Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Blower’s Week in Review Top Ten List

Today it’s the Top Ten Stupidest Statements Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry made this week about Barack Obama, Warrior President’s planned War on Syria:

Cartoonist Gary Varvel: John Kerry is not asking to go to war wi10. U.S. Will “Live In Infamy” If We Don’t Bomb Syria
9. There Are “Moderates” Among Syrian Rebels
8. “Majority” of Rebels In Syria Are “Not” Jihadists
7. Kerry Compares Syria To 1938 Nazi Germany
6. John Kerry Invokes 9/11, Normandy, And The Cold War In Push For War With Syria
5. Kerry Leaves Door Open For American Boots On The Ground In Syria
4. Obama Can Bomb Assad Even If Congress Votes Against It…
3. Kerry Says Obama “Drew A Red Line” On Syria… Eight Hours After Obama Said “I Did Not Set A Red Line”
2. “I Opposed” Going To War In Iraq Even Though I Voted For It

…and the Number One Stupidest Statement Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry made this week about Barack Obama. Warrior President’s planned War on Syria this week was… We Will Help Al-Qaeda Rebels In Syria If We Do NOT Bomb Their Enemies!

  • MONDAY in our Annual “Union Daze” E-dition, The Blower said, “Union Day marks the traditional beginning of the fall negative political campaign season!”

Another Top Ten List

image007Today it’s the top ten blessings brought to you by organized labor:
10. A three-day Union Day weekend featuring Obama‘s Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez, trying to explain why union members should still support ObamaCare, along with Obama’s latest jobs strategy to put more people out of work along with more pro-union regulations.
9. Schools that just can’t suck enough
8. Advances in reconstructive kneecap surgery
7. Lying ads to smear Republicans
6. Union labels
5. Part-time workers trying to make SUV payments on $55-a- week strike pay
4. Aiding Devious DemocRATS with more election fraud again in 2012
3. Coffee breaks
2. Crooked Union Bosses
…And the number one blessing brought to you by organized labor is: plenty of volunteers to write hate mail letters and tear down Conservative candidates’ yard signs.


  • TUESDAY in our Special “Not Syrious About Syria” E-dition, The Blower said “Obama is currently leading a “Coalition of None!” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

image009We were happy to bring you the news last week when White House officials claimed Missile strikes against Syria could be launched as early as Thursday, as the White House intensified efforts toward an international response to the suspected use of chemical weapons. —Obama Supporters in the Press

Then the left-leaning NY Daily News mocked Obama saying, “The British Aren’t Coming! The British Aren’t Coming!” Assad’s 11-year-old son taunted Obama on Facebook, saying, “I just want the U.S. to attack sooo much.” And satirists at The Onion published a bogus guest column by Bashar al-Assad, taunting Obama even more mercilessly. —The Left-Leaning NY Daily News

And how pathetic was Obama’s Rose Garden statement on Saturday, announcing he’ll now seek congressional authority on attacking Syria whenever Congress returns, because he was looking for a way out of striking Syria after he had boxed himself in, then heading out for his 142nd round of golf as president, this time with Joe Biden? —Obama’s Caddy

Some people say I’m “seriously delusional,” just because I actually believe America demonstrates strength by showing Assad, Iran, and our other enemies the “power of our democratic process.” —Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry

What do you think Obama’s chances are of getting us to approve military action against Syria, just to help get him out of the corner he’s painted himself into? —Republicans in Congress

Miss me yet? —George W. Bush


  • image011WEDNESDAY in our Special “Boehner’s Blunder”” E-dition, The Blower said, “Hey, John—anything Nancy Pelosi’s for, you’re supposed to be against!”

BARACK OBAMA, WARRIOR PRESIDENT has not yet let loose the Dogs of War for two days against Syria’s Brutal Dictator President Bashar Assad, because Obama’s still trying to get Congress to help him save face after he had boxed himself in. Republican House Speaker John Boehner again knuckled under to Obama, saying, “I’m going to support the president’s call for action, and I believe my colleagues should support the president’s call for action,” following a meeting of congressional leaders with the president at the White House.

Deranged DemocRAT House Minority Leader Nutty Nancy Pelosi, who claims she consulted her five-year-old grandson about whether to support attacking Syria, says, “Obama will bomb Syria even if Congress votes against it.

Senile GOP Senator John McRINO defended arming the Syrian Rebels, guaranteeing those Al Qaeda Terrorists are “Moderates.”

Black House DemocRAT Eleanor Holmes Norton says, “Dems will vote for Obama’s Syria Resolution out of Loyalty to Obama.” But Charlie Rangel says, “Obama’s call for war against Syria is an embarrassment.”

And Doofus DemocRAT National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz said the U.S. would be bolstered with support from “dozens” of international allies if the United States makes military strikes against Syria, but she couldn’t name a single country.

In the Tri-state, constituents are urging their local Congressmen to “Just Vote No,” because, as Pat Buchanan says, “An unapproved strike on Syria would be an “Impeachable Act.”

The latest Pew Poll says Americans oppose attacking Syria by a massive 48% to 29% margin. In the Drudge Poll, only 82% are against this military madness.


  • THURSDAY, in our Official “Jewish New Year” E-dition, The Blower said, “Happy 5774, Everybody!”

image013And everybody was waiting to hear Obama’s really sincere Jewish New Year greetings wishing rich Jewish donors a year of peace while making a thinly-veiled plug for his “Better Bargain for the Middle Class” economic speech series in his video greeting for those celebrating the Jewish High Holidays. [WATCH IT HERE]

Wednesday, Obama was in Sweden on his way to the G 20 summit in Russia, where Soviet President Vladimir Putin has been busy ridiculing Obama’s call for Congress to approve a military strike in Syria. Many in the Middle East still don’t understand Obama’s policies, which probably explains why Obama plans to meet with gay activists in Russia, while back home, Obama’s Clueless Secretary of State John Kerry continues to try to sell Congress on the preposterous notion of how he was against attacking Syria before he was for it.

Jews in Cincinnati remember last year on the Jewish New Year when Obama came to town on another over-taxed payer funded campaign and fund-raising trip to conduct High Holiday Services at Murray Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters.


  • FRIDAY in our in our Special “G 20 Summit” E-dition, The Blower said, “It’s Another Fine Mess Obama’s gotten us into!”

image014Yesterday, everybody was keeping his fingers crossed, hoping Obama didn’t started World War III at the G 20 Summit in Russia, where Obama is struggling to convince foreign leaders and the public that military action in Syria isn’t about him. That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Obama’s “I didn’t set a red line,” on Syria. “The world set a red line.” Speaking of “Red,” check out how Obama is being depicted in a popular Egyptian newspaper these days as “Satan.”

Russian President “Bad Vlad” Putin warned Russia could send a missile shield to Syria in response to a US military strike, which escalated concerns that Putin would undermine and potentially challenge any US action, and a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned any military intervention in Syria would create a nuclear disaster. Meanwhile, Putin says Obama’s Clueless Secretary of State John Kerry is “Lying to Congress.” Come to think of it, most Republicans and DemocRATS in Congress are saying much the same thing, especially after Kerry’s hysterical hyperbole, when he stole FDR’s catch phrase, saying: “The U.S. will live in infamy if we don’t bomb Syria.” No wonder the Congressional Black Caucus has been ordered not to criticize Obama on Syria. Military action in Syria would require “Leadership” and “Clear Goals,” neither of which Obama and Kerry will ever be accused of.

  • SATURDAY in our Special “Obama War Update” E-dition, The Blower Was Waiting for Nobel to revoke Obama’s Peace Prize!

Barack Obama, Warrior President is returning from the G 20 Summit in Russia with his tail between his legs so he can make stupid statements about Syria at home, and his Clueless Secretary of State is traveling all the way to Lithuania to spew more of his Syrian silliness overseas. Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception has shows us Obama in his “Warrior Outfit.”


Obama says he’ll be making his case for a military strike on Syria in an address to the nation on Tuesday. That’s just what we need another, speech.

On Wednesday, the DemocRAT-Controlled Senate’s vote to end debate and pass a resolution for military action will occur on September 11. Coincidentally, that’ll be just twelve years after Al-Qaeda attacked New York City and Washington, the United States Senate will vote to fight alongside Al-Qaeda. There’s no possible way to guess what time those Iranian Terrorists are scheduled to attack our embassy in Baghdad on the anniversary of the Obama’s and Hillary’s Benghazi Massacre, where four Americans were murdered on last year’s anniversary of 9/11.

If the Senate Resolution doesn’t pass, Obama will probably be beginning another campaign style bus trip across America, this time to convince all those Congressmen in the House of Representatives to help him save what’s left of his credibility. Bad news for Republican House Speaker: the TEA Party is now all in against your support for Obama’s War on Syria. Democrats want Assad to sign a pledge not to use chemical weapons in the future. At least it’ll all be something else for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters to watch during the next 1,238 more days during Obama’s Second Term.




And this weekend your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $3.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower.
The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.
For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department.


  • image018OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY FAILURES: Obama Refuses To Rule Out Attacking Syria Without Congressional Approval… Putin Warns Obama: Russia Could Come To Syria’s Aid If U.S. Attacks…Obama Orders Pentagon To Expand Target List In Syria…Obama Has Ordered Pentagon To Revise Their Syria Attack Plans At Least 50 Times…Russian Sends Another Warship To The Coast Of Syria…Obama Admits Syria Is Not “Imminent Direct Threat To United States”… U.N. Ambassador: We Thought Iran Wouldn’t Tolerate Syria Using Chemical Weapons…and Obama Hints That He May Step Back From Attack On Syria…
  • OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: Syria is Obama’s best diversion yet. This week the media has totally ignored Obama’s other scandals, like Benghazi, the IRS, and the NSA?
  • OBAMANOMICS 101: Number of Americans Not In Labor Force Hits New Record High: 90,473,000… New Government Report Recommends Getting More People On Food Stamps To Alleviate “Food Insecurity”… Hope And Change: Unemployment Rate Among Blacks Jumps To 13%.
  • OUR DEVOLVING CULTURE DURING THE AGE OF OBAMA: Allen West says it’s time for Hollywood to get back to the business of make believe. Should we let celebrities do what they do best, be fake in a realistic way? Because when celebrities use their fame to influence the real world, the result, more often than not, is an exercise in narcissism. Unfortunately, American culture has devolved to the point where we celebrate narcissists and their pet concerns at the expense of the issues that affect everyday Americans, such as energy prices, deficit, and debt. Col. You’ll see celebrity excess at its worse in the debate over gun violence, especially with regards to the Newton, CT tragedy.
  • SPIES LIKE US: Russian President “Bad Vlad” Putin says The Blower’s New Cyber-Spy Columnist Edward Snowden is a “strange guy” who condemned himself to a difficult fate. “I do not have the faintest idea about what he will do next,” Putin said.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen said just 37% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should provide increased military assistance to protect the citizens of Syria. In part that’s because only 35% consider Syria a vital national security interest of the United States these days. And the latest Gallup Poll says support for attack on Syria is lower than any military action in last 20 years.
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKE WATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “Republican leaders have agreed to support President Obama’s plan to attack Syria. See, that’s what I love about our country. The only time Republicans and DemocRATS can agree on something is when it’s time to bomb somebody… and if Obama really wants to hurt the Syrian government, don’t send cruise missiles. He should end over some of his economic advisers.”


  • image020HEADLINES ACROSS AMERICA: National Crisis! Obama Cancels $32,400-Per-Head Hollywood Fundraiser To Deal With Syria Vote In Congress…Citizens Against Syria Strike Lighting Up Lawmakers’ Phones…Obama Mega-Donor Bill Maher Blames GOP Opposition To Syria On Racism… Senate To Vote On Aiding Al-Qaeda With Airstrikes Against Syria On . . . 9/11? And Leftist Anti-War Protesters Picket White House… Obama Goes Golfing…
  • MEDIA MENDACITY: Media Outlets Are Really Mad At Obama For Spoiling Their Plans To Cash In On Barack Obama, Warrior President’s War.
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATES: Minority Voter Turnout Increased Dramatically After Georgia Passed Its Voter ID Law…Astronomical Observatory Wants To Name Asteroid After Trayvon Martin… Federal Court Rules Blacks And Whites Must Be Held To Same Standard On Use Of The N-Word…
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE: Christian Airman Who Refused Commander’s Order To Say He Supported Gay Marriage Now May Face Possible Court-Martial…San Antonio Passes Ordinance Banning Anyone Who Opposes Homosexuality From Running For Office, Receiving A City Contract…
  • DOOFUS DEMOCRATS: Top Congressional Black Caucus Member Mocks Obama’s Plans For War In Syria… DemocRATS Want Assad To Sign Pledge Not To Use Chemical Weapons In The Future…Kerry Insists: There Are “Moderates” Among Syrian Rebels…FLASHBACK: Biden Accuses Romney Of Wanting “To Go To War In Syria”… Hollywood Lib Robert De Niro Wants Everyone To Be Nicer To Obama, “He’s Trying His Best”…Editor of Far-Left Rag The Nation: Let’s Launch Military Strikes On States With Voter ID Laws…and Delusional Anthony Weiner Planning To Run For Office Again.
  • SENILE IN THE SENATE: McRINO Plays Poker On His iPhone During Senate Hearing On Syria…McRINO Shocked To Learn His Constituents Do Not Support His Plans To Go To War In Syria…
  • TEA PARTY TERRORISTS: Republican leaders in Washington, including Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Senators McCain (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), and Corker (R-TN), are supporting Obama’s call for an American attack on Syria, but TEA Party groups around the country are united in their opposition to such military action.


  • image021MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE: Syrian Rebels Post Picture of Them Blowing Up Congress…Iraqi Shiites Vow To Attack American Targets If Obama Bombs Syria…Ft. Hood Jihadist Nidal Hasan Dishonorably Discharged From Army, But Gets To Keep $300,000 He’s Received Since Terror Attack… Palestinian Authority Gets $148 Million From U.S., Then Doles Out Cash Grants To Terrorists…Tampa Muslims Push For Early School Dismissal Every Friday To Attend Mosque Prayers… Islamist Cleric Praises Boston Bombers, Claims “Satan Practices” In The City…and Mississippi Town Objects To Church’s Cross Over Fears It Might Offend Muslims.
  • AMNESTY FOR FUTURE DEMOCRATS: Obama’s OFA Holds Pro-Amnesty Rally In Ohio… Nobody Shows Up Except Five Of Their Own Interns… Latino Group Outraged Not Enough Hispanics Are Getting Their Free Obamaphones…
  • OBAMACARE UPDATES: DemocRAT Strategist Praises Obama’s Push For War In Syria Because It Takes Public’s “Focus” Off ObamaCare…Bill Clinton Now Officially An ObamaCare Salesman…Obama Administration To Spend $12 Million On Ads Touting ObamaCare In A Dozen Republican-Led States…
  • BABY KILLING UPDATE: Planned Parenthood employees will soon have access to a vast federal database of sensitive information, including the Social Security number, tax form, bank account, and medical records of every single American citizen as the president seeks their help in implementing ObamaCare.
  • GLOBAL WARMING: Climate Change Fanatics Blame War In Syria On Drought Caused By Global Warming…
  • G-UNCONTROL: With the political world focused on Mideast tensions and looming fiscal battles, Obama added two more executive actions to a list of 23 steps the White House determined Obama could take on his own to reduce gun violence.
  • UNION BLUES: AFL-CIO Chief Admits ObamaCare Train Wreck Causing Businesses To Cut Employee Hours… Poll: One-In-Four Americans Have A “Very Unfavorable” View Of Unions, Only 14% Have A “Very Favorable” Opinion…
  • LIBERAL BRAINWASHING: Ever since the first time we heard the term “politically correct” back in the late 1970s, we understood how PC has been an effective tool of liberal brainwashing. If people with a certain agenda can get the general public to use a less offensive term for something, the easier it is get that something to become more acceptable.

Closer to Home

  • image022DUKE STREETCAR SUIT: We can’t tell you exactly what’s in that Secret Document the City of Cincinnati wants destroyed in the Duke Streetcar Suit, but there’s a reason there are armed guards in front of Strauss Troy’s building. The reason what’s in that document could be a game-changer in this fall’s Mayoral Election is that it will show the utter incompetence of the City. No wonder everybody at the City Solicitor’s office is working overtime these days. And if you think the City looks stupid having to pay those Litigious Lawyers from COAST Attorneys $511,000 for not letting them have a press conference in the City Hall lobby, just wait till you see how many millions Duke and Strauss Troy Attorneys collect on the City’s Streetcar SNAFU.
  • BUCKEYE BUREAU CHIEF GERRY MANDERS says by hanging himself in jail, Cleveland abductor Ariel Castro saved over-taxed payers of Ohio a fortune. It costs $164.06 a day for a prisoner in Ohio or $59,881.90 per year for prison room and board. His sentence was 100 years, so he saved all of us $5,988,190. The Blower says every person, sentenced to life or death, should be given a rope and the opportunity to hang themselves. They could sign a release saying they were of sound mind and do everyone a favor, We the Over-Taxed Payers!
  • WAR HEROES AGAINST OBAMA: Newsmax reported Republican congressmen who have witnessed the horrors of war for themselves as combat veterans are among those leading the way in opposition to American involvement in Syria. Reps. Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan, Chris Gibson and Michael Grimm of New York, Doug Collins of Georgia, Ron DeSantis of Florida, and Steve Stivers of Ohio have all come out saying they oppose air strikes. Voters in Ohio’s Second Congressional District are still wondering why “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup wasn’t included. The what the hell did he get the Bronze Star for?
  • OUR WEST SIDE SNITCH says the local GOP continues to circle the bowl as they cede more ground to DemocRATS in Hamilton County. Take the latest e-mail blast from the mothership. Please. HCRP Executive Director and Disoriented DemocRAT Ashtray Chloroform’s most recent missive sent out under Alex T. Mall Cop GOP’s name, says that they’re tired of meeting all their dumpy and frumpy activists face to face, and standing around talking to the Great Unwashed gets in the way as the Reds get closer to the playoffs, so they’re going to have “virtual” meetings. These virtual meetings will keep the hoi polloi and their stench away from the ruling class. Let’s just hope the “CrowdHall” folks aren’t the same geniuses who sunk the Romney ship with Project ORCA.
  • MAYORAL MADNESS: We think this week’s question for all those candidates in Cincinnati’s meaningless $400,000 Mayoral Primary on Tuesday had something to do with the City’s Park Plot, but here’s how Loony Libertarian Jim Berns used his last chance to see his name in the paper until he announces which office he’ll be running for next time: “There is no place for a primary in the non-partisan Mayoral Election. Queen Noble and I will be flushed down the electoral toilet. Voters are left with John Cranley and Roxanne Qualls who voted the same 98% of the time. No real choice for fiscal conservatives, gun rights advocates, libertarians, or Republicans.” The Blower wonders if our Feckless Fishwrappers will cut Berns’ comments because he exceeded his fifty words.

The Blower has no idea what Queen Noble will include in her comments, but we’ll go out on a limb and predict at least a couple of “motherfuckers.”

  • ECOLOGICAL ALERT: There might be enough mud for Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extremely Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls to sling at each other during the next four days until that meaningless $400,000 Cincinnati Mayoral Primary Election on September 10, but we’re not sure there’ll be enough to last for the next two months until the Real Election on November 5.
  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES published a major story about Mayoral candidate Roxanne Qualls. They apparently have found some items in Foxy Roxy’s prior term on Council that she would prefer you not know. [READ MORE HERE]
  • IN ANDERSON: Duffy “The Kevin Slayer” Beischel says finally after all these weeks, the Forest Hills Urinal has followed The Blower’s fair-and- unbiased lead and published a glimpse of who would be on the ballot in year’s historic Township Trustees Race, featuring a very large picture of Disgraced Masturbating Trustee Kevin O’Brien (the candidate they’ve been enabling during the past four years), a thumbnail picture of Endorsed Republican Josh Gerth, NO picture of Endorsed Republican Andy Pappas, NO picture of DemocRAT John A. Piehowicz II, and NO picture of Scott Doyle, whatever the hell party he belongs to. It’s just like The Blower always says, these Minor League Fishwrappers are either too lazy, too stupid, or too dishonest ever to publish the truth.

On the South Shore

  • image025IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Channel 9 “Substantially True” News did a story about a sailor from Northern Kentucky stationed aboard the USS Nimitz, awaiting Barack Obama, Warrior President’s War against Syria to begin. We told how all those Obama Supporters in the Press would be trying to cash in. [WATCH IT HERE]

Politically, Republican Businessman Matt Bevin is trying to cash in his Primary Opponent Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, who hasn’t taken a stance on whether the U.S. should intervene militarily in Syria’s civil war. “I’m offended, frankly, by the non-stance of Mitch McConnell,” Bevin told Breitbart. “I’m offended by the voting ‘present’ by Ed Markey. I’m offended by the poker playing of John McCain. I’m offended by all these guys that have been sitting around that place gathering dust and moss for decades who are utterly unwilling to lead on and be thoughtful on things that are of this magnitude and this importance.”

Meanwhile,Dysfunctional DemocRATS are demanding Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell condemn a National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman’s characterization of Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Wondergams Grimes as “an empty dress.” Wondergam’s campaign, the leading DemocRAT challenging McConnell in 2014, has decried the remark as “degrading and offensive.” No kidding!

  • MORE “CRAZY ERIC” BASHING: That Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters including lovely Lisa Wells (the attorney who replaced Crazy Eric on WLW Hate Radio) were all surprised “Crazy Eric’s” suspension in Kentucky doesn’t actually start till September 9. “He gets so many suspensions, they’re hard to keep track of,” Lisa said on her radio show.

More Political Insight This Week

  • image026FECKLESS AT THE FISHWRAP: Compassionate Conservative Stu Mahlin says, “Another day, Another Gilligan Story in The Fishwrap. The latest was a half-page with a photo of The Sebelius. Good grief! If Feckless Fishwrappers do 4-1/2 pages for a one-term socialist governor, what will you do when a really important American dies? Maybe a 6 point 2-liner?” We’re surprise Stu hasn’t mentioned how many Catholics complain about the high prices at those Gilligan Funeral Homes, which probably explains why his kids just donated the old bastard’s wrinkled carcass to the local medical school, and took a charitable deduction, which sounds like a win-win for them and the rest of us too. It all reminds us of that old “Saturday Night Live” routine.
  •  HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1974, everybody was still talking about how President Gerald Ford had pardoned his disgraced predecessor Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed or participated in while in office. If Liberals weren’t so busy covering up for Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures these days, Ford and Nixon would be getting their fair share today.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Nixon’s “When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.”
  • GOING GALT means recognizing that the needs of others do not give them a claim to your time, effort, and achievements.
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #256 is to Define Multiculturalism as the state-sanctioned grievance industry that stokes division and resentment, while always under the delusion that it is doing something positive called “celebrating diversity.”
  • image027NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Congress will be returning this week and we have another timely poem from Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves.

DemocRATS’ Debt
Obama’s in the White House
He’s put us deep in debt.
But if we don’t stop him
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  • image028AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if the Syria sideshow is just a diversion so we don’t pay attention to the Immigration fiasco? “The Obama Administration is conspiring with 11 million criminal illegals to install a permanent leftist regime in the USA,” Kane explained. “Surely, the invasion of our homeland more important to national security than anything Syria is doing in their civil war.”

Monday is September 9, but we’ll be thinking about September 10, which is just like Groundhog’s Day for the DemocRATS. Plus we’ll still be counting down the 1,229 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.

Tuesday Barack Obama, Warrior President plans to make his big sales pitch to America, trying to persuade the nation to start a War with Syria just to save his credibilty, and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will comment on that.

Wednesday we’ll remembering what happened last year on 9/11 in Benghazi, even if all those Obama Supporters in the Press forget.

Thursday is “Be Late For Something Day,” but procrastinators might prefer to reschedule on Friday.

The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “What will happen on 9/11 this year?”

Saturday is “Uncle Sam Day,” celebrates a symbol of America. He is perhaps, the most recognizable symbol in the world.

The Libtard Show by Dixon Diaz



e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more. 

Whistleblower Link of the Day

Jon Stewart harnesses of Obama about the Red Line from Syria

image034Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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