-elected. “I figure if they can burn the flag, if they can spit on it, if they can put it down as a doormat, why can’t I fly it upside down?” says Hoezel.
SUPPORTING OUR LOCAL SHERIFF: Republicans for Higher Taxes was mourning the defeat of Sean Donovan for Hamilton County Sheriff. They believed Donovan was the best candidate on the ballot last year, with his support for higher taxes and streetcars.
And it was really something when RINO Party Chairman Alex TryinToFoolYou said, “My sense is he (Donovan) did not win every single Republican vote.” You think? Had Ole’ Blue Face bothered to speak with Real Republicans who will give him an honest take, he would have understood months ago that Donovan was going to bleed a significant number of Republican votes. That’s what happens when you run a candidate who wants higher taxes and streetcars, and isn’t respected by the deputies under him. The word eventually gets out. did not win every
CH Snitch 1at 1000 Main Street Snitch wondered if Jim Neil would have to buy a replacement for the document shredder when he took over the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, since word was the one there would be worn out by the time the former occupants left.
NORTHERN KENTUCKY BS: When Thomas Massie took over for Goof Doofus, Kentucky’s new Fourth District Congressman had a lot of catching up to do. Maybe that’s why Massie called his farm in Lewis County to have a couple of loads of manure sent to the Capitol, since everybody else was already so far ahead.
- NOT PC ON TV: Alternate Lifestyles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis had noticed TV 19’s “Trish the Dish” was off the air the previous Sunday night. Do you think she was actually suspended for a post on her personal Facebook page, where she referred to PMSNBC’s Lesbian Host Rachel Maddow as an “angry young man?” Fox management was so flooded with complaints, they couldn’t put their fingers in the dyke fast enough. But to be fair to Trish, that lezzie does look a lot like a guy.
OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jimmy Kimmel’s “Mitt Romney has a supporter in Indiana who thought it was a good idea to have the Romney/Ryan logo tattooed on his face. He’s going to feel really stupid when he finds out about campaign buttons.”
- FINALLY, AT THE NOVEMBER 14 MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA LAST YEAR, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what he thought about General Betray-us’ resignation as head of the CIA. “Let’s face it,” Kane explained. “If the CIA director can’t keep an affair secret, guys like Disgraced Former Hamilton County Prosecutor Mike Allen and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWhine’s Stuttering Son never had a chance either.
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
Last Year’s More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s e-dition is brought to you by another generous donation made during our November fund-raising drive by, Romney Supporters Anonymous.
E-mail your predictions and prognostications today.
Some insightful items in today’s Blower were sent in by our insightful subscribers.
(Last Year’s) Whistleblower Link of the Day
Nation Elects Four Years Of Political Gridlock
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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