Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER STORY THIS WEEK was that analysis by Breitbart News which found that the number of individuals on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of 24 states and the District of Columbia. In November, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that a record 47,102,780 individuals receive food stamps. According to US. Census Bureau data, that figure exceeds the combined populations of: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Since January 2009, the number of individuals on food stamps has skyrocketed from 31.9 million to the current record high 47.1 million. By comparison, in 1969 just 2.8 million Americans received food stamps. How many of those people do you think voted for Obama?
OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was when all those union goons protested against WAL-Mart around the country during Black Friday in an effort to get the attention of Walmart management, and WAL-Mart racked up record sales. Maybe it was all that business from union employees who were ignoring the picket lines taking advantage of the low prices. Only in Obama’s America could such a thing happen.
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was all that violence at Obama’s Black Friday Celebration. Just look at some of the headlines: ‘Gang fight’ at Black Friday sale… Man Punched in Face Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Shopper… Shots fired outside WALMART… Shoppers
smash through door at URBAN OUTFITTERS… Customers run over in parking lot… Woman busted after throwing merchandise… Thousands storm VICTORIA’S SECRET… Insane battle over phones… Mayhem at Nebraska mall where 9 murdered in 2007… Shoplifter tries to mace security guards… Men Steal Boy’s Shopping Bag Outside BED, BATH & BEYOND… Heckler calls them zombies… Manhattan cop busted for shoplifting… and Shopper Robbed At Gunpoint Outside BEST BUY. It certainly looks like all those soon-to-be Obama supporters in the Divided States of America have a culture they truly deserve.
MONDAY in our Special “Why We’re Thankful” E-dition, The Blower began celebrating Four More Years of the Obama Administration.
At Monday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what he was most grateful for this Thanksgiving, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher said, “That’s easy. It’s still got to be The First Amendment, where it says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
And how thankful were we about all those politicians and characters, providing an eternal source of grist for our mill? And blessings be upon all those Obama Supporters in the Press and other misguided members of the news media, because if any of them were actually doing his (or her) job, there would be no reason for The Blower to exist during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term after all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters ensured that the Divided States of America would have a government it truly deserves.
TUESDAY in our Official “Getting Ready for Thanksgiving” E-dition, The Blower explained, “Today might be a pretty good day, unless you’re an overtaxed payer or a turkey!” and “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
This Thanksgiving, we’re choosing Ronald Reagan’s “Perhaps no custom reveals our character as a Nation so clearly as our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Rooted deeply in our Judeo-Christian heritage, the practice of offering thanksgiving underscores our unshakable belief in God as the foundation of our Nation and our firm reliance upon Him from Whom all blessings flow.” —Your Quote for Today Committee
This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful The Blower will be covering the upcoming Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term after all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters ensured that the Divided States of America would have a government it truly deserves. —The Conservative Agenda
This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for socialized medicine, wealth redistribution, anti-gun judges, higher taxes, open borders, and class warfare. —Obama’s Moochers and Slackers
This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for vulnerable companies like Hostess we can put out of business when our members go on strike. —Big Labor
This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for Obama’s Justice Department and all those Obama Supporters in the Press looking the other way. —DemocRAT Vote Frauders
And this Thanksgiving, don’t forget “Taxmageddon.” It’ll be here in only 41 days for the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect on January 1, 2013.) —The Heritage Foundation
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “Pre-Black Friday Sale” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Are you sure that’s not racist?”
TOMORROW IS THANKSGIVING DAY and maybe we all need to try to get out of our post election depression and just to be grateful for the little we have before the upcoming Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, and get into the holiday spirit, so let’s all sing:
It’s beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving,
Everywhere you go.
Take a look at your Kroger store,
They’ve got turkeys by the score,
And RamaHanuKwanzMas wreaths on the door!”
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Just Another Thursday” E-dition, The Blower published the news for people with nothing to be thankful for.
On the First Thanksgiving during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, more people will be on food stamps than ever before, and even worse than that, Hostess Brands and one of its biggest unions failed to reach an agreement in private mediation Tuesday. The company only has 50 different unions to deal with. And just as many pension plans. They also had 5,500 delivery routes and the unions would not allow Wonder Bread to be delivered on Twinkie Trucks. Last week Hostess union workers voted to strike and the company closed. Now they’re having second thoughts. Those 18,500 Hostess union workers hope a buyer will take over company and rehire them. Isn’t that about you’d expect from all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters?
Our Late Night TV Jokewatcher likes Jimmy Kimmel’s, “Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies, is in big financial trouble right now. Hostess filed for bankruptcy back in January. I don’t understand how this is possible. This country has never been fatter. How are the people who make Zingers and Snowballs losing money?
John Galt says you shouldn’t freak out over a Twinkies shortage this Thanksgiving. Make your own. The recipe is on line.
- THURSDAY, in our Annual “Turning Thanksgiving into Thanksgetting” E-dition, The Blower told everybody to “Get Stuffed!”
We also brought you something else even Fox News was afraid to present: “OJ’s Turkey Carving Tips.”
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Turkey Contest Winner” E-dition, The Blower announced the winners of the Fifth Annual Whistleblower Turkey Decorating Contest for Thanksgiving.
This is the Official “Biggest Turkey of the Year” Contest. Any other “Biggest Turkey of the Year” Contest you may see published elsewhere on Thanksgiving is surely a fake, especially the one in the Morning Fishwrap.
- FRIDAY in our Special “Busiest Shoplifting Day of the Year” E-dition, The Blower asked “Are you sure the term “Black Friday” Isn’t Racist?
Every time we hear the term “Black Friday” on TV, we expect to see some Black Racial Racketeer like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, SMLP Smithermouth, or Revrum Lynchmob whipping up the “Occupy” crowd in front of Wal-Mart at a “Black Friday Sale” or the PC Police insisting we call it “African American Friday.”
“Black Friday” is such a downer. There’s no holiday cheer in that. It doesn’t make you want to go out and spend all that money you don’t have on family gifts. Maybe we should just stay home and watch old black-face movies on TV.
And let’s face it: black folks don’t spend the most money on this Friday either; they don’t even spend as much money as Mexicans. Look at any news report of people who are stupid enough to camp out for days waiting for some crappy item to go on sale, that somebody is going to break into their house and steal anyway. Those folks are like “Ivory” soap— they’re 99 and 44/100% white.
This year’s “Black Friday” is the month before Christmas and stores are advertising bargain prices to get people to wait in line all night until the stores open just to spend their money. They say “Black Friday” is the day stores begin to turn a profit each year, since their operations will then be “in the black,” having been “in the red” all year up until now. But if they want to make people think about spending money and successful businesses making a profit, maybe they should be calling it “Green Friday.” Except that on Half-Black Fridays during the Dark Ages of the Obama Administration, “Green Businesses” are all big losers costing We the Over-Taxed Payers billions of dollars of misspent borrowed money.
- SATURDAY in our Special “Shop Till You Drop” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Is giving ‘Used Gifts’ OK during the Obama Recession?
How do we know the holiday season has officially begun? Folks who weren’t already shopping on Thanksgiving Day showed up at Wal-Mart at 4:00 AM on the day after Thanksgiving so they can be a first-in-line shopper on the TV news, competitive shopping turned into chaos as a Wal-Mart worker is trampled to death in the stampede and a woman miscarries, a woman pepper sprays other Black-and-Blue Friday shoppers “to gain an upper hand” and mayhem ensues over a $2 waffle maker, a grandmother is shot while cooking Thanksgiving dinner, “A Christmas Story” has already been shown twice on TV, but Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s neighbors whose house is no longer scheduled to be sold at a sheriff’s sale have still not put out their flashing humping reindeer display in their front yard.
Today, our “Seediest Kids of All” campaign (not affiliated with the Failed United Way) continues by updating the sad story of Louis “Porky” Dorkman, now 29, an adorable little 288-lb. illegitimate waif. Porky’s mother, who just lost her job at the County Food Stamps Office just in time for Thanksgiving, stood in line yesterday for six hours at the FreeBee Store behind Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex Triantafillou, Fat Pat Barry, Clueless Marc Wilson, Soon-to-Be-Fired Fired Fishwrappers, and all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters who will be soon be laid off when their employers are forced to downsize because of Obamacare, to bring home 28 packages of Twinkies, a box of Wilfred Brimley’s Erotic No-Hands Oatmeal Turkey Stuffing Mix, and a picture of a Thanksgiving turkey. The news media failed to make you feel guilty enough, so again this year, there still weren’t enough real turkeys to go around.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
MIDDLE EAST CRISIS: Photo Shop Spoofer Edward Cropper shows us Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi declaring himself the new Pharaoh, making Obama’s backing of Mubarak’s ouster even more foolish.
- COUNTDOWN TO TAXMAGEDDON: Taxmageddon is a one-year $494 billion tax increase that is still slated to strike the economy on January 1, 2013. Taxmageddon is made up of several expiring tax policies and the beginning of some major tax increases from Obamacare.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Americans have a grimmer view of the economy since President Obama was elected, although it hasn’t made a dent in their holiday shopping. Many seem more accepting, too, of higher taxes in the future, and only 16% think today’s children will be better off than their parents.
- WALL STREET WEAK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says when the Stock Market closed on Friday at 13,009.68, it was only down a mere 236 points from the point at which Obama was re-elected.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Obama’s “The best is yet to come.”
LAYOFFS LOOMING: If employers don’t have to provide health-insurance coverage to part-time workers under ObamaCare as long as they work less than 30 hours a week, look for a lot of companies to cut back on employees’ hours.
- THUGS ‘R US: Despite union efforts to target retailers like Walmart, businesses are reporting record Black Friday traffic – the biggest sign yet that the unions are out of touch with the American people.
- MEDIA MENDACITY: CNN’s Sara Sidner seemed only too willing to run a big story using faked photos of a dead Palestinian child, along with the lies that an Israeli attack was responsible had been responsible.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s, “Last week the economy was so bad, MSNBC had to lay off 300 Obama spokesmen. This week economy is so bad, Obama sent Susan Rice out to defend it.”
REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES discussed the Business Insider article that detailed the “complete collapse” of the Romney campaign’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) operation in Hamilton County. This operation was largely handled by the party’s Team 12, which was headed by Ashwin Corattiyil. As Republicans for Higher Taxes discovered immediately after his hiring, Ashwin is a lifelong DemocRAT! He spent the 2004 cycle working for the John Kerry for President campaign, worked for the liberal DemocRAT Speaker of the New York City Council Christine Quinn through August 2010, and as late as 2011 was assisting a New York group that advocates illegal immigration. Yet our wise Chairman Alex TryinToFoolYou thought it would be a good idea to hire him into the county party and place him in charge of the county’s important GOTV effort.
- THE WHISTLEBLOWER CONSERVATIVE FOCUS GROUP: analyzing what went wrong with the Republican message in 2012, the real reason Romney lost is when he said, “When I’m elected, I will put Americans back to work,” and 51% said, “Screw That!!”
- HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY: Alex T., Mall COP GOP said Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday because he was “thankful for a wonderful family and so many friends and supporters who worked tirelessly this past election season.” Amazingly, that was the exact same sentence he used last year in his Thanksgiving Day e-mail, before this year’s debacle. No kidding!
OHIO’S HEARTACHE OF IT ALL: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Ohio State football fans are still expecting Obama keep his campaign promise and pardon the sanctions against the undefeated Ohio State Buckeyes and give the team a shot at the national championship, or at the very least, a Big Ten championship.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this day in 1963, President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated three days earlier, was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. It was his son’s third birthday.
- TEA PARTY PATRIOTS say “We shall no longer surrender.” The 2012 election was not a mandate and the “takers” now outnumber the “makers.” Obama is in nowhere near the same position he was in 2008 when he had majorities in both houses of Congress. As a consequence, our government should largely remain gridlocked and divided over the next two years and the upcoming mid-term election in 2014 will be no easy year for the President and his allies.
- ROMNEY SUPPORTERS ANONYMOUS said Thanksgiving, we were thankful we had someplace to find other people who were just as despondent as we were.
GOING GALT: John Galt says Thanksgiving is not his favorite holiday, since it celebrates the American Puritan myth of cooperation and community instead of individuality and the free market. Followers of John Galt believe they are a society of people who have paid more than their fair share of taxes and are no longer going to work to pay for a society of entitlements.
- FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERS: Metro Mole says every day Carl “Bud” Weiser e-mails a list of late-breaking on-line news items appearing on his “Politics Extra” page, but there seems to be no limit to the length of time a so-called story should remain on the list. Over at The Blower, we try to come up with a new item once in a while.
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Liberals complaining that Republicans opposing Obama’s U.N. ambassador Susan Rice’s being named as the next secretary of state would be racists, unlike those same Liberals who called Condoleezza Rice George W. Bush’s “House nigger.”
CLOWNS IN CONGRESS: Some Republicans may now be balking about their signed pledges to Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, where they pledged to go to Washington and reform government rather than raise taxes to pay for bigger government. But local Tea Party Patriots don’t have to worry about “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, since he’s the only Republican hereabouts who never signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s “No New Taxes” Pledge in the first place.
- MESSAGE FOR JOHN BOEHNER: Firebrands at Grasstops say there will be no stopping ObamaCare, there will be no justice on Benghazi-gate, and there will be no stopping Obama’s unconstitutional usurpations and abuses of power as long as John Boehner and his gang of Republican-Leaders-In-Name-Only pretenders hold the reins of power.
- THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Cincinnati City Clown-cil’s Livable Communities Committee just approved a 20-Year Comprehensive Plan. Item Number One on the plan was 20-year terms for members of Clown-cil.
- LOONY LIBERTARIANS: Loony Libertarian Candidate Jim Berns e-mailed his supporters about being in the news three times this week— once in The Blower, and twice on TV 19 News (Once for presenting the “Libertarian Solution” to the Casino Plunder and once for taking out papers to run for Mayor of Cincinnati.
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL: All those Doom-and-Gloomsayers at the Romney Supporters Anonymous Meeting are still depressed, and we have another timely poem from the Bard of Cleves.
Four More Tears
Obama’s still in the White House
He’s put us deep in debt.
And since he was re-elected,
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: 81 people in Hamilton County voted twice. Maybe they really needed those billboards saying it was a crime. Looks like Hamilton County might be $810,000 richer!
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Union Township Officials were thankful that Jungle Jim’s officials waited until after the holiday (“Mean Jean” Schmidt Day) to announce that they are laying off employees after being open for only two months.
- IN ANDERSON: Thursday’s Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in Anderson was a lot smaller than it was last year. Anderson Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says that’s because disgraced Anderson Township Trustees like Whacky Jacky’s Illegitimate Son Kevin had been banned, since he was still his jury trial is scheduled for next Tuesday (November 27) in Judge Rucker’s courtroom at 10:30 AM when Whacky Jacky’s Illegitimate Son Kevin finally gets to let it all hang out when that well-born woman testifies he played with his pecker before he’d get out of her car after she gave him a ride home from a party on May 13.
LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #327 is when the holidays roll around, always say: “Merry Christmas,” never “Happy Holidays.” Not only do 70 percent of Americans prefer it—according to Rasmussen polls—but you are much more likely to offend a liberal. While 88 percent of Republican voters prefer “Merry Christmas,” only 57 percent of Democrats do.
- IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says The latest and greatest e-newsletter from Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders is on cyber news stands now. This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court features the usual array of killers, druggies, thieves, and scumbags, but the Robster says you shouldn’t consider this a Thanksgiving Day e-dition because his e-rag is filled with turkeys every week! From the looks of this week’s mugshots though, it seems like the Robster’s readers got an extra serving of “white meat,” if you know what we mean!
Billy Bob the Bluegrass Bailiff says if you’re wondering why the Robster’s e-newsletter sometimes contains empty mugshot photos of a plain wall, like this one of convicted killer Romello Rice, that’s because there was no picture of the bad guy in the jail’s computer. Billy Bob says that can happen for any number of reasons, but in Rice’s case, he is a juvenile tried as an adult so he never got his mugshot taken because he’s still housed in the kiddie jail. Rice pled guilty on his 17th birthday though, so the Robster will surely have his photo up once Rice turns 18.
AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane how the winners of the 2012 Whistleblower Turkeys of the year were the same as 2011 winners, and our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained that there are just no bigger turkeys in the tri-state than “Old Blueface” in Ohio and Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters in Kentucky. Unfortunately, there are no Term Limits for Turkeys of the Year.
Monday we’ll be telling you about all that confusion during the Holiday Season.
Tuesday we’ll publish Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers and The Blower will be covering more of that violence by those out-of-control shoppers.
Wednesday, we’ll be tallying up how much more of We the Over-Taxed Payers’ billions those Disingenuous DemocRATS plan to spend before Christmas.
Thursday we’ll be checking out the latest scandal during the Obama Administration.
The first line of Friday’s limerick is: “Is there any help for the old GOP?”
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Secession 2013
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.