Friday, November 8, 2013
Waiting for Foxy Roxy’s Supporters to Demand a Recount
At today’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why all those Foxy Roxy Liberals and The Fishwrap are suddenly going bonkers, just because the first thing Diminutive DemocRAT John Cranley did after being elected Mayor of Cincinnati was topronounce Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory’s Trolley Folly dead in its tracks.
“Actually keeping a campaign promise is indeed rare these days,” Kane explained, “but the really unbelievable part of that story is…that campaign promise keeping politician turned out to be a DemocRAT.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Bernard Baruch’s “Vote for the man who promises least. He’ll be the least disappointing.”
And Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1994, for the first time in 40 years, the Republican Party under the leadership of Newt Gingrich won control of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate in midterm Congressional elections, but until Republicans stop sending RINOs to Washington and elect a Conservative President, America will continue off course toward the abyss.
Now Let’s Meet Today’s Guest Editor:
It’s former WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Darryl Parks. Our Faux Facebook Friend got fired this week by the Greedy Weasels after the Clear Channel vice president for news talk operations told the truth once too often on his own Saturday morning radio show. Now all those trash talkers Darryl terminated over the years are saying Parks got exactly what he deserved. Ironically, one of those fired Bill Cunningham wanabees we’ll call “Crazy Eric” Deters has offered to represent Parks to obtain all those punitive damages the fired radio executive may choose to recover.
That’s why The Blower, which takes pride in recognizing aspiring conservative guest columnists, is pleased to permit a guy who’s not afraid to uses his station blog to take the Radio Industry to task and call a recent radio show a “Circle Jerk,” to be today’s guest editor to choose three items plus a quickie for today’s E-dition from our Current Cadre of Conservative Columnists and Contributors.
June 6, 2013 was the 69th anniversary of “D Day,” the largest invasion ever attempted, where 200,000 Americans stormed the beaches at Normandy to begin the final push to defeat Nazi Germany in WWII. D-Day marked the turning point in WWII in Europe, where the Nazis were engaged in mass murder of Jews and minorities by the thousands.
On D-Day, European heads of state make it a point to recall and honor the sacrifices of those who landed in Normandy, as do our Presidents….well, most of them….
In the 69 years since D-Day, there are four occasions when the President of the United States chose not to visit the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion.
The occasions were: Barack Obama, 2010 Barack Obama, 2011 Barack Obama, 2012 Barack Obama, 2013
For the past 69 years, every American President except Obama have taken the time to honor the memory and sacrifices of the 6,000 American soldiers killed on D-Day…Except Obama!
- June 6, 2010, Obama had no events scheduled.
- June 6, 2011, Obama met with the National Security team and was interviewed by WEWS Cleveland and WDIV in Detroit about the auto industry – FAR too busy to visit the D-Day memorial.
- June 6, 2012, instead of honoring our fallen soldiers, Obama made a campaign trip to California on Air Force 1 (at over-taxed payers’ expense) to raise funds for (his) upcoming election.
- June 6, 2013, Obama was doing ANOTHER fund raiser with the multimillionaires in the DemocRAT Senatorial Campaign Committee in Palo Alto California, once again at our over-taxed payers’ expense.
America – Aren’t you proud?
FUN WITH GUNS By Billy Bob Carbine, Bluegrass Rifle Association Spokesman
Today we have some shooting advice from various Concealed Carry Instructors. If you own a gun, you will appreciate this. If not, you should go out and get one and learn how to shoot it:
- Guns have only two enemies: rust and politicians.
- It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
- Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
- Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arms length.
- Never say “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off. UNLESS you carry an XD, in which case the safeties make no sound and the first sound heard will be “bang.”
- The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes, the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.
- The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win – cheat if necessary.
- Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, cause it’ll be empty.
- If you’re in a gun fight: If you’re not shooting, you should be loading. If you’re not loading, you should be moving, If you’re not moving, you’re dead.
- In a life and death situation, do something. It may be wrong, but do something!
- If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
- You can say “stop” or “alto” or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language.
- You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family, or a defenseless innocent.
TODAY’S DIVERSITY LESSON By TEA Party Trustee Gerth Pappas
The Obama Administration wants us to learn more about Muslims, their ‘Religion of Peace’, their significant and numerous contributions to the culture of the world we share and to accept them into our American culture. So, I’m making a sincere effort to learn to communicate with our Muslim friends by learning Arabic for the sake of “cultural diversity.”
Arabic is a difficult language to master. This is my first attempt at it but it is a heartfelt message:
AND A QUICKIE By Our Good Friend Bobby Leach
We all remember when Nancy Pelosi issued that famous phrase about ObamaCare: “We have to pass it, to find out what’s in it” A perceptive physician called into a radio show and responded: “Actually, that’s the definition of a stool sample.”
Stories We’re Working On
ObamaCare problems get worse by the day
- Biden congratulates wrong man on Boston mayor win
- TEA Party isn’t dead yet
- Sebelius Still Not Fired
- White Mayor elected in Cincinnati and Detroit
- What’s next for Foxy Roxy and Cleanlivin’?
- Muslim workers at DHL in NoKY fired over prayer
Whistleblower Web Poll
This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said Tuesday’s Mayoral Election in Cincinnati set a record for low voter turnout: (A) Only two DemocRATS Running: 2% (B) No black candidate on the ballot: 1% (C) Ignorance and apathy, the same as always: 1% (D) They didn’t own property on the streetcar line: 96%
Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!
More Conservative Political Cartoons
Elections Rejections
This week, everybody who can’t wait for Tuesday’s election to be over so the 2014 Elections could officially begin, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is Card-carrying Conservative Gary Boldwater, who wonders how many Republicans who voted for Diminutive DemocRAT John Cranley because Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP forgot to put a Republican mayoral candidate on the ballot were celebrating the death of that stupid streetcar in Cincinnati .
Gary wins an Official Whistleblower Campaign Countdown Clock, a commemorative “Save Us, Alex” bumper sticker, and some leftovers from the losers’ election night parties.
This year when the Elections are done We can all start to have fun. When the streetcar is out And the Liberals all pout All our fun will just have begun.
And from the Unlicensed Anderson Laureate (It’s not terribly mean-spirited this time, but then, he’s a Republican):
This year when the elections are done I’ll be so glad ’cause it hasn’t been fun Tim Burka’s laughing and smirking Alex’s BS isn’t working Why couldn’t he find someone like Lincoln to run?
The first line of next week’s limerick is: “This year on Veterans Day”
E-Mail your scofflaw sightings
Some contemptible items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally contemptible subscribers.
Whistleblower Link of the Day
Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley Mock ObamaCare
at Country Music Awards
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.