Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers
Everybody’s getting ready to celebrate “Political Backstabbers Day” Friday on the Ides of March to commemorate that historic date in 44 BCE when Brutus and the rest of the RINOs in the Senate stabbed Roman Emperor Julius Caesar in the back, the front, and just about every other place on his body. —Hurley the Historian
- People are already sending in their nominations for “Political Backstabber of the Year.” —Backstabber of the Year Selection Committee
- Could we nominate each other? —Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters and NAALCP President SMLP Smithermouth
- Can we nominate all those people on the grand jury who just indicted Obama lovers Russell Glassop, Melowese Richardson, and Sister Marguerite Kloos for voter fraud? —DemocRAT Vote Frauders
- Yesterday candidates for City Clown-cil smiling for the TV camera at that big Parking Meter Protest in Oakley were calling me a backstabber after I betrayed my constituents by voting in favor of that bogus “Emergency Clause” in the City’s Parking Lot Plot. —Cincinnati Clown-cilgay Chris Squealback
- Would you call the person who sent The Blower my Parking Propaganda e-mail on Monday morning that had to be immediately recalled a backstabber? — Laure “Not So” Cleanlivin
Would you please call Plaintiff’s Attorney Curt Hartman who tied me in knots in Federal Court when I tried to get his Temporary Restraining Order dismissed a backstabber? — Cincinnati City Solicitor John Curp
- No, but I would call Solicitor Curp a Backstabber, and I’ll get to slap him around on Friday. —Judge Robert “I’m Still in Charge” Winkler
- Would you call my fellow GOP Senators John McClain and Lindsey Graham backstabbers? —Filibustering Republican Rand Paul
I remember last year when Obama told me “I’ve got your back.” —Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
- Did you see all those backstabbing Tea Party Patriots protesting my choice of Ohio’s ObamaCare-Loving Governor Kasich Taylor to be featured speaker at last night’s Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner? —Alex T., Mall Cop GOP
- Rob Portman wants to know if it would be OK to call somebody at The Whistleblower a backstabber? —Defeated, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-And-Paid-For, Tax-And-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-In-A-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt
- How about nominating a BFF? —A Whistleblower Faux Facebook Friend
- Is it OK to nominate a fellow township trustee? —Masturbating Anderson Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien
Is there a separate category for “Backstabbers in Broadcasting?” —Your WLW Hate Radio Snitch (Probably not Darryl Parks)
- The reason we didn’t complain about The Blower’s on Sunday link to all those really nasty photos of vaginas on the UC Campus is because we’d have to admit we looked at it. —Perverted Pornwatchers
- Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the biggest backstabber of all? —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
- In Northern Kentucky, Political Backstabbing isn’t even a misdemeanor. —Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders
- Our place wouldn’t be big enough to hold them all. —Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl
- If you’re an elected official in Northern Kentucky, you might be a backstabber. —Jeff Foxworthy
Last year at this time GOP candidates (like Thomas Massie, Judge Once Moore, Brian D. Oerther, Alecia Webb-Edgington, Tom Wurtz, Marcus Carey, and Walter C. Schumm) were all stabbing each other in the back over my seat in Congress —Goof Doofus
- Every member of the Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Me (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club) is a backstabber. —Eric “Call Me Crazy,” Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Haven’t I Been Disbarred Yet, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters
- Some of our best friends are “Backstabbers.” —League of Women Vipers
- On the Ides of March, Political Backstabbers drink free. —Mainstrasse Bartenders
Recovering Backstabbers are always welcome. —Backstabbers Anonymous
- See you there. —Michael Liquid Plummer and Nathan Cornbread Smith
- Thanks for finally plugging my son George’s “Ides of March” movie now that everybody can watch it on cable for free. —Nick Clooney
- What’s the best part about the Ides of March on March 15? It means BB&BJ Day on March 20 is only five days away. —Our good friend Bobby Leach
- Everybody’s wondering why I’m having an Ides of March Party on Friday, instead of my customary more traditional St. Patrick’s Day Party on Sunday. And don’t forget, all of you Bluegrass Backstabbers, this year, it’s BYOK (Bring Your Own Knives). —Miss Vicki
- Hey, Everybody… Trish the Dish wants to know what happened to all the clocks. —TV 19 News
- TV5’s Sheree Paolello probably forgot to tell everybody to forget to change the batteries in their smoke detectors without my being there to remind her. —Jack Atherton (Still at Channel 22.45 in Dayton in case you missed me)
- There are at least 10 million people who claim they originated “Spring Forward, Fall Backward” for the Daylight Savings time clock alteration. It was either Ben Franklin or former Cincinnati weatherman Tony Sands, or some Gymnast. Go Figure! —Tino Delgato
— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer —
Sometimes The Blower makes fun of Political Backstabbing to show that “hypocrisy and insincerity” are not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t working on a political campaig
This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially Political Consultants.
e-mail your noxious nominations today.
Some backstabbing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally backstabbing subscribers.
Link of the Day
The Most Honest Three-and-a-Half Minutes of Television, EVER…
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here