One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
And It’s Still The Same Old BS
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama’s Over-Hyped BS Economic Speech in Illinois on Wednesday was the 19th time he’s “pivoted” back to the economy since he’s been in office. But didn’t he promise each of those other eighteen times he’d spend every waking moment focused like a laser on jobs? If fact, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says the only thing Obama’s done more than to make empty promises would be to play golf. No wonder 61% of Americans polled say the nation is headed off on the wrong track. All those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters still aren’t paying attention.
Let’s face it, folks. We’re going to have to call “Bullshit” on that one. Because for every two Americans have been added to Food Stamp rolls for every job the White House claims it created.
Still, the folks who are getting the free stuff don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, but the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist. So… the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place. We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this: All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason is their voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 236 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
A Nation of Sheep Has Bred a Government of Wolves!
- Politicians: Let’s elect thinkers, not ones controlled by lobbyists no matter if they’re DemocRATS or Republicans.
- Borders: Close Them.
- Language: English Only
- Culture: God, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
- Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
- NO freebies to Non-Citizens, and that includes Education and Food Stamps
Only 86% would ever think about passing this on to their friends and family. It should be 100%. What will you do?
MOTOR CITY MADNESS: Ohio GOP First District Congressman Steve Chabothead blogs “Today Detroit. Tomorrow America.”
Detroit declared bankruptcy due in no small part to $3 billion in unfunded public employee pensions owed a sprawling city workforce that kept growing even as the city’s population shriveled, but a Washington Examiner analysis found that 19 major American cities have even bigger ratios of such workers to residents. Check out which City is Number Fifteen on that list.
Meanwhile, Detroit has lost two thirds of its population and is $30 Billion in debt, but demonstrated their priorities by unanimously passing a resolution calling for Federal investigation into possible Civil Rights charges against George Zimmerman. Cincinnati City Clown-cil probably would have too, only our Nine Fine Clowns are on their two month summer break.
OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER liked “Jimmy Fallon’s “It finally happened. Kate Middleton gave birth to a baby boy today. The baby weighed about 8 pounds. Americans were like, “How much is that in dollars?”
And in London, British Bureau Chief Thames Tadwell says all that pressure from America has really paid off, because the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have finally named their son. He will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Trayvon Obama of Cambridge. In Columbus, Ohio State fans had been hoping for “Baby Buckeye.”
WEED WHACKOS: Loony Libertarian Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Jim Berns and folks from the Ohio Rights Group are now circulating petitions to place Re-Legalizing Marijuana and Industrial Hemp on next year’s Ohio ballot. They only have 300,000 valid signatures to collect. Berns now claims to be endorsed by COAST, the Queen City TEA Party, and the Willie Nelson TEA Pot Party!
- SHOWING THEIR CONTEMPT: Judge Tracie Hunter has finally been cited for contempt, after the three-judge panel on the Cincinnati-based Ohio 1st District Court of Appeals ruled the Ditzy DemocRAT had continued to bar The Fishwrap from the courtroom where she presides after the higher court specifically told her not to. But what’s the BFD? The Blower had contempt for that Juvenile Jurist years ago.
Speaking of Prudent Jurists, The Blower forgot to include Judge Ruehlman on yesterday’s list of Great Hamilton County Judges for sentencing Melowese Richardson to the slammer for five years for her part in Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka’s Voter Fraud Scheme. Other Blower favorites include Judge Steve Martin for being the first local judge to set a million dollar bail, award-winning Judge Robert Winkler who handled Crazy Eric’s failed frivolous lawsuit against The Blower, and Judge Melissa Powers because she’s still a bit of a babe.
THE ERPENBECKS OF OHIO: Mickey Esposito’s stepson Adam Fintak got two years in the slammer for his part of the Esposito Clan’s organized criminal activity, stealing drugs and stuff from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Property Room. Mickey Esposito and his wife Allison were in also in court Wednesday to hear Wild and Crazy Judge Steve Martin’s sentence. Mickey or Allison seemed too happy, since they’ll be back in court on Monday for their punishments, which could be up to 10 years in prison each. Just like the Erpenbecks in Northern Kentucky, those Evil Espositos will be going to prison on the Family Plan.
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this day in 1985, Rock Hudson announced that he was suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). How could that be? Nobody even knew the tall, dark and handsome Hollywood leading man was gay, in spite of all those Rock Hudson gay jokes that had been around for years. [Read some of them here]
- WHISTLEBLOWER ALTERNATIVE LIFE-STYLES COLUMNISTS BEN DOVER AND PHIL MCKREVIS say in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders. The American Psychological Association followed suit in 1975, declaring that it is “not a disorder.”
Down at The Fishwrap, Metro Mole is trying to find out what was on the front page that day because, as we all know, It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made America great, it’s our “diversity.”
So how long will it be until the Left puts pressure on both APAs to remove schizophrenia from its list of disorders, and then starts campaigning to allow one of the “split personalities” to marry the other? You read it here first. It could happen.
FROM BAD TO DIVERSE: And isn’t it interesting that less than a month after the Supreme Court ruled that individual states’ rights are proper and legitimate on the issue of marriage, a lone federal judge got a front-page story in The Fishwrap by throwing out the state of Ohio’s constitutional amendment when Extremely Liberal U.S. District Magistrate Judge Tim Black ordered that a dying gay man be named another gay man’s wife on the dying gay man’s death certificate, or vice versa. “Republican Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWhine assured me that Same-Sex Sodomy ruling will be appealed,” said Phil Burr-ass, president of Citizens for Community Values in Ohio. “The law is the law. The state Constitution says marriage is between one man and one woman.” The Blower says the judge’s ruling gives new meaning to the idea of Ohio getting “Black-Balled.”
- SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Half the people who couldn’t afford homes before the mortgage crisis that the government was hell bent on making deadbeat homeowners have, defaulted on the 2009 bailout money, and are in default again. Amazingly, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program is just now raising concerns about the program’s effectiveness.
BANNED AT THE GOLDEN CORRAL: The driver who ran over a biker on Wilmer gets to go to work but is under home arrest for TWO years! Guess Hamilton County didn’t want to feed this guy in jail. Wouldn’t it be nice if he gave his salary to the widow Mrs. Gast for the two years he’s allowed to go to work? The Blower hopes she sues his fat ass!
- ANDERSON DAZE will be this upcoming Friday through Sunday July 26-28. The focus of the Anderson Republican Club booth will be to introduce Republican Endorsed Anderson Trustee Candidates Josh Gerth and Andrew Pappas, which has been exclusively reported in The Blower for only the past three weeks. You’ll notice their signs say both candidates are also endorsed by the Anderson TEA Party and are paid for by the “Friends of Josh Gerth” and People Who Tolerate Andrew Pappas.” No kidding.
Also at tomorrow’s Anderson Daze, and everybody’s wondering if Disgraced Township Dis-Trustee Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien still plans to enter the Anderson’s Got Talent competition with his now famous “Choking the Chicken” Act. Spanky’s Supporters confidently believe that he will be able to beat-off any and all challengers. He considered performing his other act affectionately known as the “Two-finger Tango,” but settled on Choking the Chicken since it was publicized by his enablers at The Forest Hills Urinal. We tried contacting “the old Monkey Spanker, but his person who answered the phone at the Anderson Government Center said the Masturbating Trustee was busy in the bathroom rehearsing.
- DOG LOVERS WILL REALLY APPRECIATE this video showing how excited Lt. Daugherty’s dog Bugaboo was to see him when he returns home after being overseas for six months [SEE IT HERE], but our good friend Bobby Leach says he prefers the video of Lt. Daugherty and his wife.
BEARCAT BULLETINS: Happily, Michael Cureton, 57, has finally resigned as director of public safety and police chief at the University of Cincinnati. He is no longer even employed at UC.
Cureton was a useless assistant police chief in the city of Cincinnati before becoming the incredibly highly-paid useless police chief at UC in November of 2011. Cureton rose in the ranks of the Cincinnati police department because of his race. He was hastily named UC’s police chief following the tragic tasering death of teen Everett Howard, Jr. in August of 2011.
UC named Cureton as police chief three months after Howard’s tasering death in hopes Cureton, solely because he is black, might calm down the situation. Since his appointment, Cureton has been a do-nothing lazy and totally ineffective chief at UC.
You may remember the Hamilton County coroner, the Indian woman unqualified and unlicensed in pathology, Lakshmi Kode Sammarco, took ten months before she finally came up with an “undetermined” decision in Howard’s death. In return for her fudged decision, the coroner hopes to have a new coroner’s office built in gratitude by UC on UC property with UC money, which UC will do.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Wednesday, the U.S. Senate approved Rob “Fighting for Fixed Spans” Portman’s amendment to a federal appropriations bill that could help funnel money to the Brent Spence Bridge replacement project, It would make bridges that are functionally obsolete or structurally deficient a priority for the allocation of $500 million in federal money being budgeted for the repair of “bridges in critical corridors” nationwide. The Brent Spence project would only cost $2.7 Billion. after Obama came to town for a phony photo op, promised the moon, and of course nothing happened.
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about Obama claiming all of his scandals were “Phony.” “The Lord must love Obama’s Scandals,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained, “because he made so damn many of them.”
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
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Some empty promises items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally empty promising subscribers.
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