Monthly Archives: September 2013

Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Blower’s Week in Review  

  • image005OUR NUMBER ONE “GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN DANCE” STORY THIS WEEK was when John Boehner’s House Republicans passed a bill last Friday that would continue funding the government at current spending levels for nearly three months, but would strip money appropriated to fund ObamaCare.
  • OUR NUMBER TWO “GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN DANCE” STORY THIS WEEK was when Harry Reid stripped the defund language from the continuing resolution, so the matter would be left for Obama and Boehner to come to an understanding.
  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE “GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN DANCE” STORY THIS WEEK was when House Republican leaders moved forward with a bill to fund the government until mid December, while delaying ObamaCare for a year and repealing the medical device tax and sent that bill back to the Senate, while pushing a separate bill to pay U.S. troops in the case of a government shutdown. 

  • MONDAY in our Special “Focus Group” E-dition, The Blower focused on “What Ordinary Americans Think About “Defunding ObamaCare.”

image007Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports only 31% of Likely U.S. Voters say Obama’s Unaffordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is a good idea with the start date for compliance with the individual mandate coming up on October 1. Four in ten uninsured Americans still don’t know that the law requires them to buy a plan.  Even among those in the know — or perhaps especially among the informed — the ObamaCare remains really unpopular. And during the 1,214 days during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, just thing how much more divided and demoralized could possibly be. 

That’s why The Whistleblower rounded up some of our usual suspects. We found them at dawn still praying for health care at a candle-light vigil around the Peace Pole in Anderson Township Sunday morning. We just had to find out how many of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters understood the law’s impact on them and their families or how the law will work.       


  • TUESDAY in our Special “Countdown to Shutdown” E-dition, The Blower said “It’s T-Minus Six Days and Counting!” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

image010It looks like the federal government could be shutting down. The legal definition of a government shutdown is when Congress continues not to work, but they do it from home. —Jay Leno

That’s why the number of days till the October 1 Government Shutdown is now being featured at the lower right hand corner on this page. —Clarence, The Whistleblower Countdown Clock Operator

Republicans in Congress need to “Defund ObamaCare” this week. TEA Partiers forced John Boehner to do his job in the House. Now those gutless-and-rudderless GOP Senators need to follow Texas Senator Ted Cruz and his liberty-loving posse on Capitol Hill who’ve led the charge to defund Obama’s train wreck. It’s time for them to woman up, stand your ground, and fight like a girl. —Sarah Palin

That’s why we chose Mark Twain’s “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” —Your Quote for Today Committee          


  •  WEDNESDAY in our Special “Rising in Opposition” E-dition, The Blower said, “Especially to that Congressional Exemption of ObamaCare!”

AMERICANS OPPOSE CONGRESSIONAL EXEMPTION: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says there’s a movement growing to repeal that outrageous ObamaCare Exemption for Congress. The Weekly Standard reports the poll data is clear and cuts across party lines. 92% of the public does not think it’s right that Congress and their staff are letting the Obama administration exempt them from the costs of ObamaCare. Yet it seems many in Congress still want to dismiss these findings in hopes that these sentiments won’t translate into actual voter preferences. Incumbents facing reelections shouldn’t fool themselves. A recent real-world deployment of the issue shows it can powerfully impact candidates’ prospects. Nebraska Republican Senate Candidate Ben Sasse says, “Can these people be more out of touch?”

Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup claims he’s received nearly 5,000 signatures on his petition to end the special congressional exemption from ObamaCare at But how many of those signatures were from those other 534 “Special People” in Congress?


  • THURSDAY, in our Special “Faux Filibuster”  E-dition, The Blower said, “Was anybody there? Does anybody care?”

image011Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says all Real Republicans spent the entire day watching Wednesday’s Whistleblower Link of the Day’s live coverage of Ted Cruz’s Faux Filibuster, as the Texas TEA Party Senator tried to speak out against ObamaCare “until he was no longer able to stand.”

Cruz was going for the Filibuster Speaking Record set by Republican Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who spoke for 24 hours and 18 minutes against the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The second longest filibuster was conducted by Republican Senator Alfonse D’Amato of New York, who spoke for 23 hours and 30 minutes to stall debate on an important military bill in 1986. The third longest filibuster in American political history was conducted by DemocRAT Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon, who spoke for 22 hours and 26 minutes to stall debate on the Tidelands Oil bill in 1953.

          [READ MORE HERE]

  • FRIDAY in our in our Special “What Shutdown?” E-dition, The Blower said, “If Congress Isn’t Worried, Why Should We Be?”

image013 In the next few days, politicians in Washington, D.C., will do and say many things to make it look and sound as if they are against ObamaCare when in fact they are ultimately planning to use the power that has been vested in them by the people of their districts and states to ensure that ObamaCare is funded and implemented. But make no mistake: If ObamaCare is funded and implemented it will be because Republican members of Congress decided to do it. This is not a debatable supposition. It is an irrefutable fact. The fate of ObamaCare is controlled completely by Republicans — period.

Now Let’s Meet Today’s Guest Editor:

image015It’s “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman, who suddenly has a lot of new best friends offering to buy his lunch after Tom Bockerstette of Westwood implied in a letter to the editor that the outrageous $120,000 settlement COAST recently received from the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools (as well as that $512,000 from the City of Cincinnati) should’ve been deposited directly into our good friend “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman’s bank account.

And because our The Old TaxKiller swears on a stack of Bibles that he didn’t pocket any of the cash from those big judgments COAST has been awarded lately since 100% of the money went to his litigious lawyers, The Blower, which also never takes a dime for trying to make our community a better place to live, is pleased to permit Tom Brinkman as our guest editor to chose three items plus a quickie for today’s E-dition from our Current Cadre of Conservative Columnists.


  • SATURDAY in our Special “Filibuster Failure” E-dition, The Blower said,But At Least It Was Bi-Partisan!”

image004Today may be T-Minus Two Days and Counting for a Government Shutdown, but Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says in 1986, September proved to be a hard month for investors. In the span of three short weeks, the Dow lost just under two hundred points. 200 points? BFD! Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes explains during the Obama Recession, up-and-down changes that size in the Stock Market seem to happen every other day and you don’t see anybody really panicking.

And is Hallmark really selling “Sorry You Lost Your Job Cards?” During the next 1,210 days of America’s Dark Ages during the Obama Administration, we bet they’ll sell a lot.



Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.



e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today. 


  • image018NEXT STEP, GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Not to worry, Even if the Government shuts down, Congress will still get paid.
  • WHAT’S WRONG WITH OBAMA? Hollywood Obama Supporter Samuel L. Jackson tells Obama to “Be Fucking Presidential” and stop dropping Your Gs…Obama chastises Americans for not “Caring” Enough… and Dems drop price of Obama photo-op from $10k per-person to $5k per-family.
  • OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY FAILURES: Assad brags he duped Obama with chemical weapons deal…Iran declares victory over America after Obama agrees to talks, saying our “power and resistance” has forced the US to bow down while Iran will have enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear weapon in two months… Plus Libyan Jihadists stole massive amount of US military equipment, including heavily armored vehicles, night vision goggles, m4 rifles, and glock pistols.
  • LURCHING TO THE LEFT: Obama’s Clueless Secretary of State John Kerry got lucky at the UN when the Iranian FM shook his hand. Kerry also signed that Controversial U.N. Arms Treaty the Senate opposes.
  • OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: Scandal-Ridden Lois Lerner retired from IRS with her full $50,000-per-year pension after Accountability Review Board was about to suggest Lerner be fired for her role in Obama’s IRS Scandal… Meanwhile, Lois Lerner’s lawyers are now negotiating with the House Oversight Committee on Immunity for her testimony.
  • OBAMANOMICS 101:   White House Praised Over-Taxed Payers’ $15 Billion Loss On Auto Bailout, saying, “This has turned out far better than anyone could have dreamed of”…and a Grocery Store named after Obama was charged with Food Stamp Fraud.
  • OUR DEVOLVING CULTURE DURING THE AGE OF OBAMA:  How classy was this: DemocRAT Senator Barbara Mikulski railed against “Tea Baggers” (a crude sexual slang for a man dangling his balls into another person’s mouth) from the Senate Floor after the CR Vote…Top Obama Adviser Dan Pfeiffer compared Republicans to Suicide Bombers…Libs Wanted to see Republican Senator Ted Crus murdered…and Obama Invoked his daughters while talking up Obamacare’s Contraceptive Coverage.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Americans reject Obama’s position on Raising Debt Ceiling By a 2-To-1 Ratio…Obama’s Approval Rating Among Independents implodes, it’s now down to only 30%…and 92% of Americans Oppose Congress Being Exempted From Obamacare.
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKE WATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “President Obama is now making his case for raising the debt limit. He said raising the debt limit does not increase debt. You know, like raising the speed limit does not increase speed.”


  • image019HEADLINES ACROSS AMERICA: Government Americans think Putin has been more effective than Obama on Syria by 2-to-1 ratio…White House GOP of “extortion” over debt ceiling…Obama claims Republicans are trying to “blackmail” me…and vandals torch Ronald Reagan monument in California.
  • POLITICS AS USUAL:  Obama admits: “We did raise taxes on some things” when we passed ObamaCare…and Ted Cruz now top choice among GOP voters for 2016 presidential nominee.
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATES:  Obama plays Slavery Card on victory lap speech on ObamaCare…Racial shooting in NC: black man shoots four people because they were white…and Maryland school official tells students Trayvon Martin ruling proved it is “legal to hunt down and kill children.”
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE White House celebrated “Bisexual Visibility Day”…and Pope Francis excommunicated Pro-Gay Marriage Priest.
  • DELUSIONAL DEMOCRATS:  DemocRAT Senator Tom Harkin says TEA Party “Every bit as dangerous” to nation as the Civil War Maybe it’s no surprise then that nearly one-out-of-five voters are talking about secession. …Nancy Pelosi says since a DemocRAT is in the White House “none of us should be negotiating the debt ceiling, it should just be lifted” and Hillary says electing me president “would be a very strong statement.”
  • SENILE IN THE SENATE:  McRINO attacks Ted Cruz and Mike Lee for “Dividing” GOP…and only 31% of South Carolina GOP Voters plan to vote for Lindsey Graham.
  • TEA PARTY TERRORISTS: Libs say “the TEA Party Is Dead And Unpopular”…and NPR’s Cokie Roberts claims Obama’s Approval Rating is dropping because this “TEA Party anger Is Racist”
  • WELFARE ABUSE: Liberals say it’s not right to make Welfare Recipients pass Drug Tests and work for their Benefits. No kidding!


  • image020OBAMACARE UPDATES: White House continues to lower the bar on ObamaCare: don’t expect a wave of enrollment…Obama “guarantees” Republicans won’t be calling it ObamaCare when they see how awesome the law is…Obama says “if it actually works, my critics will look really bad.”
  • OBAMA’S ORGANIZING FOR ACTION says all Obama Supporters have an important part to play to keep the government from shutting down at the end of the month. Even more important is the September 30 reporting deadline for donations.  
  • MEDIA MENDACITY: CNN Anchor Says Founding Fathers would oppose Defunding ObamaCare…as NBC News Kicks ObamaCare Propaganda into Overdrive by launching a full week of special programming “To Help Americans Get The Most Out of The Affordable Care Act.”
  • MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE:  Eric Holder says “I don’t think al Ahabab could pull off a terrorist attack In America”…CAIR on reports American Jihadists involved iIn Kenyan Mall Terror Attack: “Who Cares?”…CAIR receives millions from foreign Muslim Donors, hides donations using network of shell organizations…Tampa to allow CAIR to run “Diversity” Ads on City Buses.
  • AMNESTY FOR FUTURE DEMOCRATS: Nancy Pelosi to 1ntroduce Amnesty Legislation in the House…White House Official tells Congressional Black Caucus they’re trying to hide provisions in Senate Amnesty Bill allowing Criminal Illegals to stay in Country.
  • BABY KILLING UPDATE: Pro-Abortion ObamaCare to subsidize up to 111,500 abortions each year…Late-term Abortionist says, “I pray with woman before killing their baby… and Abortion Barbie tells top DemocRATS she will run for Governor of Texas.
  • GLOBAL WARMING: Despite Doom And Gloom Predictions by Global Warming Fanatics, Antarctic Sea Ice hits a 35-Year Record High, as U.N. calls on world to punish leaders who don’t buy into Global Warming Hoax at the ballot box. UN Climate Change Report says Global Warming to Kill 750 Million People.
  • G-UNCONTROL: Obama Uses speech at Memorial Service for Naval Yard Shooting Victims to campaign for Gun Control, as the NRA continues to break fundraising records.
  • UNION BLUES: Top Labor Union rips ObamaCare, saying “If it’s not fixed… then it needs to be repealed.”
  • LIBERAL BRAINWASHING: Obama ignores Supreme Court Ruling, telling colleges to enforce Affirmative Action using Admissions.

Closer to Home

  • image022BOEHNER BASHING: Now everybody’s waiting to see what THE GOP House Speaker and the TEA Partiers in the House will do with that hot potato Harry Reid and the Senate DemocRATS just tossed them. Boehner has said the stripped-down bill will not reach the floor. House Conservatives on Friday rallied around a proposal to attach a one-year delay of the healthcare law and send it back to the Senate. Senate DemocRATS say this will be rejected and result in a government shutdown. That makes it T-Minus One Day and Counting, Shutdown Fans!
  • IN COLUMBUS: Obama-Loving members of Ohio-based Service Employees International Union Local 1 have gone on strike over recent job cuts by a janitorial company called Professional Maintenance, which of course blamed ObamaCare. Which is really ironic, since SEIU is a major supporter of the law the so-called Affordable Health Care Law.
  • TEA PARTY TIRADE: Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski says the US Senate voted 79-19 on Friday to allow Cloture on the House Continuing Resolution that defunded ObamaCare. This bi-partisan vote cleared the way for a legislative maneuver whereby “moderate” Republican Senators and DemocRAT Senators who need to run for office in “Red” States in 2014, would be able to go on the record with a “phony” vote to defund ObamaCare, while knowing in advance that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would strip the defunding of ObamaCare from the bill before it is returned to the House. TEA Party members across the nation were pushing hard for the 46 Republican Senators to stand together with the majority of the American people and defeat this maneuver by Senator Reid, but instead 27 voted to support him.

This vote shows that the Republican Senators, who represent the Republican leadership, stand with the DC Establishment and not with the people. We greatly appreciated Ohio Senator Rob Portman listening to his constituents and voting against Cloture, but his efforts were unfortunately not enough to save the American people from the economic damage, loss of jobs, and loss of Liberty that they will be subjected to if ObamaCare is implemented.  The fight now moves back to the US House where Representatives must decide if they will allow ObamaCare to be funded or not. If the result of ObamaCare is truly the “destruction of our economy,” as Republicans have professed, then under what circumstance could anyone vote to fund it?  How do you vote to “destroy our economy?”  That is the only question any representative needs to answer.”

  • OHIO VOTER FRAUD: Hamilton County Demo Labor Party Boss Tim Burka has asked The Blower to remind everybody that October 1 marks the official beginning of Fraudulent Voting Season for Good Democrats and Dishonest Democrats who are still alive.
  • REDS ON THE ROPES: After “Homer” Bailey lived up to his name Friday night, and Dusty’s Little Reds Machine lost yet another must-win game, the Reds had to win both Saturday and Sunday to host Tuesday’s one-and-done playoff game against the same Pirates. Pete Rose says, “I wouldn’t bet on it,” since Bronson Arroyo gave up a record number of home runs Saturday afternoon.
  • DISHONOR AMONG THIEVES: In a September 16 letter to The FishwrapTom Bockerstette of Westwood implied that the outrageous $120,000 settlement COAST recently received from the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools should’ve been deposited directly into our good friend “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman’s bank account.  This was on top of the $512,000 COAST received from the City of Cincinnati in a case before Federal Court Judge “Masturbating Mike” Barrett two weeks earlier. Taxkiller says, The Fishwrap never should have printed the letter that accused me of pocketing all the cash from those big judgments COAST has been awarded lately. It was not opinion, the letter called me a thief. I am not a thief, my attorneys are the thieves.”

Update: Frustrated Fishwrapper Cindi Andrews took time off from testing all the samples from Dildo World to write online that the City of Cincinnati’s bull headed City Solicitor is going to contest the huge $512,000 award Judge Mike Masturbating Barrett gave COAST attorneys. “Taxkiller Tom” Brinkman said that this will result in another $50,000 to $100,000 is litigation fees for his thieving attorneys.

  • TRACI GOES HAWAIIAN: Fearless Fishwrapper KimBall Perry says Disgraced DemocRAT Juvenile Court Judge Traci Hunter isn’t letting a little thing like a potential contempt finding for not resolving cases in a timely manner stop her from closing her court and spending $3,200 in over-taxed payers’ money on a trip to Hawaii. Defending the Ditzy Dem, Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka said with a straight face, “Being at a conference does not mean she’s not working on her caseload.”  Our Snitch in the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office (probably not “JayWalking Joe” Deters) said, “How can she be doing her work in Hawaii? She’s damn well not doing it here!”
  • THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): There are now only 37 more days until this year’s elections on November 5, and Conservatives should be doing everything they can to get Real Republicans elected, except in Cincinnati, where Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP forgot to find somebody to run for Mayor of Cincinnati and enough people to run for City Clown-cil.   Unfortunately, Cincinnati voters must now chose between the lesser of two evils, Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extremely Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls.

Meanwhile, Republicans for Higher Taxes applaud Roxanne Qualls for defending her extensive role in passing the Bob Bedinghaus Stadium Tax, and for our benefit reprinted a portion of a recent online chat in which Foxy Roxy gave such defense.

  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET wonders about the “root” cause of Ditzy DemocRAT Judge Traci Hunter’s inability to maintain timely resolution of her docket.  Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel wonders why KimBall Perry hasn’t reported this. 
  • IN ANDERSON: This week The Forest Hills Urinal actually published a really boring story about last week’s meaningless forum for four of the five candidates running for Anderson Township Trustee put on by the League of Women Vipers. Missing from the story, of course, was any mention that reporter Lisa Wakeland was herself one of the Vipers, or any coverage of The Urinal’s endorsed candidate Disgraced Township Trustee Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien’s Capital One lawsuit, the lawsuit by the guy who unfortunately bought Kevin’s house, Kevin’s impending bankruptcy, and now, or that latest lawsuit. This one was filed September 4 by his former best friend Greg Delev in Probate Court on behalf of Emily Teeter Wright, accusing Whacky Jackie O’Brien’s Illegitimate Son Kevin of stealing money from her father’s trust fund.  [CHECK OUT CASE #2013004107 IN PROBATE COURT HERE] 
  • FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH: NoTaxJack says here’s a picture of our GOP headquarters in downtown Lebanon, Ohio. Do you actually think it’s worth $800 a month?


On the South Shore

  • image027IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says The Fishwrap could hardly wait to mention in Friday’s Politics Extra how DemocRAT Governor Steve BeShear wrote a column for the New York Times praising the daylights out of ObamaCare. The Blower’ was really surprised our ObamaCare loving Fishwrappers didn’t publish it on their own front page. But isn’t it funny that when all those ObamaCare consumers finally get to sign up for ObamaCare next week, it won’t be anything like the health plan Obama first pitched to the nation? Millions of low-income Americans won’t receive coverage. Many workers at small businesses won’t get a choice of insurance plans right away. Large employers won’t need to provide insurance for another year. Far more states than expected won’t run their own insurance marketplaces. And a growing number of workers won’t get to keep their employer-provided coverage.  Do you think all our Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama-Supporers will ever notice the difference?
  • AND HOW CAN THEY CALL IT “AFFORDABLE” ANYWAY? Disingenuous DemocRATS chose to call it “Affordable” when Obama and the DemocRATS hid all the costs and told all those lies just so they could pass the bill. Something is “Affordable” when someone else is paying for it, like “Affordable Housing.”  Everyone who has insurance now will pay higher rates to make it “Affordable” for Obama’s 47%.
  • THE VANILLA HILLS VIGILANTE says all those health nuts and do-gooders are always looking for a bike trail here or a street lane painted for them but nobody ever suggests a license plate or a fee from these people to offset the costs of their hobby. This is not a function of government, so bikers should be paying for their trails just as we pay for roads and bridges for cars. The Blower insists these freeloaders start paying like everybody else does! Also traffic laws should also apply to bikes. Get with it, bike-riders or drag it over in the gravel!!!
  • WILDER WOMEN: At Kevin “Give ‘Em Hell” Sell’s Campbell County Judge Executive Candidate’s Monday Night Football event on October 14 at Longneck’s Sports Grill in Wilder, Kevin promises several Wilder Women will be on hand.  

More Political Insight This Week

  • image028FECKLESS AT THE FISHWRAP:  Loony Libertarian Jim Berns says as usual, Fishwrappers Carl Weiser and Jane Prendergast missed an important issue in Cincinnati’s $400,000 September Mayoral Primary Election on September 10, where the record low turnout cost the over-taxed payers $34.79 per-vote. Berns says the Fumbling Fishwrappers forgot to ask John Cranley if he’d pledge to eliminate wasteful Mayoral Primaries if he’s elected. At least it would give them something to write about during the next 37 days until the November 5 election. Maybe they could use this screw-up in their stand-up comedy act at the Society for Unprofessional Journalists Inaugural Journalism Cabaret on October 9.
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says Gene Autry was born on this date in 1907. Do you think viewers of the Encore Westerns Channel will figure out why all those Gene Autry movies were shown on Saturday and Sunday?
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Gene Autry’s, “In my day, most people thought dance hall girls actually danced.”
  • GOING GALT:  According to the “Urban Dictionary,” Going Galt is the conservative version of “I’m movin’ to Canada!” It refers to John Galt from Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.” Going Galt means leaving what you see as a society crumbling in on itself and going somewhere else to watch it all burn to the ground.
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #261 is to say to a liberal, “You remember the Reagan era, when Ronald Reagan was President, and Bob Hope and Johnny Cash were still with us? Well, now we have Obama, no hope, and no cash.”

September Screwing
The lady likes to have her fun
But not to become a mama.
So she took her daily birth control
And mailed the bill to Obama.

  • image030AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA:  Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the sorry state of governance these days in our Nation’s Capital. “Maybe it’s time for somebody to dust off that Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution,” Kane suggested. “That’s the one that says ‘Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.’ ” Come to think of it, isn’t that what James Madison said in one of those Federalist Papers Essays?

Monday everybody will waiting to see if Obama and Congress actually shut down the government, and we’ll still be counting down the 1,208 days remaining until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.

Tuesday everybody will be celebrating “World Vegetarian Day” and in “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers,” our readers will tell us how they plan to ignore it.

Wednesday is “Custodial Workers Day,” so give your custodial worker a big thanks by gift wrapping your refuse.

Thursday is “Virus Appreciation Day,” but you can always give the little bastards a dose of penicillin.

The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: The best part of shutting the government down.

Saturday is “International Frugal Fun Day” so all you cheapskates can get ready to celebrate. 

The Libtard Show by Dixon Diaz



e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more. 

Whistleblower Link of the Day

Obamacare Video Contest Song

image036Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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