One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A Country They Truly Deserve
TYPICAL OBAMA VOTERS: Last week we showed you a couple of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters, Shannon and her friend Jennifer, talking about why they love Obama after voting to continue our long national nightmare for four more years. Those two blonde bimbos still haven’t figured out they’re already just as screwed as the rest of us.
Today we hear from Rankin Phyle, who voted for Obama so he can go on strike for higher wages and benefits, even though the company said it couldn’t afford to pay them. What happened when Rankin went on strike? The company went out of business, closed the plant, and all 18,500 Obama-loving union employees lost their jobs. But the union bosses said it was worth it to prove who really was in control.
Meanwhile, White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard told the White House Press Corpse to ignore Taxmageddon and tell everybody to buy another Obama Christmas ornament to decorate their crappy Christmas trees, unlike the 54 lavishly ornate Christmas trees at the White House, which is almost one for ever state in Obama’s America. Today’s “I Built This” Obama Ornament only costs $9.99, plus God-only-knows-how-much for shipping-and-handling from The Obama 2016 Third-Term Re-election Campaign.
BUCKEYE BUREAU CHIEF GERRY MANDERS says, “You may find it hard to believe but did you know that on October 10, 2012, DemocRAT State Rep-tile Clayton Luckie was indicted for 45 felony offenses and four misdemeanors. Not only have Dishonest DemocRATS NOT demanded the man’s resignation, but they’re allowing him to remain on the state payroll. Here’s a Petition to change Clayton’s Luckie.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says Prohibition ended on this date in 1933, but it would not be the last stupid idea from Congress for people to do away with.
- NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Al Capone’s “Prohibition has made nothing but trouble” and Will Rogers’ “Prohibition is better than no liquor at all.”
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER remembers when Jay Leno said: Gov. Schwarzenegger attended a menorah-lighting ceremony. He said he always looks forward to Hanukkah. At least I think that’s what he said. He might have said “I like to play the harmonica.”
FREEBIE GOURMET: Yesterday would’ve been a great day if your name was “Jim” or if you lived on “James Street.” You’d have been entitled to a FREE Jim Beam Bacon Swiss Burger at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers. Let’s see, which of the three locations in Greater Cincinnati is the closest—MILF-ord, West Chester, or Florence? And what happens when you get there and show them your driver’s license that says your name is “James” and the bimbo behind the counter tells you, “Sorry, that’s not ‘Jim?’”
And if you’re checking out that MILF-ord location, you might swing by the MILF-ord Board of Education and see what they’re doing to collect all that over-taxed payers’ money they were supposed to get for Obama VP Buffoon Joe Biden’s Mediscare Stump Speech at the MILF-ord High School cafeteria in September.
ALSO IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Last night the Clermont Tea Party held its monthly meeting at the Holiday Inn Eastgate. If any of them were named “Jim,” they could’ve stopped at Red Robin for a free burger. It is hard to believe it was only three years ago many of them were still sitting on their couches shouting at their TVs. Now they get together once a month and shout at each other.
- ”MEAN JEAN’S” CHRISTMAS PARTY: Plan now to keep Friday, December 21 open for the traditional and final “Mean Jean” Schmidt Christmas party. This year the venue is changing to a large private party room in the new Horseshoe casino located at 1000 Broadway Street downtown.
We’ve been told the fare will be tasteful catered food including endless large shrimp, lobster and crab, as well as prime rib-eye beef roast sliced for your plate. There will be a variety of tempting desserts prepared by the new Straits of Malacca restaurant in Mason and an open free bar including mixed drinks as well as two peeing cherubs fountains serving champagne.
This year’s party has been financially enhanced by Hosnu Ozyegin and Mehmet Emin Karamehmet. Ozyegin is a Turkish banker and Karamehmet owns the Turkcell mobile phone company. Both men promise a much more upscale party this year than in previous years.
So for those of you RINO freeloaders remembering how bad “Mean Jean’s” over-taxed payer funded Christmas parties used to be when they were sponsored by LaRosa’s, let’s all sing the third verse of that “Lame-Duck, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-and-paid-For, Tax-and-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt’s Twelve Days of Christmas,” sent in by “Mean Jean’s” former campaign Mangler, Joe “I Managed Scott Croswell’s Failed Campaign Too” Braun, whose Strauss & Troy law firm partners are celebrating this Christmas because they’ve finally been paid for defending TL-DCELPMOB-A-P-FT&SW-PRB-in-a-D’s in Columbus before the Ohio Elections Commission several years ago. It goes something like this:
On the Third Day of Christmas, “Mean Jean” gave to me,
Three Borgman cartoons,
Two red dresses,
And one old crapper, from Rob Portman’s legacy.
Meanwhile, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane has not yet received his annual Christmas card from Rob “Fighting for Family Photographs” Portman. Could this possibly be just a coincidence?
Also in Ohio’s Second Congressional District, you might like to drive out to Adams County Saturday night to see Ohio’s Second District Congressman-elect “Bronze Star Brad Wenstrup turn on those Amazing Amish Christmas Tree Lights.
THE WHISTLEBLOWER REPERTORY GROUP has a new member in its latest video showing the Whistleblower Elves trimming our tree for Christmas. Can you guess his identity?
- CHOOSE YOUR TAXES: Hamilton County residents will find out Wednesday which tax will be raised to give more money to the Bungals, Reds, and Cincinnati Public Schools. Odd Todd Opportune wants to raise the Sales Tax. Greg “Tax Hike” Hartmann wants to raise the Property Tax. Republicans for Higher Taxes say in their latest blog entry, let’s raise both! They believe Hamilton County’s #1 priority has to be to enrich Mike Brown, Bob Bungalhaus, and the Cincinnati Bungals. Given the past 16 years, it looks like their wish continues to come true.
- CINCINNATI POLICE UNION PREZ POCKETS MONEY; CLAIMS SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM: Infamous Diana Frey, who embezzled $760,000 from her Cincinnati Organized and Dedicated Employees union (CODE) in 2009 allegedly directly gave long-time Fraternal Order of Police Queen City Lodge #69 (FOP) president Kathy Harrell $12,000 in the form of a cashier’s check directly from the CODE bank account for Harrell’s personal use.
In fact, Harrell accompanied Frey to the bank to withdraw cash from the CODE account, took the cash in the form of a cashier’s check in hand and Harrell now says she didn’t know the money came from CODE’s bank account. We don’t know many union leaders who get legal donations in the form of a $12,000 cashier’s check from a city worker inside of a bank lobby.
If you believe Kathy Harrell, president of the FOP, on this one, I’ve got a bridge to sell to you.
And who is Kathy Harrell’s lawyer? The same guy who in 2004 lost his job for having sex in his office with an employee when he was the Hamilton County Prosecutor, the upstanding (wink, wink) Mike Allen, 56. What a great pair.
Mike Allen says Kathy Harrell asked Frey for a loan to pay Harrell’s personal repair bills for some of Harrell’s real estate investments. The CODE union is seeking $36,000 in damages and repayment from Kathy Harrell.
Diana Frey is serving 51 months in federal prison. Kathy Harrell is still president of those who serve and protect us.
FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Whistleblower Education Editor Rod Sparechild wonders if the kids paying $24,143 a year at Miami U are getting a better education than the senior citizens who graduated in the ’60s? They called it the good old days for a reason. At $680 a semester you had real professors, the same green beer every day and graduated in four years. At $1,360 a year, we could help pay our tuition with part-time and summer jobs and didn’t need Fannie and Freddie to spin us into debt for a lifetime.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: December 21 is shaping up to be the busiest day for holiday parties, especially on the South Shore. Besides “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s final over-taxed payer funded Holiday Party (at the new Horseshoe Casino in Downtown Cincinnati, that final Friday before Christmas, which is the same date the Mayan Calendar that says the world will be coming to an end.) It’s also the same day as our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders has scheduled his Holiday Party at Sidebar in Covington, along with the Whistleblower NoKY Legal Dream Team and the Cabal to Destroy “Crazy Eric Deters (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club). Not only will December 21 mean there will be only five more shoplifting days until Kwanza, but it will also be a big day for Druids on the Winter Solstice and Cougars in Fort Mitchell will be on the prowl for young boys to celebrate World Orgasm Day.
UNTIL THEN, here’s an update on that Company Christmas Party you’ve been reading about in The Blower:
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 5
RE: Holiday Party
So December 21 marks the Winter Solstice… what do you expect me to do, a tap-dance on your heads? Fire regulations at Luigi’s prohibit the burning of sage by our “earth-based Goddess-worshiping” employees, but we’ll try to accommodate your shamanic drumming circle during the band’s breaks. Okay?
WHAT COSTUMES? Sometimes you see some really funny-dressed people at holiday parades, like last weekend in College Hill when two guys dressed in dog costumes were embarrassed by a Loony Libertarian like Jim Berns collecting signatures for his petition to run for Cincinnati mayor.
- NOTAXJACK says according to the Western Star, a Clearcreek Township couple in Warren County are facing $97,000 in fines for using their own driveway. What’s up with that?
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says if there was any way to avoid the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term in the Divided States of America. “There’s only one chance,” Kane predicted. “That’s if some the Electors from Virginia, Ohio, and a couple of other states decided to vote for Romney when the Electoral College meets on December 17.” Think how they could argue about that on the cable news shows.
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, party crashers.
e-mail your engraved invitations today.
Some party crashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally party crashing subscribers
Link of the Day
NewsBusted 12/04/12
Merry Christmas
Leroy the Redneck Reindeer
No Christmas for You
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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