Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER ONE COINCIDENCE STORY THIS WEEK was when The Whistleblower-Newswire went offline Monday and Tuesday due to “unexplained problems,” and only conspiracy theorists and Conservatives suspected that the government could possibly have had anything to do with it. After all, those two rogue IRS employees down at the John Weld Peck Federal Building probably had ‘round-the-clock meetings with their lawyers about how to not waive their Fifth Amendment rights and wouldn’t have had time to mess with The Blower.
- OUR NUMBER TWO COINCIDENCE STORY THIS WEEK was when Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane had to go and brag that he wasn’t afraid of those pussies at the IRS, and issued a blanket invitation to any Cincinnati IRS employees who felt like becoming whistleblowers to call him and he’d be happy to print whatever unsubstantiated leaks they felt like disclosing to rat out their bosses.
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE COINCIDENCE STORY THIS WEEK was when The Blower sustained another service interrupting event and until the damage from those hackers was repaired, The Blower was delayed again. Perry Mason might’ve called it “The Case of the Mysterious Modem.” We’re hoping it won’t be happening every on each one of the 1,334 days remaining during the Dark Ages of the Obama Administration. We’re beginning to believe there’s no such thing as a coincidence. When will he ever learn!
- MONDAY in our Special “Bulls Eye on The Blower” E-dition, The Blower said, “Our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher has now targeted by the IRS!!”:
During the past ten days, we’ve been hearing hundreds of horror stories about Conservative victims of political persecution at the hands of Obama Supporters in the Cincinnati IRS office. Maybe Republicans are trying to keep Obama’s IRS Scandal in the news by finally using the Disingenuous DemocRATS’ tactics against them and start parading victims of Obama’s IRS witch-hunt before the cameras in tear-jerking fashion to advance their agenda.
So it should come as little surprise to Persons of Consequence on the Whistleblower Extra Special Private E-mail List to learn that during this past weekend, several of our mid-level snitches at the Cincinnati IRS office let us know not to be too surprised if Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane got himself audited.
- TUESDAY in our Special “Angry Auditors” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Was it something we wrote?” and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
Was Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane really surprised this past weekend to learn he was being audited? —Mid-Level Snitches at the Cincinnati IRS Office
The order came straight from the Obama Re-election Campaign. —An Anonymous Cincinnati IRS Official
Kane never should’ve used the 40th anniversary of the Watergate Hearings in the US Senate to ask Blower readers to send all their information about IRS misconduct to help Obama get re-elected in 2012 so The Blower could turn it over to investigators on the House Ways and Means Committee. —G. Gordon Liddy
We wanted copies of that same information so I can begin holding hourly press conferences to report progress in my own investigation of all those Obama Supporters in the Cincinnati IRS Office for possible state civil rights violations. —Republican Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWaking Joe” Deters
And how surprised was The Blower when these folks showed up Monday morning? —Artis Conception
The IRS was not hacking The Blower’s website on Monday. We were just doing some unscheduled maintenance and forgot to tell anybody. —
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “Were we hacked?”” E-dition, The Blower said, “The matter is still under investigation!”
Less than a day after The Blower posted Monday’s “Bullseye on the Blower” E-dition where we reported the possibility of Beloved Whistleblower Publish Charles Foster Kane’s being targeted by Obama’s IRS, Persons of Consequence logging on to the Whistleblower Newswire began reporting receiving the following Error Message:
You don’t have permission to access /2013/05/19/special-bulls-eye-on-the-blower-e-dition/ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
What a coincidence!
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Special “IRS Criminality” E-dition” E-dition, The Blower said, “Innocent people don’t need to take the Fifth Amendment!!”
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says investigation into Monday’s possible hacking of the Whistleblower-Newswire website continues, with every lead possible being followed-up. The IRS says, “We prefer to ask questions, not answer them.” Meanwhile… Persons of Consequence can’t get over how The Fishwrap is trying to cover-up the IRS Scandal (“Perfect Storm that led to the IRS fiasco.”)
Thomas Hagedorn (not one of The Blower’s Faux Facebook “Friends”) says the article was total and complete nonsense, as has been most of The Fishwrap’s coverage of the IRS targeting of the TEA Party. If this was just a simple case of a rogue division within the IRS – acting on it own and just making stupid decisions – why didn’t this also affect left-wing 501 c 4s? Not one of those organizations had their application delayed. Not one. And how about 501 c 5s (unions)? No complaints from them, either. And gee, wasn’t that a coincidence that it continued until the 2012 election was over? No, if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, IT’S A FREAKING DUCK! It is obvious to anyone with an IQ 5 points above a cucumber that Obama and his Chicago thugs ordered a political hit on his political enemies. By the way, lots of conservatives have been personally audited also. I know some of them.
Now I know what it is like to live in a banana republic, where your civil rights – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to petition your government, right to assemble, and right to due process – can be so flagrantly violated, while the state-run press looks the other way and even “investigates” the wronged parties. It’s a great country, isn’t it?
Nixon’s “I am not a crook” statement has now been replaced by Obama, Holder, Clinton, and Miller’s (IRS head) “I know nothing.” When you think about it, that is probably pretty accurate.
That’s why The Blower thinks local news coverage should’ve been like Major Rufus Todd’s front-page editorials in the Liberty Weekly Gazette in the 1940 “Jesse James” movies: “If we are ever to have law and order in Cincinnati we’re going to have to take out all those Obama-lovin’ IRS agents and shoot them down like dogs.
- FRIDAY in our Special “Pre-Memorial Day Weekend Getaway” E-dition, The Blower said, “Now for something really patriotic!”
This weekend, we’re planned to write something truly inspirational about all those brave men and women who answered our country’s call and gave the last full measure of their devotion, fighting for freedom from the Halls of Montezuma to the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq. We even planned to show you a lot of patriotic videos, like this one.
Hurley the Historian said we should review how Memorial Day has its roots in a post-Civil War holiday called “Decoration Day,” explain how observance of the holiday has changed over the years, and urge that the legacy never be forgotten.
Others said this weekend we should march in a parade with flag-waving politicians, watch John Wayne and Audie Murphy war movies all day on TV, or cut weeds at a Veterans Cemetery, while trying not to feel guilty about ignoring living conditions for those poor, mistreated Al Qaeda terrorist detainees at GITMO.
In Anderson, you could always pay respect for the lives of so many service members who have given their all for the sake of our freedom at the Memorial Day Bell Ceremony Monday at noon at the Anderson Center.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose a trio of quotes from The Duke: “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway,” “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid,” and “If you’ve got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.”
NOTE: The Whistleblower has been conducting a poll of Memorial Day activities since its inception. This year, Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup has decided to conduct his own poll on his facebook page. You can see for yourself here. Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane has no doubt that the annual Blower poll in Friday’s E-dition will prove to be much more accurate.
SATURDAY in our Special “Distaste of Cincinnati” E-dition, The Blower said, “It’s like we always say, there’s no accounting for Taste!”
Where will the Distaste of Cincinnati be this weekend? As usual, the Distaste of America’s Worst Run City will be downtown. But scared suburbanites still don’t need Demon Lynchmob, Rhymin’ Reverends, Ken “Mad Dawg” Lawson, SMLP Smithermouth, producers of “Cops,” Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory, Disgruntled DemocRAT Fake Judge Tracie Hunter, or the rest of Judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley’s political posse of racial terrorists to tell them to stay away. They will figure that out for themselves, simply because it’s a really overrated event. Urging black people to stay away is not much of a threat. In fact, if Black Boycotter Nate “Rhymes With Hate” Livingston could positively guarantee no Negros would ever show up, downtown crowds would undoubtedly double. This year, Liz Roger’s Over-Taxed Payer Subsidized Million Dollar Soul Food Bistro has a booth so black folks can feel more welcome.
Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
More Obamanations
OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: Obama has asked his Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the Department of Injustice, which has been illegally investigating Fox News Reporters, who were working on stories about corruption in the Attorney General’s office. Isn’t that like asking Eric Holder to investigate himself, especially after Holder personally signed off on the warrant allowing the DOJ to search Fox Reporter James Rosen’s e-mails?
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Obama’s “I constantly strive to remain worthy of the public trust,” ” he actually said with a straight face.
- RINO REPORT: Senile Senators Lindsey Graham and John McRINO signaled support Friday for Victoria Nuland’s nomination to be the next assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, a pick that could come under some scrutiny because of her role in editing talking points on last year’s attack in Benghazi.
- ROGUE’S GALLERY: An investigation by Cincinnati Fox 19 reporter Ben Swann finds that Obama Administration claims that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting of conservative groups was the work of two “rogue” low-level employees in Cincinnati, Ohio, strain credulity and are “falling apart.” Swann reports that so far six IRS agents working out of the Cincinnati office—which is the central hub for processing tax-exempt applications—have been identified as sending scrutinizing letters to conservative groups. These include: Mitchel Steele-IRS Agent; Carly Young-IRS Agent; Joseph Herr-IRS Agent; Stephen Seok-IRS Supervisor; and Liz Hofacre-IRS Agent; and Ms. Richards (full name unknown)-IRS Agent.
- WHITE HOUSE IN DENIAL: Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard says, “You’re concocting scandals that don’t actually exist.”
- CROOKS IN CONGRESS: It’s nice that GOP House Speaker John Boehner wants to know which members of the scandal plagued Obama Administration are going to jail, but isn’t a Special Prosecutor be more helpful than all those House Committees competing for face time on TV?
- OBAMANOMICS 101: Obamanomics has spurred increasing distrust of government — and that was even before the recent IRS scandal.
- WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says the stock market’s break in its recent rally this week left investors wondering if they’re seeing a turning point or just a blip in the upward path.
- OBAMA’S MEMORIAL DAY MESSAGE: Obama claims in a long-awaited speech at the National Defense University, Barack Obama claimed there have been no large scale Muslim terrorist attacks on America since he’s been in office. Sorry to all those victims in Boston and Fort Hood, you don’t qualify. That performance gave new meaning to the word “drone.” This week, Obama walked directly up the steps of Marine One without saluting the Marine on duty. Obama probably thinks the Marines are only there to hold his umbrella. Gird your loins, America. Obama now intends to empty out GITMO and send scores of suspected Muslim terror operatives back to their jihadist-coddling native countries.
Meanwhile, This Could Explain A Few Things
Liberalizing America
MEDIA MENDACITY: Obama Supporters in the Press met with Obama Thursday afternoon following his national security policy address at the National Defense University in Washington for a private meeting where Obama told them what to write.
- DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD: On Thursday, Ohio RINO Secretary of State Jon Husted acknowledged DemocRAT Voter Fraud did exist, “But it is not an epidemic,” just like a woman who’s just a little bit pregnant.
- UNION BLUES: Unions are continuing to whine about the Health Care Law they fought tooth and nail to help pass.
More Politics Unusual
OBAMACARE TRAINWRECK: This week, new reports suggesting that Christmas morning could come as a rather nasty surprise for folks expecting “robust” health insurance policies under Obamacare. While, in theory, ObamaCare requires that employers with 50 or more workers must offer coverage to their workers or pay a penalty, the law may only mandate the provision of what amounts to very light coverage. Sounds like a lot of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters will be getting bare bones coverage to us.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “The latest scandal in Washington, of course, is raising questions about the IRS. You know, I have a question. Why is it called the Internal Revenue Service? How is having your money confiscated a service?”
- TEA PARTY PRINCIPLES: TEA Party groups across the nation are now planning to sue the IRS for targeting them to help Obama get re-elected in 2012. “True the Vote” filed a Lawsuit against Lois Lerner personally, serving her at her house. The first local class action lawsuit against the IRS we’ve seen was filed by David Langdon. We’re not sure if David was first in the nation, but according to Courthouse News Service, we’re he sure didn’t waste much time.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says, “Although Obama’s approval ratings are remaining steady, the scandals around the White House are beginning to shift the American public’s attitude against the Obama Administration.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1868 Republican President Andrew Johnson was acquitted at his impeachment trial, and John Wayne fans would like to remind Hurley if “The Duke” were alive today, they’d be celebrating his 105th birthday. Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Wayne’s “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.” Curiously, The Duke wasn’t even alive during the Obama administration.
- SCANDALOUS SOLICITING: Newsmax says just as the Obama administration continues to reel from three major scandals, Republicans are zeroing in on yet one more — this one involving Obamacare as it nears implementation. GOP legislators are targeting Ditzy DemocRAT Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the solicitations she made to some of the nation’s top insurance companies and other groups for donations to Enroll America, the nonprofit group charged with selling ObamaCare to the public.
More Unresolved Issues
- RACIAL HEALING: An Mountain Dew advertisement that never aired on television was still seen by members of the public and has been deemed “the most racist commercial in history.”
- ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: This week, Obama met with Illegal Immigrants in the White House, but Desperate DemocRAT Senator Robert Menendez said Friday that the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill doesn’t have enough votes to pass the Senate.
- GAY NEWS UPDATE: When the Boys Scouts met in Dallas on this week, the group approved a plan to accept openly gay boys, but not openly gay Scoutmasters. Sorry, Squealback!
- OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT: It may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it.” The Blower’s Faux Facebook “Friend” Fritz Wenzel, of Wenzel Strategies, which did the telephone poll Thursday.
- BABY-KILLING UPDATE: Former Abortion Doctor Anthony Levatino (who performed roughly 1,200 abortions in his career as an OBGYN—some after the 20-week mark) told Congress he had a change of heart about the procedure when his daughter died in a car accident.
- MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE: Obama says Muslim riots in Sweden and Muslim Terrorist beheading of a British soldier in London are not signs of a global Jihad.
Closer to Home
- TEA PARTY PROTESTS: Tuesday, TEA Party Patriots across the country claiming they’ve been targeted by Obama’s IRS gathered in front of their local Federal Buildings. In Cincinnati, they held a big “Reign in the IRS Rally” at noon on Fountain Square, after which they were supposed to storm the IRS Offices in the Federal Building with torches and pitchforks and drag all those Obama-Loving TEA-Party Targeting IRS Agents back to Fountain Square for a little non-partisan tar-and-feathering. Waving such signs as “Internal Revenge Service” and some wearing Colonial-era attire, some were hoping to get on national TV again.
- The Cincinnati TEA Party even has lots of pictures on its web page.
TEA Party Tom says the rally against the IRS was really good except for all the leeches trying to take credit for it. Alex T. and the GOP machine (the little engine that couldn’t) was smiles all around and shaking hands with everyone like he had something to do with it. But what was worse were the paid hacks from the Ohio RINO Party circulating clipboards to get protesters’ names on a list to fight OBAMA. Boy, a fat lot of good they did trying to defeat OBAMA did last year.
Also not reported is that the DHS appears to have finally found a use for all those bullets it’s been buying. At a TEA Party protest outside the IRS building there were no regular police – only armed Homeland Security guards. The GESTAPOBAMA actually followed ABC News reporters through the Cincinnati IRS Office
At the same time, Obama-loving Fishwrapper Bowdeya Tweh filed White House approved updates on Twitter, while Ohio Pundit offered somewhat more positive coverage.
- MORE THE FISHWRAP MISSED: Our City Hall Snitch says with the City of Cincinnati facing mass layoffs of police officers, City Mangler Doughboy Honey is praising Fourteen Star Police Chief James Craig for being able to address the rank-and-file (who Craig says have long faces because their super-star is leaving) long standing concerns about obtaining new uniforms (ala LAPD style) and their working hours. Craig’s solution was to spend $1,000,000+ on new uniforms so our officers will no longer be targets (of whom?) in those white shirts and white hats. Forget the high visibility of our cops in large crowds, (i.e. this weekend’s Taste of Cincinnati) or on regular patrol. Try to find a cop in a crowd now – hell no, they can simply blend in and don’t have to hide when they decide to have a little play time and they look like TV land cops now…oh BOY! Now there’s real change and a bright solution to the rank-and-file concerns about uniforms. By the way, 10 or more of you rank-and-filers will now need to be laid off, which on the other hand means your concern about the uniform being a target has been solved!
- CHEATERS TO BE INDICTED: Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters has already announced a Tuesday morning press conference to name “Cheaters at the Horseshoe Casino.” So how do the Casino Police know if a guy’s there with somebody else’s wife?
THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Panhandlers and protesters beware. Despite budget problems at City Hall and the fact that our new joke Police Chief is on his way to Detroit because he was afraid to take the test that would authorize him actually to make an arrest, Cincinnati Police say they’re totally prepared. Once again, our good friend Officer Matt “Shoot His Dick Off” Martin will be on duty and Kathy Harrell’s overworked officers have a beanbag with your name on it.
- IN ANDERSON: You don’t really have to go downtown for “Taste of Cincinnati” this weekend. For $4 and a coupon, “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says you can get all the crappy food you can stomach at any one of 27 all-you-can eat Chinese buffets in the Food Court in Anderson Township, although most avoirdupois Andersonians like Freddie Fatassi prefer the Hibachi Grille in Cherry Grove.
- IN COLUMBUS: Ohio Republican Party Chairman-elect Matt Borges announced a new website “” This new site asks Ohioans to join in calling on Ohio’s DemocRAT leaders to condemn the spiraling out-of-control scandals of the Obama Administration. Does Matt know The Whistleblower Motto or what?
MAYORAL MADNESS: In what may prove to be the most bizarre Mayoral Campaign in Cincinnati history, Loony Libertarian Jim Berns held a block party for three hundred guests at the Mount Airy neighborhood of Bahama Terrace Friday evening. “I just love to feed people! “ Berns said. We served sandwiches, hotdogs, pork and beans, and drinks. Vernard Fields emceed the event and entertainment was provided by a surprise guest artist as well as talent from the Mount Airy neighborhood. The event also featured a “Guy and Girl Beauty Contest, Garage Sale Drawing, and kids’ games. You won’t believe how big a cheer Berns got when he promise to legalize marijuana in Cincinnati. And would you believe, none of the homies told Berns to get his white ass out of there, at least not as long as the hot dogs held out.
In Northern Kentucky
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says 22 years ago this week (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town), Edition #51, which came out on April 21, 1991 featured the reason Queen Elizabeth II would not be visiting Cincinnati during her visit to Kentucky.
- CONTEMPT IN COURT: Members of the Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) says the Kentucky Bar Association just suspended Crazy Eric’s law license for the second time in two years, and Crazy says he will appeal it all the to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. So now he’s fighting it and blaming the Court and Kentucky Bar Association counsel? The irony of being sanctioned for lying about his disciplinary history and reputation in a libel case he brought against The Robster is delicious. Eric’s not doing too well arguing his excellent reputation in those libel cases, having now surrendered to The Whistleblower, lost them against Rob Sanders, and been disciplined to boot.
- THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders glorious e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now, but The Robster forgot to send us the information for our weekly promo. Perhaps he was too busy laughing at Crazy Eric’s most recent suspension.
- G-UNCONTROL: Bluegrass Rifle Association Spokesman Billy Bob Carbine says, “Today is Gun Appreciation Day in Kentucky, so set your glocks back an hour Saturday night.
More Political Insight This Week
FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: Tom Hagedorn says The Fishwrap has put its crack staff on the trail of the TEA Party. It would be sort of like Woodward and Bernstein focusing their time on the DemocRAT National Committee rather than the burglars involved in Watergate. Someone needs to produce a movie that would be a cross between “The Pink Panther” (Peter Sellers) and “All the President’s Men” (about Woodward and Bernstein and Watergate). It would be about reporters investigating a political crime and Skaggy Maggie would play the role of Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Of course, it would have to be presented as fiction because it would not be very believable. Then again, given what we have come to expect from The Fishwrap, our Persons of Consequence who read The Blower know better, don’t they?
- GOING GALT: Select out DemocRATS when doing business. Pay other Conservatives in cash when at all possible.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy #149 is name the three shortest books in the world:
“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Rahm Emanuel
“Humility and Its Virtues” by Barack Obama
And “What the Constitution Means to Me” by Nancy Pelosi
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Just in time for the sweltering spring heat wave, we found this profligate poem by our old friend Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, from his latest book, “Remembering When,” found in better bookstores everywhere, except in Cleves.
“Springtime Surprise”
A no-bra blouse
No underpants
A fleeting breeze
Its favor grants.
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about how the Obama’s IRS was targeting the TEA Party during the 2012 Election. “Why should you be surprised,” Kane replied. The IRS was already targeting Conservatives at the behest of the Obama campaign in 2008.”
Monday WE’LL BE CELEBRATING Memorial Day and we’ll still be counting down the 1,334 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins.
Tuesday Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel will we’ll be covering “JayWalking Joe” Deters’ press conference to see all of thos cheaters rounded up at the Horseshoe Casino and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” name any of the celebrity adulterers.
Wednesday we’ll be celebrating “Learn about Composting Day,” o maybe we can get away with recycling some of our jokes that day.
Thursday will be “Water a Flower Day” something about which our dog needs no reminding.
The first line of Friday’s limerick is: “Paying four dollars for a gallon of gas.”
And on Saturday, June 1 will begin Gay Pride Month, and The Blower will be getting ready for all the fun.
Sunday Comix
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.