One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
More All Star Analysis
- Tuesday night at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were watching that Big Political Baseball Game on TV, just to see how many home runs Aroldis Chapman gave up, and Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane explained, “These days, Obama’s Historic Second Term reminds you of what’s happened since Saturday night, when six white women on a Florida jury found White Hispanic Racist George Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder, manslaughter, and littering in the shooting death of poor misunderstood kicked-out-of-school yoof Trayvon Martin.”
Rush Limbaugh says Obama Supporters in the Press are really throwing a real hissy fit over the Zimmerman verdict. They weren’t able to convince people that this really was an event governed by the institutional racism and bigotry and near slavery of this country. And, as such, they’re just having a temper tantrum plus an even harder time than usual making any sense at all.
NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell says, “The race-baiting media owe George Zimmerman an apology. A jury of his peers has spoken. Zimmerman was acquitted, and that’s that. Any continuation of the media’s unrelenting, divisive, hate-mongering coverage is an absolute disgrace.”
On WND, Pat Buchanan says “In the Big Media, which has relentlessly sought out the voices of those most incensed by the verdict in Sanford, Fla., that is how the Saga of Trayvon Martin is being told. And from listening to TV reports of the rage across black America, that is what is widely believed there. But is that what happened? Well, not exactly. [READ MORE HERE]
In Political Realities, Charles Phipps writes “As of this writing, since January 1, 2013, there have been 157 homicides of blacks in Chicago. The causes of death were 12 by stabbing and 145 by gunshot. Sixteen of them were under 18 years of age. Without looking them up, can you name even one of the victims? Just one? Unless you’re from Chicago or related to someone involved in the case, I’ll bet you can’t, and even if you are, I still bet you can’t.
“In the 513 days between Trayvon Martin’s death and the verdict in George Zimmerman’s trial there were 11,106 blacks murdered by other blacks in the USA. Again, can you name even one of the victims? So why then, does everyone in the country who doesn’t live in a cave know the name Trayvon Martin?”
- Now let’s watch our report from an intelligent black man at that NAALCP Trayvon Martin Rally in Akron, Mississippi. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so true!
- Post-verdict Activities for Obama’s Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Looters included:
- On Monday, the New Black Panthers held a Trayvon Martin Protest in Tampa and three people showed up.
- Monday night, a CBS reporter and photographer were attacked by a Trayvon Martin Supporter in LA.
- A Pennsylvania business was graffitied with “Kill Zimmerman” and set on fire
- Obama’s Racist Attorney General Eric Holder spoke to the NAALCP in Florida on Tuesday
- PMSNBC’s Racist-in-Residence Michael Eric Dyson said, “More white kids need to die in order for Americans to understand Racism.” And this idiot is still getting paid to be on TV?
- Congressional Black Caucus Chair Marcia L. Fudge tweeted a Picture of MLK wearing a hoodie, and then she promptly deleted it, since she all of a sudden remembered MLK was a Republican.
- Stevie Wonder announced plans to boycott Florida over the Zimmerman acquittal.
- Liberal House Dem Luis Gutierrez called for House hearings on the Trayvon Martin Case.
- Racial Racketeer Jesse Jackson asked the U.N. Human Rights Council to investigate the Trayvon Martin shooting.
- And in Cincinnati, Girly Mayor Mark Mallory called for street signs in Clifton to be changed to “Trayvon Martin Luther King Boulevard.”
- According to Noted Negro Linguist Rachel Jeantel, you can add an “a” to the end of any word to make it non-racist. “Nigger” is racist, but “Nigga” would be non-racist. “Cracker” is racist, but “Cracka” would be non-racist. The Blower wonders if it would also work for all you “Motherfuckas” out there.
And from the Zimmerman Trial, did anybody notice this?
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1980, Ronald Reagan formally accepted the GOP nomination for president, but he didn’t announce his running mate until later.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Reagan’s “Say hello to my former adversary, George Herbert Walker Bush.”
- SURRENDER IN THE SENATE: The great filibuster battle appears to have ended, with the traditional RINIO cave-in to the DemocRATs, led by Senator John McCain (R-AZ). The D-RATS will get all of Obama’s illegal controversial nominees installed, including Ohio’s Disgraced Former Attorney General Richard Cordray at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
- ANOTHER CITY HALL SCANDAL: Wouldn’t it be funny if over at WCPO Digital, reporter Kevin Osborne uncovered a report from the City’s own consultant that blasted the City’s parking lease with those investment bankers from New York City? So what if the City Administration didn’t bother to show it to our Nine Fine Clowns on City Clown-cil? As Hillary says, “What difference does it make at this point, anyway?” Those rubber-stampers go along with Mallory’s Madness, no matter what, like the Trolley Folly, which has turned out to be “Obamacare on Tracks.”
IN ANDERSON: Continuing The Blower’s Exclusive Coverage of political events in Anderson Township, last night in the Anderson Township Republican Central Committee (elected Precinct Executives) held a double-secret meeting to interview potential candidates, now that Pouting Peggy Reis has decided to NOT run for another term as Anderson Township Trustee. Although The Blower customarily publishes the names of winning candidates in advance, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane promised “In Russ We Trust” Jackson not announce the name of the winner before the Anderson Township GOP updated its web page and the Forest Hills Urinal had an opportunity to interview the next Anderson Township trustee. However, you shouldn’t be surprised to see a puff of white smoke coming from Andy Pappas’ Cleaner Concepts on Beechmont Avenue and that same winner’s name on the garish flashing portable sign in front of his store.
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Our Clermont Cronies are wondering against whom That Defeated, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-And-Paid-For, Tax-And-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-In-A-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt is planning to run. Or why else would did the latest Schmidt for Congress’ FEC report shows (from April 1 – June 30) show a disbursement of $200 to CDMI for “Database Software?” CDMI is a vendor of various compliance and fundraising tools. The Blower believes the tool she purchased was for fundraising.
- SCHVARTZES IN THE SUBURBS: Walt from White Oak wonders why a Failed Cincinnati Public Skools’ “Facilities Branch” van license plate number OT 1918 was driving around Colerain Township Tuesday afternoon in the middle of the day. Walt says he tried to get the driver’s attention as he was clearly lost. However, the driver was on his cell phone the whole time. Walt pulled up next to him and tried to get his attention, but to no avail. Walt can only guess that the African-American driver was on his phone complaining about “some creepy-ass cracker following me.”
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES remind you to attend the big GOP Fundraiser this Thursday. Is it for the GOP’s Cincinnati Mayoral candidate? Nope, they don’t have one. Is it for the five guys and gals who will take back Cincinnati City Council? No way, Jose, the party doesn’t even have five candidates. This all-important fundraiser is for Tracy Winkler’s stooge Vince Wallace in his race for Symmes Township Fiscal Officer. Some might say the Hamilton County RINO Party needs to get its priorities straight.
NAMES IN THE NEWS: How would you like Obama’s spies to be watching you in your living room and bedroom? Buy one of these. Will the NSA use the Xbox One to spy on your family? A leading tech blog again relies on Our good friend ACLU Attorney Scott Greenwood for some help. [READ MORE HERE]
And our Whistleblower Dream Team Chairman and Retired Real Police Chief Tom Streicher were feature prominently in this report from a conference last October. Notice Greenwood’s swipe at former monitor Kalmanoff and Streicher’s comments about saving money.
Fishwrapper Sharon Coolidge noted Defeated Dumpy DemocRAT Steve Driehaus had been included in a New York Times Opinion Piece about DemocRAT Losers like Spitzer and Anthony Weiner only a few days AFTER Steve from Swaziland’s picture appeared in The Blower. There’s another coincidence for you.
ANOTHER HOT ITEM: For more than 23 years, Whistleblower Readers have always known where to see timely hot weather items. Do you remember our July 16, 1991 Edition (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town)? Parody ads like this one for CG&E that used to be our local utility company, before Jim Rogers sold our gas and electric company to Duke Energy and put a mere $40 million in his pocket.
LADY’S CHOICE: That Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (Including the Lisa Wells Fan Club) reports Lovely Lisa had Nik Richie’s attorney on her show Saturday night to talk about the appeal on that $338,000 “settlement” to “Crazy Eric” Deters’ bimbo client Sarah Jones. Eric called and was begging for Lisa to take his call, but she chose to leave him on hold because “Crazy Eric” is still banned from WLW Hate Radio. You should’ve seen that e-mail exchange between “Crazy Eric” and The Dirty’s attorney after the show. Lisa says it was “Classic Deters,” threatening to ruin somebody with nothing to back it up.
- PARDON OUR PUN: Our good friend Mike “Sum Ting” Wong at the Oriental Wok in Fort Mitchell has pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and will be serving a short suspension for driving his Bentley 60 yards the wong way up some railroad tracks in May.
- ALL STAR FROM FLORENCE: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall wonders if those Feckless Fishwrappers will notice that Former Florence Freedom pitcher Steve Delabar had been named to the American League All-Star team. To truly appreciate the journey Delabar has made, check out the feature that HBO’s Real Sports did a couple of years ago.
Some of Today’s Conservative Political Cartoons
e-mail your political play-by-play today.
Some all star items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally all star subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.
New Yorkers Take Solace In Baseball After 9/11
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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