One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
How Stupid Are They?
TYPICAL OBAMA VOTERS: Today we’re showing you two more dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters, Shannon and her friend Jennifer, talking about why they love Obama after voting to continue our long national nightmare for four more years. These two blonde bimbos have not yet figured out they’ll soon be just as screwed as the rest of us.
And does the City of Cincinnati have a time limit for political signs? This bozo on Kenilworth (that backs up to Beechmont Circle) is either a union worker or collecting unemployment. He’d probably be living in a better house if he were a Republican.
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to political pundit Michael Barone, Americans must like having Republicans in charge because next month 25 states will have Republican governors and Republicans in control of both houses of the state legislatures. They aren’t all small states, either. They include about 53% the nation’s population. At the same time, Americans in 15 states will have DemocRAT governors and D-RATS in control of both houses of the state legislatures. They include about 37% of the nation’s population. That news will really go over big at the next Romney Supporters Anonymous Meeting in Goshen, especially after Barone’ predicted a landslide win for Romney before the election.
- PARTY TIME, CONGRESSIONAL STYLE: Lame-Duck, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-and-paid-For, Tax-and-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt says she’s still our duly-elected Member of Congress and plans to host her annual “Holiday Open House” for her favorite constituents even though voters totally rejected her at the GOP Primary in March.
Meanwhile, If Obama Supporters in the Press are salivating over the “Mutiny” against Grover Norquist’s Anti Tax Pledge that’s been an “obstacle to raising taxes,” why haven’t we seen our Ohio Second District Congressman-Elect Bronze Star Brad Wenstrup being interviewed on network TV by Chris Matthews and George Stephanopoulos?
THE CINCINNATI MESS (YOU ONLY READ ABOUT IN THE BLOWER): Cincinnati is broke, it can’t properly fund its retirement system, and has a massive $40 million budget deficit. We all know the City is a fiscal mess. Considering all that, we were still surprised when City Mangler Dough Boy Honey stupidly proposed an Ordinance at the November 15 city clown-cil meeting to hire a Breast Feeding Peer Counselor to the city payroll at a salary of $76,000 per year. (Item #201201484 ORDINANCE submitted by Milton Dohoney, Jr., city manager, on 11/15,2012, establishing a new position of “Breast Feeding Peer Counselor” in Section 280 of Division 4 of Chapter 307 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code)
What are the unique visual hiring requirements for a breast feeding counselor? Will Dough Boy be present as a voyeur at the breast feeding demonstrations? Perhaps he’s offering his own copious mammary glands for the demonstration?
Kentucky guy Dough Boy repeatedly displays the fact he is a ridiculous highly-paid fool and pawn of girly-mayor Mallory, but this ordinance will rate as one of Dough Boy’s most foolish fiascoes.
We can’t get rid of this creep Dough Boy Honey fast enough.
MEANWHILE: the following Priority Driven Budgeting Quartile 4 programs are reduced or eliminated in this budget:
• Media Bridges Support is eliminated ($300,000)
• Downtown and Neighborhood Gateways Program is eliminated ($57,480)
• Juvenile Firesetter Program is eliminated ($84,100)
• Mounted Patrol is eliminated ($188,350)
• Arts Grants is eliminated ($50,000)
• Human Services Funding is reduced ($610,770)
- TAXPAYING TAILGATER TINO DELGATO SAYS Carson Palmer’s had his first visit back to Paul Brown Stadium. He also had his same “success.” Maybe it was not the Bungals after all as Carson lost 31-10. He found his 2011 Oakland Raiders head coach Hue Jackson now works for the Bengals. Hue orchestrated the great trade (for the Bungals anyway) of Carson to the Raiders for a number 1 and a number 2 draft choice. Hue was fired after last season but like Bob Bungalhaus Hue learned Mike Brown does not forget his “Friends.” Go Figure!!!
- TROUBLEMAKING TAILGATER TINO DELGATO SAYS Ohio State’s decision to self-impose a ban on bowl games THIS year versus LAST year looks pretty stupid. Last year’s 6-6 team went to the lower level Citrus bowl and were defeated by Florida while losing money on that bowl trip. This years’ 12-0 team would have been eligible for a huge pay day at a BCS bowl game. But then they wouldn’t have been *0-11 versus the SEC in Bowl games all time. Go Figure!!!
NOTE: They beat Arkansas in the 2010 seasons’ Sugar Bowl but had to vacate that win by the NCAA due to the Terrell Pryor/Jim Tressel scandal.
CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says the story about that recently elected Hamilton County Judge now involved in a “non- amicable” divorce didn’t take long to break even with Feckless Fishwrapper Perry KimBall looked the other way. Seems like Ghizzy Lizzy Aziz’s husband turned out to hate her just as much as the City voters who threw her ass off City Clown-cil last year. Imagine what an ignorant bitch she’ll be now as a judge going through an ugly divorce.
- NAALCP MEMBERSHIP UPDATE: SMLP Smithermouth says the annual rate for people in prison to join the NAALCP is only $12-per-year. Family Friendly Fascist Chris Finney says for $20, inmates could also join COAST.
- SUCH A DEAL: Jeff Ruby offered a Black Friday only special deal for 20% off, followed by a Cyber Monday deal offering a $20 Gift Card if you spent $100. But how much would it cost if you made reservations at Ruth’s Chris’ where a steak won’t cost $100?
YESTERDAY IN ANDERSON: It was called “Spanky Tuesday,” when everybody was waiting to hear what happened at 10:30 AM in Judge Rucker’s courtroom when Disgraced Anderson Township Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien was scheduled to go on trial for masturbating in front of that well-born woman who gave him a ride home from a party on May 13.
- WHAT’S IN A NAME: Metro Mole says there was a nice little story on Monday’s Page A-2 about two lesbians out in San Francisco who were upset because they couldn’t get spousal benefits for their 2008 “gay marriage.” The name of one of the women was “Amy Cunninghis,” or were the Fishwrap Factcheckers just asleep at the switch?
MORE THE CABAL MISSED: Somehow the following story escaped the Cabal’s attention. We’re sorry. Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters has had such a crazy year, with all that worrying about suspensions in two states and walking stupid slut clients into guilty pleas they could have avoided if he weren’t such a publicity whore. Something was bound to escape the Cabal’s notice. But they’ll surely be talking about it at Cabal member Rob Sanders’ Christmas party at Sidebar in Covington on Friday, December 21.
Crazy Eric has been a busy litigant over in Ohio this year. He was sued by a client for not doing any work and keeping an unearned fee. [SEE THAT CASE HERE]
Later, he was sued by a court reporter for not paying for transcripts. He denied that the revolving door of “associates” had the authority to act on his firm’s behalf, refused to pay for transcripts, and then failed to appear for a hearing. Judge Mallory entered a default judgment against Deters. We’ll see whether he pays it.
Interestingly, the plaintiff’s research disclosed that Deters is the one and only owner of his law practice. So much for that fraudulent ruse he used while he was being disciplined when he claimed that all of his flunkies were really his “partners.” Surely the Kentucky Bar Association would be interested to learn that “Crazy Eric” never really stopped practicing law even while under suspension, but just pretended that his employees were his law partners.
Deters seems to think that that ruse will continue to fly under the radar, but it won’t, unless he’s awfully lucky either the KBA or the Ohio State Bar Association or some judge will hear about Eric’s antics. Stupidly, the Crazy One actually admitted to being the only owner of his practice in his complaint in yet another piece of litigation, Deters v. Terri Hayes, in which he sued the mother of a dead boy for an alleged fee after she fired him. [SEE THAT CASE HERE]
Not surprisingly, the Crazy One was not even authorized to practice law in Indiana, where the underlying lawsuit was filed. Now he’s looking at yet another Rule 11 sanction. One of the Deters revolving-door associates left the case and nobody else was assigned. When Deters attempted to substitute himself, he misrepresented to the court that the other side agreed. Why are we not surprised at any of this?
The Blower surely hopes the Indiana Bar Association never learns about all of this since it would be some sort of record to have three state bar associations sanction a single lawyer at the same time. Even Bill Clinton only got disbarred by Arkansas and the Federal Courts.
FINALLY, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says everybody who thinks he’s really somebody important in Northern Kentucky will be at that big Graydon Head Holiday Party at the Fort Mitchell Country Club tonight, with early-bird specials starting at 3 PM this afternoon. Will The Blower be there? You bet! As the publication of record for all the political scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in Northern Kentucky, our readers know to expect nothing less.
And although the American Family Association was once again unable to convince Graydon Head to call its “Holiday Reception” a “Christmas Reception,” Rick says “At least B’nai B’rith has come to my rescue to defend me in my efforts to keep the GH holiday party ‘Jewish Friendly’ since 2003. And even if the first night of Hanukkah isn’t until December 8, the Fort Mitchell County Club has added “latkes” to the menu.
Meanwhile, one prominent NoKY elected official whose name you would know says “Tell the Bat Boy I said ‘Hello’ since he didn’t bother to invite me, which is perfectly OK. I’ll be totally content to be on Miss Vicki’s Annual New Year’s Eve Party invitation list again this year. That ticket is much more difficult to get. Besides, I’d hate to get caught between Clueless Marc Wilson, Scott “Pass the Scampi” Kimmich, and Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane at Rick’s all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet.”
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially shrimp scarfers.
e-mail your decapod crustaceans today.
Some party-crashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally party-crashing subscribers.
Link of the Day
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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