One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
More Political Perverts
TRIPLE ENTENDRES: Disgraceful DemocRATS should be really upset these days because of all those sex scandals embroiling three of the Party’s biggest names: New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner sexting with a hooker with tattoos, San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, and former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, currently campaigning to become New York City’s comptroller. Former Pants Dropper in Chief Bill Clinton is outraged at all those comparisons to Hillary and him, and Disgraced Former Cincinnati Mayor Jerry Springer wants to invite all those other Political Perverts on his TV Show. How many DemocRATS does it take to screw in a light bulb? A. Just one, but it really gets screwed.
- OUR LATE NIGHT TV JOKEWATCHER remembers when David Letterman said “They’re talking about impeaching Eliot Spitzer if he doesn’t step down. And I’m thinking, ‘Whoa, a DemocRAT being impeached for extramarital sex. Happy days are here again.'”
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Wes Borland’s “Real family values have gone down the drain in modern families.”
- LIBERAL LOGIC: A caller to the BUZZ says Obama is going to get his peoples into the U.S. Supreme Court so he can be president for a third time. Maybe that’s why Hillary went to the White House, for lunch this week, so Obama could tell her of his plan!
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1975, Teamsters Union Goon Jimmy Hoffa went missing, but he still votes every year as a DemocRAT.
- GUESS WHO: Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel wonders if you can identify the well-known Greater Cincinnatian who “likes little boys.”
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the Ohio Supreme Court is trying to decide which case from Cincinnati to hear first: COAST Attorney Curt Hartman’s appeal to stop the parking lease or Ditzy DemocRAT Judge Tracy Hunter’s pleading to overturn her contempt citation from a lower court (which she claims she doesn’t need to follow anyway while she plans her appeal).
- MAYORAL MADNESS: Looney Libertarian Jim Berns wonders if he talked that other dimwit into dropping out of the race along with him to save Cincinnati overtaxed payers $400,000 on that meaningless September 10 Primary (preceding the even more meaningless mayoral election between two tax-and-spend DemocRATS, would he would get credit for saving over-taxed payers more money than Disguised DemocRAT John Cranley and Extremely Liberal DemocRAT Foxy Roxy Qualls could ever hope to achieve combined.
This past week, we witnessed the filing for bankruptcy protection by a once proud and significant American city…Detroit. The primary causal factors resulted from the actions of totally uncontrolled DemocRAT politicians and leaders, over the past 50 years, who were at best self serving and inept, and more likely dishonest and corrupt.
During the 60s, I was associated with a large Detroit bank and I watched, firsthand, the beginning of Detroit’s gradual and predictable decline into financial abyss. Starting with political cronies running Detroit’s two large pension funds, administrators always yielding to public union demands, Mayors and Council members focusing on the downtown area at the expense of the neighborhoods, and wasteful public works projects ‘s (i.e. Detroit’s costly and failed Downtown People Mover that only goes in one direction), Detroit is now at ground “Zero” with a bleak future. The leadership of many of American cities, including Cincinnati, need to take heed of and learn from this Detroit debacle.
Since 2000, Cincinnati’s political and governmental leadership have positioned the Queen City on virtually the same trajectory as Detroit. This is a wake-up for Cincinnati’s voters. At the next election, they need to vote for leaders who acknowledge, upfront, that there are NO simple solutions to Cincinnati’s fiscal and financial problems, only tough choices.
Moscow, Ohio 45153
ALARMED ANDERSONIANS are still talking about the deafening loudness of those Anderson Daze Fireworks Sunday night. Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend Mark Motz’s photo gallery looked like “Schock and Awe” over Baghdad. [SEE MORE PICTURES HERE]
JERKWATER JOURNALISM: The Forest Hills Urinal had a really big online story about how Anderson Township officials expect to spend more over-taxed payers’ money next year. Township CFO Ken “Just One More Budweiser, Please” Dietz said the Trustees had recently approved the 2014 preliminary tax budget of $34.3 million that includes a whopping $6,200 more spending than this year’s permanent budget. Wow! $6,200 more than the current $34.3 million Budget! Stop the freaking presses. What a great time it would have been for that so-called “Community Newspaper” to introduce Andy Pappas and Josh Gerth, the two new GOP and TEA Party endorsed Trustees who’ll be helping “In Russ We Trust” Jackson run the Township next year.
- OUR COLERAIN CONFIDANT: Our Colerain Confidant (probably not Goofball Greg Insco, now a candidate for Dis-Trust-ee) reminded The Blower the other day that six months ago an anonymous loser named “ColerainFirst” (probably not former Dis-Trust-ee Keith “I am the Greatest Republican Who Ever Lived” Corman) claimed that the gang down at 700 Walnut Street was engineering the removal of one of the Colerain Township elected officials. Either “ColerainFirst” was, yet again, full of himself, or the folks at Republican headquarters can’t do anything right in Colerain Township, either.
FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Apparently no one in the Winton Woods School District knows how to read, well at least not the CINCINNATI BUSINESS CRAPPER. The Winton Woods Bored took a big load off of Cincinnati Public School Superintendent “Mary Money Bags Ronen” when they recently hired Anthony Smith as their new superintendent. The yet unindicted Mr. Smiff had a whole list of scandalous offenses when he was principal of Taft High School, so that got him promoted to Director of Schools in Cincinnati. Apparently unethical behavior can lead to the top. Too bad the Bored in Winton Woods didn’t consult the Crapper before they made their stupid decision. In any case, Mary “Money Bags” says THANKS A MILLION WINTON WOODS! YOU MAY HAVE SAVED US A MILLION IN LEGAL FEES.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES say that convicted felon Mickey Esposito still deserves attention, as he’s heading to prison for six years for using his Deputy Sheriff position to steal jewelry and drugs from the evidence room that Simon Leis picked him to supervise. Also sentenced were his wife and kid. The family that steals together goes to prison together. [READ MORE HERE]
CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says the Whistleblower has been exposing lawbreaking and corruption at the Hamilton County Courthouse since the very beginning. A lot of people remember 22 years ago in the July 30, 1991 Edition, when Mickey Esposito got mugged in our Limerick Contest. Come to think of it, Wild and Crazy Judge Steve Martin roughed up Mickey and the missus on Monday when he sentenced them to prison after Mickey told the judge: “I thought we were going to throw all that stuff away anyway.” The Blower might have to revise our Top Ten List of Mickey’s excuses after that!
That same Whistleblower edition 22 years ago featured Ken CamBoo’s update about The Kentucky Post’s lost libel lawsuit “Bluegrass Holler,” an item showing just how long The Whistleblower has been using the term “Trolley Folly,” and an ad welcoming visitors to that year’s so-called “Jazz Festival.”
WHISTLEBLOWER ROGUE IRS SNITCH FERRELL KATZ says when agents from the IRS criminal division arrived at Munninghoff, Lange & Co. and VNAS at their Scott Street offices in Covington on Tuesday morning, it probably wasn’t because they were TEA Party Patriots.
- ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken Camboo has again beaten The Fishwrap to the scoop. When we reported the campaign snafu of Coach Coleman when he said he was running for Campbell County Commissioner against Brian Woody Painter, the problem was that ole coach didn’t even live in that district. Yes, this is the same guy and friend of Nutsy and Nolan who sued the libraries. Yes, we all asked why a supposed educator, who is drawing a full teacher’s pension would A) sue a library and B) file to run in a district in which he doesn’t live. Well now folks, the ole coach says he is running against Pete “Guns” Garrett. In a recent speech to the Campbell County TEA party, he said he was running because it was on his “bucket list. Good Grief!
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about that study saying many Americans collecting disability payments say they are capable of working, but don’t want to. All those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters now have the government they deserved,” Kane explained. “Unfortunately, so do the rest of us.”
Some of Today’s Conservative Political Cartoons
e-mail your photos political prostitutes today.
Some vile-and-disgusting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vile-and-disgusting subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.
Congressman Anthony Weiner Sex Scandal Explained
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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