One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Desecrating Memorials
- DURING THE MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, every politician in America kept busy sending out Memorial Day e-mails. Amazingly, some of them even appeared to be patriotic, not even asking for contributions. Liberals were busy last weekend mocking Memorial Day. The worst example we saw was that really sick TV ad brought to you by National Geographic.
Cynical Sid even asked us if we knew John Wayne was a draft dodger. As James Thurber said, “You could look it up.”
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Clint Eastwood’s “We Americans are so tired of being thought of as dumb asses by the rest of the world that we went to the polls this November and removed all doubt.”
- MILITARY DISCOURTESY: A lot of people are still complaining about Obama not saluting that US Marine last week when Obama was getting on the presidential helicopter. Obama’s White House SpokesDweeb Jay Carboard says Obama actually did salute the Marine. It was the Muslim Salute.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1953 New Zealand beekeeper Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mt. Everest, but years later Hillary Clinton got caught lying when she claimed she’d been named for the famous mountain climber, since she’d already been born in 1947 and at that time, nobody had ever heard of Sir Edmund, other than a few hundred New Zealand bees.
IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says Capitol Hill aides spent Memorial Day weekend scanning a gazillion pages of documents related to Obama’s IRS scandal so their bosses could be prepared for multiple simultaneous investigations in June. Next week when Congressmen return, at least four different investigations will be underway. Also, the House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his May 15 testimony on the Justice Department’s (DOJ) surveillance of reporters, and just think, a “Special Prosecutor” would put all those people out of work.
Locally, the Southwest Cincinnati Tea Party will be hosting what they call a “National Town Hall” on the IRS scandal. If that doesn’t get folks to show up for dinner at The Farm (wherever the hell that is), we don’t know what will.
- WHISTLEBLOWER INFORMANT AWARD: Besides intimidating TEA Party Members, Low Level Rogue Agents at Obama’s IRS Office in Cincinnati actually pay money to people who blow the whistle on their friends and neighbors who fail to pay the tax that they owe. If the IRS uses information provided by the whistleblower, it can award the whistleblower up to 30 percent of the additional tax, penalty and other amounts it collects.
OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “It is not looking good for Obama. Today, his teleprompter took the fifth. In fact, the White House has changed their slogan from, ‘Yes, we can’ to ‘No, I can’t remember.’ “
- UNION BLUES: Just when you think there’s no justice in this world, the Dissociated Press says Unions that praised all that “free stuff” from ObamaCare are now claiming it’s “too expensive.” [READ MORE HERE]
- LEADERSHIP VACUUM: The House GOP is really botching the Benghazi investigation. The Schmidt/Portman/Boehner types may know politics, but it looks like Boehner is following the Schmidt school of leadership, which is “not very much.”
And did our Ohio GOP First District Congressman really ask U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for help getting some Sumatran rhinos for the Cincinnati Zoo? Most Real Republicans wish Old Chabothead would help get rid of the RINOs in Washington.
- IT’S SAD TO SEE A CONSERVATIVE GO BAD and follow the lead of Obama. But more and more it happens. First, Governor Kasich Taylor succumbed to the allure of big federal dollars and embraced ObamaCare. Next, Senator Rob “Fighting for Fancy Boys” Portman went gay. Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup moved to Washington, DC just like Obama. And now, Clermont County State Rep-tile John Becker has become the ultimate sellout to Obama when he admitted that he in fact uses a teleprompter.
One may ask, “How in the hell did the Whistleblower find this out?” Once again need to thank intrepid Whistleblower snitch Armstrong Rhemus of Newtonsville. Armstrong noticed that Becker was doing promotional television commercials and tracked down the answer. What Armstrong failed to ask is who is paying for those promotional commercials?
CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says there could be some real wheeling and dealing going on these days between lawyers for the Evil Espositos and the prosecutor’s office. What’s Mickey going to promise— to stay out of the Casino?
- CHEATER ALERT: Tuesday morning, Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters announced indictments of the first five really “stupid cheaters,” who were caught by the Horseshoe Casino cameras. Adulterers and adulteresses breathed sighs of relief when they learned their cheating was not being watched.
- ALSO AT THE COURTHOUSE: Hamilton County Commissioners Chris Monzel and Greg Hartmann signed a letter urging the joint Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Council (OKI) to pull the $4 million they committed three years ago to Cincinnati’s streetcar. Back then, the project was planned to stretch six miles to UC at a much lower cost per mile. It’s now ending at Findlay Market, dealing with significant cost overruns, and is already many years behind. Monzel, Hartmann, and most Hamilton County residents feel this money can be better spent on projects more useful to the region and which are definitely moving forward.
Unhappy with this idea is Republicans for Higher Taxes, who are condemning Monzel and Hartmann for trying to stop this streetcar funding. They believe that the only people who should be allowed to comment on the streetcar are those who live in the city of Cincinnati, but they’re more than happy to make everyone else pay for this folly.
DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Melowese Richardson was convicted Monday of illegal voting and could go to prison for up to six years for it. The Blower says Judge Ruehlman should give the Long-time Hamilton County poll worker a year in the slammer for every time she voted against him.
- AT CITY HALL: City Mangler Doughboy Honey’s budget proposal includes eliminating the Delinquent Accounts/Receivable program costing $75,460. They should be eliminated if they aren’t doing their job. This job should be pulling in funds right and left with all the people, places and things owing the city money. Maybe the city needs to hire a few Avondale or OTR henchmen to muscle the funds back into the coffer.
The Delinquent Accounts/Receivables program within the City Treasury Division of the Finance Department will be eliminated, saving $75,460. This may impact future revenue collections.
- GAY UPDATE: Clowncil Gay Chris Squealback wonders how young Boy Scouts will ever learn to be totally gay, if the Boy Scout’s recent decision doesn’t now also approve of gay scoutmasters.
- FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: The Purchasing Department at the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools is in the process of updating its vendor file. If you are a minority business, small business or women-owned businesses, please include a copy of the appropriate certifications by May 29, 2013.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Members of the Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) say the Kentucky Bar Association just suspended Crazy Eric’s law license for the second time in two years, and local media outlets seem eager to report that Crazy is promising to appeal it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. Lisa wonders how such an unappealing person can be appealing so often.
Meanwhile, is Jack Greiner “Going Deters” on us? The Fishwrap’s First Amendment Attorney actually appeared on a TV12 panel show to discuss The Fishwrappers’ legal problems with Ditzy DemocRAT Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter.
- INTOLERANT NEIGHBOR REPORT: What partner at one of Cincinnati’s larger law firms who works in the Health & Life Sciences group, has had the Hamilton County Sheriff Deputies visiting the family residence for the second time in a year? Could this partner have a spouse who is being intolerant and spiteful to their neighbors?
- FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked what he thought about the way various politicians sent out Memorial Day e-mails wishing their constituents a “Happy” Memorial Day. (Of course, most of these politicians never served a day in uniform in defense of this country and so they would do anything to try to wrap themselves in the flag and associate themselves with veterans.) “Since when is Memorial Day something to be ‘Happy’ about?” Kane asked.
Some of Today’s Political Cartoons
The Whistleblower is Now Accepting Applications for Summer Interns
Applications for Whistleblower’s Internship Program are now being accepted for the summer term which runs June 3 through August 23. Deadline is Friday, May 31.
Applicants must either be tri-state residents attending an accredited college or university in or outside of Ohio or Kentucky. Applicants must also have completed a full academic year by the end of the internship.
Participants are expected to commit to a minimum of 20 hours per week of program-related work over the internship.
Applicants must also submit a 1,000-word-or-less essay on “Why it’s OK to Make Fun of Politicians.” Applications can also be submitted for the fall term: August 26– November 15, 2007
e-mail your excellent essays today.
Some youth exploiting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally youth exploiting subscribers.
PolitiZoid – The Great Pretender
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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