One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Our Investigation Continues
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says investigation into Monday’s possible hacking of the Whistleblower-Newswire website continues, with every lead possible being followed-up. The IRS says, “We prefer to ask questions, not answer them.” Meanwhile… Persons of Consequence can’t get over how The Fishwrap is trying to cover-up the IRS Scandal (“Perfect Storm that led to the IRS fiasco.”)
Thomas Hagedorn (not one of The Blower’s Faux Facebook “Friends”) says the article was total and complete nonsense, as has been most of The Fishwrap’s coverage of the IRS targeting of the TEA Party. If this was just a simple case of a rogue division within the IRS – acting on it own and just making stupid decisions – why didn’t this also affect left-wing 501 c 4s? Not one of those organizations had their application delayed. Not one. And how about 501 c 5s (unions)? No complaints from them, either. And gee, wasn’t that a coincidence that it continued until the 2012 election was over? No, if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, IT’S A FREAKING DUCK! It is obvious to anyone with an IQ 5 points above a cucumber that Obama and his Chicago thugs ordered a political hit on his political enemies. By the way, lots of conservatives have been personally audited also. I know some of them.
Now I know what it is like to live in a banana republic, where your civil rights – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to petition your government, right to assemble, and right to due process – can be so flagrantly violated, while the state-run press looks the other way and even “investigates” the wronged parties. It’s a great country, isn’t it?
Nixon’s “I am not a crook” statement has now been replaced by Obama, Holder, Clinton, and Miller’s (IRS head) “I know nothing.” When you think about it, that is probably pretty accurate.
That’s why The Blower thinks local news coverage should’ve been like Major Rufus Todd’s front-page editorials in the Liberty Weekly Gazette in the 1940 “Jesse James” movies: “If we are ever to have law and order in Cincinnati we’re going to have to take out all those Obama-lovin’ IRS agents and shoot them down like dogs.”
- TEA PARTY PROTESTS: Tuesday, TEA Party Patriots across the country claiming they’ve been targeted by Obama’s IRS gathered in front of their local Federal Buildings. In Cincinnati, they held a big “Reign in the IRS Rally” at noon on Fountain Square, after which they were supposed to storm the IRS Offices in the Federal Building with torches and pitchforks and drag all those Obama-Loving TEA-Party Targeting IRS Agents back to Fountain Square for a little non-partisan tar-and-feathering. Waving such signs as “Internal Revenge Service” and some wearing Colonial-era attire, some were hoping to get on national TV again.
The Cincinnati TEA Party even has lots of pictures on its web page.
TEA Party Tom says the rally against the IRS was really good except for all the leeches trying to take credit for it. Alex T. and the GOP machine (the little engine that couldn’t) was smiles all around and shaking hands with everyone like he had something to do with it. But what was worse were the paid hacks from the Ohio RINO Party circulating clipboards to get protesters’ names on a list to fight OBAMA. Boy, a fat lot of good they did trying to defeat OBAMA did last year.
Also not reported is that the DHS appears to have finally found a use for all those bullets it’s been buying. At a TEA Party protest outside the IRS building there were no regular police – only armed Homeland Security guards. The GESTAPOBAMA actually followed ABC News reporters through the Cincinnati IRS Office
At the same time, Obama-loving Fishwrapper Bowdeya Tweh filed White House approved updates on Twitter, while Ohio Pundit offered somewhat more positive coverage.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says today in 1856, Southern Congressman Preston Brooks savagely beat Northern Senator Charles Sumner in the halls of Congress as tensions rose over the expansion of slavery. No wonder Obama’s staying out of that place these days.
- IN OHIO’S SECOND DISTRICT: Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup sent out an e-mail asking his constituents to contact him with any information they have about IRS abuses, and make donations in the amounts of $25, $50, or $100 to help him continue the fight to protect America’s founding principles.
IN COLUMBUS: Ohio Republican Party Chairman-elect Matt Borges announced a new website “” This new site asks Ohioans to join in calling on Ohio’s DemocRAT leaders to condemn the spiraling out-of-control scandals of the Obama Administration. Does Matt know The Whistleblower Motto or what?
- AMBULANCE ALERT: The first local class action lawsuit against the IRS we’ve seen was filed by David Langdon. We’re not sure if David was first in the nation, but according to Courthouse News Service, we’re he sure didn’t waste much time.
TORNADO UPDATE: It took Despicable DemocRATS exactly five minutes to politicize Oklahoma’s deadliest tornado in American history. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse blamed the tornado on global warming and comedian Lizz Winstead tweeted “This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.” Both, we understand, have since apologized.
- BACK IN THE ‘NATTI: Our City Hall Snitch says with the City of Cincinnati facing mass layoffs of police officers, City Mangler Doughboy Honey is praising Fourteen Star Police Chief James Craig for being able to address the rank-and-file (who Craig says have long faces because their super-star is leaving) long standing concerns about obtaining new uniforms (ala LAPD style) and their working hours. Craig’s solution was to spend $1,000,000+ on new uniforms so our officers will no longer be targets (of whom?) in those white shirts and white hats. Forget the high visibility of our cops in large crowds, (i.e. this weekend’s Taste of Cincinnati) or on regular patrol. Try to find a cop in a crowd now – hell no, they can simply blend in and don’t have to hide when they decide to have a little play time and they look like TV land cops now…oh BOY! Now there’s real change and a bright solution to the rank-and-file concerns about uniforms. By the way, 10 or more of you rank-and-filers will now need to be laid off, which on the other hand means your concern about the uniform being a target has been solved!
Whistleblower Alternative Life-Styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis also report Clown-cilgay Chris Squealback, Cincinnati’s first openly homosexual council member, was honored at the White House as a 2013 Champion of Sodomy on Tuesday. It certainly wasn’t for his fiscal responsibility.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says 22 years ago this week (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town), Edition #51, which came out on April 21, 1991 featured the reason Queen Elizabeth II would not be visiting Cincinnati during her visit to Kentucky.
- BLUEGRASS BARRISTERS: Members of the Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) say Crazy Eric is in trouble again. Friendly Fascist attorney Chris Finney sued and obtained a default judgment against Crazy when he and his “partners” failed to pay after leasing office space in Anderson. Crazy’s third party complaint against one of his rotating cast of “partners” claims he has no responsibility. Some partnership — somebody should report him to the Cincinnati Bar Association for holding himself out as a true partnership instead of what he’s obviously doing — franchising his dubious name to even sadder lawyers.
- EXPLOITING THE DEAD: With Memorial Day coming up, our Angry Andersonian writes: Has anyone noticed that our Anderson Park District is obsessed with death? I’m not talking preventing death, I’m talking commemorating death and trying to squeeze every penny it can out of folks because of death. I will give you four examples:
(1) They hold a 5K run every year. It is not the “Run for Parks” which would be somewhat legitimate. It is the “Run to Remember” someone’s death. And they encourage folks who know someone who died to pay an entry fee and run in the memory of that person. Result, the Park district gets money and every time you recall the deceased you remember how out of shape you were during that run you did for them. You may also remember that the deceased will NOT be returning the favor for your memory.
(2) The Marcus Fiesel playground. Folks will no doubt remember the tragedy of poor little Marcus Fiesel, murdered in his Clermont County home and his body was burned beyond recognition in Brown County. As a matter of fact, there is no evidence he was ever in Anderson Township or a park in the township. Yet, before the ashes of his burned body were cold, the Anderson Park District hit the Bill Cunningham show to announce a fund drive to raise money using poor little Marcus Fiesel’s death as the rallying cry. Result, the Park District got the money and Marcus Fiesel was used and some would say his name and memory abused so rich Anderson Township yoofs could have a nice playground that Marcus would not have even been allowed to set foot on.
(3) The Fireman’s Memorial Statue at the entrance of Beech Acres Park. It’s just another stunt to use the unfortunate and sometimes heroic deaths of local firefighters to raise funds to their memory in a park in a township that they could not even afford to live in. Result, the Park District gets the money and the dead firefighters get used to raise money for parks for someone else.
(4) The new Juilfs Park playground is being built. In order to raise funds the Anderson Park District board came up with a NEW idea, why don’t they use the deaths of loved ones to raise money? How unique! So for $100 you can purchase a leaf on a fake tree at the new playground. $200 gets you a small apple to dedicate to a loved deceased person or what the heck, your pet even; $500 buys a medium sized apple and for $1,000, you get a large apple. Mind you this is a fake artificial tree in a park. Most folks think of real trees and flowers when they think of a park, but not Anderson Park District. They think of how to make money off death by turning something as basic as an apple tree into a cash register. Result, the Park District makes money and you get to pay for you loved one’s name in a fake artificial tree in a park full of real trees and knowing how they love to tear up things at the Anderson Park District just to use tax levy money to rebuilt it again, how long do you think your memorial tree leaf will really last?
This of course is all really sad, but you have to hand it to the Anderson Park District: once they seize upon the idea that death pays, and a willing uninformed citizenry has coughed up the bucks, the Park District is making laughing all the way to the bank.
FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH where a politician was trying to get some unsubstantiated rumors about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked about Obama’s IRS Scandal where the IRS internal investigation ended six months before 2012 election, and was hidden from Congress and the number of IRS Employees formally reprimanded for targeting Conservatives is “ZERO.” All those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters who re-elected Obama have exactly the kind of government deserve. Unfortunately, so do the rest of us.
Front Page Mag is calling Obama a “Serial Liar.” That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Will Rogers’ “If you ever injected truth into politics, you would have no politics.” If you injected truth into the teleprompter during one of Obama’s speeches, there would be nothing left but an empty chair.
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s Whistleblower is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our May fund-raising drive by Distaste of Cincinnati, for giving this weekend’s event all the publicity it truly deserves.
e-mail your impeachable offenses today
Some Obama-bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers.
Link of the Day
Lois Lerner Takes the Fifth (Or Did She?)- 5/22/2013
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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