Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers
We’re going to have a busy week in Washington, scheduling all those IRS and Benghazi hearings. —Republicans in Congress
- We can’t believe the Benghazi Whistleblower who testified before those Witch-hunting Republicans in Congress voted for Hillary during the 2008 primaries and then voted for Obama twice. —Obama Supporters in the Press
- Don’t any of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span Obama Supporters realize Obama released his IRS Apology bombshell because of Benghazi? —Conservative Cynics
- Really, what does it matter at this point? —Hillary, Hoping for Another Pass
- On this date in 1999, Disgraced Former DemocRAT President Bill Clinton apologized to the Chinese for bombing their embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Nowadays, Rambo-bama doesn’t have time to apologize— he just keeps on droning, and our Glory Hound in the White House will be spiking the football every chance he gets for the next 1,346 days of Obama’s Second Term. —Hurley the Historian
With Obama’s IRS and Benghazi Scandals exploding all over Washington these days, it was no wonder our Campaigner-in-Chief just needed to get away, so he just hopped on Air Force One for three DemocRAT fund-raisers in NYC Monday afternoon. —Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard
- We liked Jay Leno’s “While President Obama was in Texas, he told people to “Remember the Alamo and forget about Benghazi.” —Late Night Tv Jokewatchers
- The Blower wasn’t surprised to learn Obama’s IRS was targeting TEA Party groups. We’d have really been surprised if they weren’t. —Beloved Whistleblower Charles Foster Kane
Ohio Republicans were outraged when we heard about Obama’s IRS targeting Conservative Groups. —Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett
- Ohio TEA Party Patriots were outraged when we heard about Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett’s blatantly using the IRS targeting of the TEA Party as a fund-raising gimmick. —Today Ohio TEA Party Leader, Tom Zawistowski
- That’s why we chose Martin Niemöller’s “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out– Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me. —Your Quote for Today Committee
- What an honor it was that all those lawbreaking low-level IRS employees working so hard to re-elect Obama were in found in Cincinnati. —Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory
- We need to schedule a spontaneous demonstration to rally on Fountain Square to support all those lawbreaking low-level workers at the Cincinnati IRS Office now being thrown under the bus for doing their best to get Obama re-elected. —Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka
- You could say they’re being “thrown under the trolley,” as soon as we figure out where we’re getting that $17.4 million in funding for the Cincinnati Streetcar. —Mallory’s Extreme Liberal Rubber Stamp Clown-cil
- What a coincidence. My latest video blames Foxy Roxy for that $17 million. —Disguished DemocRAT John Cranley (Just call me “The Beav”)
- Did any of these events eclipse all that news coverage of our big Cincinnati Mayoral Mini-Debate Monday evening? —Loony Libertarian Jim Berns and Stacy Smith (Whoever the Hell She Is)
In Independence, where incest is best, Mother’s Day is always a family affair in Kentucky, because it’s also “Cousins Day.” —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
- Did I forget to put out a special Mother’s Day edition of my titillating e-newsletter this week? —Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders
- We told you we could drink your mother under the table. —Michael Liquid Plummer and His Designated Driver, Nathan “Cornbread” Smith
- Did you see that Mother’s Day card I sent to all those Mothers on the Bluegrass Bar Association? —Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters
- The law says you can’t discriminate against a mother, even if she’s a lesbian. —Covington Commissioners
- On Mother’s Day, single mothers with big breasts always drink free. —Mainstrasse Pub
- In southern Boone County, they even have Mother’s Day cards for barnyard animals. — Gex “Rhymes with Sex” Williams
- My mother needed more protection, so I went out and bought my pistol-packing mama another Glock, along with a concealed carry permit. —Bluegrass Rifle Association spokesman Billy Bob Carbine
- Wherever I went on Mother’s Day, everybody asked me what a MILF was. —Bobby Leach
- Sometimes we call it MILF Madness. —Boys with Boners
Bill Fesh says he was sexually harassed by a MILF. —Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel
- A MILF is a terrible thing to waste. —Horny in Hebron
- When does The Blower’s Official MILF List come out? I want to be on it. —Lisa Wells, WLW Radio
- Can Cougars be MILFs too? —Uptight Bitches in Fort Mitchell hoping for real orgasms
- Why don’t you just give your readers our definition. —Wikipedia
- This year’s Mother’s Day buffet at the Golden Corral was better than ever. —Scott “Pass the Biscuits” Kimmich and Clueless Marc Wilson (No longer one of The Blower’s Faux Facebook “Friends”)
Last weekend we showed “MILFs from Outer Space.” —Flashlight Theatre
- Don’t forget, Opening Day for my Y’All Ville baseball team is coming up pretty soon. —Mayor Blondie Whalen
- Hey, Everybody… Trish the Dish still wants to know when Unwed Teenage Mother’s Day is. —TV 19 News
- Sheree Paolello says TV 5 plans to do a story on that very subject. —Jack Atherton (Still at Channel 22.45 in Dayton in case you missed me)
Sometimes The Blower exposes IRS abuses to show that targeting TEA Party organizations because of their political views is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t an Obama Supporter.
This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially low level Obama-supporting IRS employees in Cincinnati.
e-mail your outraged oratory today.
Some IRS abused items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally IRS abused subscribers.
Link of the Day
Judge Jeanine Pirro – Obama Admin Lied To America!!- Opening Statement
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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