One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Happy Change the Subject Day, Everybody!
Today Obama will be hopping on Air Force One and spending another few million over-taxed payers’ dollars to try to change the subject from all of the foreign and domestic scandals plaguing the Obama Administration by making an economic speech at Knox College in Illinois, the same location where he first outlined his economic vision as a Senate candidate in 2005. Not so long ago, Obama tried to divert America’s attention when he stopped by at the White House Press Conference to divide the country even further over the question of Race, and we all know how well that turned out. Aside from trashing the economy, dividing the country is undoubtedly what he is best at.
President Obama’s job approval ratings have hit a record low since he was reelected, according to a new poll. The new McClatchy-Marist poll found Obama’s job approval rating tanking at 41%.
The White House says today’s speech will be just the first in a series of economic speeches aimed at attempting to gain the upper hand in this fall’s looming budget showdown with Congress. Obama wants to steer Congress away from “all those phony scandals” and avoid a government shutdown on October 1.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose John McCain Boehner’s “Congress should not be judged on how many new laws we create, but on how many laws we repeal.”
We’re sure all those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters will be paying a lot of attention.
Monday night Obama told people from his bogus Organizing for America PAC “I’ve Got a Little Over 1,200 Days Left in Office” Actually, the number is 1,275 days, but who’s counting?
- As luck would have it, Obama really didn’t need to manufacture yet another big diversion this week. Tuesday’s Cyberalert from the Media Research Center reported the deluge of royal baby coverage went into overdrive on Monday with all three morning shows devoting a staggering 73 minutes total to the impending birth and the child’s sex. At the same time, Good Morning America, Today and CBS This Morning ignored any developments in the growing Internal Revenue Service scandal.\
- But if Obama wants to talk about his economic success these days, maybe he should be visiting Detroit, where the Dumbed Down DemocRATS have bankrupted what used to be America’s fourth largest city. Not only is Detroit now ranked the most dangerous city in the US, apparently it’s also ranked number one for the best place to rob a bank. This 34-second video of a bank robbery in Detroit makes the “Motown” Police Department look like a “Keystone Cops” comedy. And that was even before Disgraced Former Fourteen Star Police Chief James Craig took that city’s top cop job.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says voters continue to give high marks to the health care they now receive but are more pessimistic than ever about the short-term future of the health care system in this country. A new telephone survey finds that only 24% of Likely U.S. Voters now expect the U.S. health care system to get better over the next couple of years. 61% think that system will get worse.
- ANSWER TO YESTERDAY’S TRIVIA QUESTION: The race of those four people Superhero George Zimmerman pulled from a burning vehicle last week was “Caucasian.” Rent-a-Negro Pundits at PMSNBC will call it a conspiracy and claim it never happened. As seen on Twitter: “The most famous white Hispanic just helped rescue 4 Americans. The most famous black Caucasian refused to rescue 4 Americans in Benghazi. Who’s the HATER?”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says it was only five years ago that Gayvenor Strickland appointed local Republican state rep-tile Jim Raussen to a $115,000-a-year newly created position as state director of insurance and financial development, clearing the way for Montgomery resident Ditzy DemocRAT Connie “The Pillager” to clean endorsed RINO Party candidate Virg “The Scourge” Lovitt’s clock when she won Jumping Jim’s 28th District Ohio House seat in November 2008. And whatever happened to the Tea Party Messiah who said he was going to take the seat back in 2010?
- JIVE JAZZ CONCERT: Does anybody remember when real “jazz musicians” performed at a “Jazz Festival” in Cincinnati? wonders if with all those Negroes coming to town for Macy’s Music Madness this weekend, Just Wondering in Cleves will ask if attendees will be the same low or non-tippers to the waiters and waitresses in the restaurants as those who attend other Politically Correct Conventions in town.
- GAY WAY UPDATE: Extremely Liberal U.S. District Magistrate Judge Tim Black ordered that Ohio law be ignored and directed that a dying gay man be named another gay man’s wife on the dying gay man’s death certificate, or vice versa. If that isn’t a reason for a second full-page Fishwrap color photo in ten days, we don’t know what is, because, as we all know, It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that make America great, it’s our ‘diversity.”
- ANDERSON DAZE is this upcoming Friday through Sunday July 26-28. The focus of Anderson Republican Club booth will feature Republican Endorsed Anderson Trustee Candidates Josh Gerth and Andrew Pappas.
In a related item, former Anderson Township homeowner/taxpayer and soon to be former trustee, Kevin “Big Spanky” O’Brien, now seems to now be residing at Telegraph Hill apartment #806, 6931 Goldengate Drive. At least that’s where he parks his burgundy-colored Ram 1500 “Imperial” window van. Has the Neighborhood Watch group been alerted?
And did you see that story about that guy from Anderson High who had his lost class ring returned to him after 47 years? Our good friend Bobby Leach remembers when something like that happened to him, after an old girlfriend’s doctor found his Paul G. Blazer High School Class of ‘72, Ashland, Kentucky class ring during a Gynecological Exam. Bobby says he gave the watch back, because it wasn’t his.
CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says the Whistleblower has been exposing corruption at the Hamilton County Courthouse since the very beginning. A lot of people remember 22 years ago in the July 23, 1991 Edition, when our Really Big Story was all about Former Hamilton County Deputy-Auditor Mickey Esposito’s insanity defense at his trial before Judge Thomas Crush on charges of improperly lowering taxes.
That same talent would surely come in handy next Monday when Mickey, his wife Allison, and her son Adam are sentenced by Wild and Crazy Hamilton County Judge Steve Martin after they all pled guilty to stealing drugs and jewelry from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office.
Judge Martin is certainly one of The Blower’s favorite Hamilton County Judges for being the first local judge to set a million dollar bail, along award-winning Judge Robert Winkler who handled Crazy Eric’s frivolous lawsuit against The Blower, and Judge Melissa Powers because she’s still a bit of a babe.
That same Whistleblower edition 22 years ago featured an award-winning guest column by Phil Burr-Ass, President of Citizens for Community Values. Large Marge getting maimed in that week’s limerick contest, and a report on radioactive restaurants “Bluegrass Holler” by Ken CamBoo.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Louisville TEA Party businessman Matt Bevin is making an eight city, three day tour around Kentucky to announce his plans to challenge Kentucky U.S. Senator Bitch McConnell in a Republican primary. Today’s big stop is 12:30 at the Campbell County Courthouse. McConnell’s staffers are already digging up dirt on that scandal involving the Bevin family business.
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about all that media hype about selecting a name for that royal baby in London. “If Kate and William don’t name their son “Bonnie Price Trayvon, they’ll be called racists,” Kane explained, “plus, we fought a war of Independence so we didn’t have to care about a royal baby, anyway.”
Some of Today’s Conservative Political Cartoons
e-mail your Anglophile Appellations today.
Some Anglophile items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Anglophile subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.
Royal Baby ‘Absurdity’: Why Should Americans Care
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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