Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers
Just because the Dissociated Press says nearly 80% of American adults are dealing with joblessness, near-poverty, or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, doesn’t mean it’s a sign of deteriorating economic security under the Obama administration that is slowly killing off the American dream, or especially that Obama has anything at all to do with it. —Obama Supporters in the Press
- Obama says Race Relations won’t get better (and may even get worse) unless we redistribute more wealth. —Racebaiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
- During Friday’s Racial Healing Sermon, I said people like Bill O’Reilly don’t listen to Obama because they think they already know what’s in his mind, and “they know he’s thinking ‘Kill whitey!’” —Bill Maher, HBO
- Our month-long “Action August” campaign of advocacy and fund-raising to promote Obama’s Issues will begin August 4 on Obama’s Birthday. —Obama’s So-Called Non-Profit Organizing for Action PAC
- Saturday was round number 133 on the golf course during a crisis, in case you’re keeping score at home. —Obama’s Caddies
- On this date in 1965, President Johnson signed Medicare into law, and thus began the most enormous strain of all on the federal budget. Throughout its history, Congress would make sure the program would be plagued by fraud (committed by patients, doctors, and hospitals) that would cost over-taxed payers countless trillions of dollars. —Hurley the Historian
And looking at Obama’s ObamaCare Mess, that’s why we chose Aaron Sorkin’s “And my friends, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” —Your Quote for Today Committee
- Yesterday was such a nice day, it felt so good out, I left it out. —Anthony Weiner
- We are absolutely incensed at comparisons with The Weiners’ Sexcapades. —Bill and Hillary
- Just like with the Clintons, we ignored all those reports of Mayor Filner’s sexually harassing women because we had waited so long for a mayor with a progressive agenda. —San Diego DemocRATS
- On Saturday’s Top Ten List of America’s Stupidity, The Blower included, “Only in America can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.” —Murdering Muslims
That’s the only reason I haven’t repaid the $500,000 I still owe those Malicious Muslims at the Turkish Coalition of America. —Mean Jean Schmidt
- My endorsement means DemocRAT Gubernatorial Candidate Ed FitzGerald is the best person to carry on my legacy of job loss, record high unemployment, and a budget shortfall of billions of dollars. —Disgraced Former DemocRAT Gayvenor Strickland
- There has been quite a jump in the stock of the uranium enrichment company that has its plant in Southern Ohio. The stock took off in early July. Today the Energy Dept. announced a gigantic investment in the company. Some people smell insider info, and the NYSE raised questions last week about unusual activity. Nothing seems to be in the local news about this. —Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes
- Wild and Crazy Judge Steve Martin went way too easy when he only sentenced Mickey Esposito to six years and his wife Alison to four years for stealing all that stuff from the Sheriff’s Department Property Room. —Judge Robert Ruehlman, Who Sent Melowese Richardson to the Slammer for Five Years for DemocRAT Voter Fraud
Now that Extremely Liberal U.S. Magistrate Judge Tim Black has thrown out Ohio’s constitutional amendment when he ordered that a dying gay man could be named another gay man’s wife on the dying gay man’s death certificate, we want the same rights as homosexuals. —Sheep Fuckers of America
- We plan to invite Loony Libertarian Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns to take part in our debates, but only if he survives the September 10 primary that will cost Cincinnati Over-taxed payers $400,000. —Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extreme Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls
- What Runners-in-Scoring Position Problem? —Cincinnati Reds Manager Dusty Baker, Still in Third Place, Five Games Out
- Did someone take Ditzy DemocRAT Judge Tracy Hunter’s bar exam for her? I’m beginning to wonder whose picture was on her identification card. That woman is just plain stupid. Maybe, James Craig helped her! —CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street
- We held a meeting on Monday at a time we were sure nobody would be able to see how we will rake in all that money from Cincinnati’s Parking Plot to destroy downtown businesses. —Port Authority Profiteers
Last weekend’s event would’ve been a lot nicer if all those grits from Mt. Washington looking for free stuff hadn’t shown up. —Anderson Daze Organizers
- Sunday night’s Anderson Daze fireworks weren’t quite loud enough. We almost couldn’t hear them. —Deaf Residents at the Boondoggle County Old Folks Home
- People really liked the Choked Chicken Sandwiches at my booth. —Disgraced Township Trustee Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien
- Will this be the week we finally wake up to the fact that Josh Gerth and Andy Pappas are the two endorsed Republicans running for Township Trustee in only 98 more days? —Forest Hills Urinal
- Do you think Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters will be showing up on Tuesday at my press conference to address those charges of health care fraud? —Dr. Atiq Durrani
- I just got a big endorsement for my candidacy against RINO U.S. Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell fromt Madison Project PAC (whoever the hell they are). Now if that group only had some money. —Matt “Don’t Call Me Dedden” Bevin
Last year this week, all the Hairy Homophobes in Northern Kentucky were celebrating “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” at the only two Chick-Fil-A locations in Northern Kentucky (Houston Road in Florence and at the Airport). —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
- Don’t forget, the same-sex kiss-in protest also turned out to be a big bust. —Whistleblower Alternate Life-Styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis
- Sarah Palin likes Chick-Fil-A. —Northern Kentucky TEA Partiers
- We wish we had a Chick-Fil-A so we could boycott it. —Gay Students at NKU
- I like watching Lesbians make out. —Horny in Hebron
- Trish the Dish says the chicken tasted better before she knew it was basted in hate and homophobia. —Channel 19 News
- I’m still trying to promote a nude Chick-Fil-A Eating Contest match between Lisa Wells and Crazy Eric Deters’ bimbo Sarah Jones. —WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham
- I quit WXIX-TV to embark on the most ambitious independent journalism project in history and make the Truth in Media project a reality. Do you think the Political Correctness that’s ruining America would be a good place to start? —Ben Swann
Some of Today’s Conservative Political Cartoons
— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer —
Sometimes The Blower makes fun of weenie waggers to show that sexting pictures of your penis is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t an NYC DemocRAT Mayoral Candidate.
This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially Anthony Weiner.
e-mail your cell phone photos today.
Some elongated items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally elongated subscribers.
Whistleblower Link of the Day
Judge Jeanine Pirro Blasts Obama For “Phony Scandals” Statement: “Stop The Denying”
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here