Just because today’s supposed to be a holiday doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of snitching and bitching going on. You bet! As the official publication for all that scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the tri-state, our readers have every right to expect nothing less.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Obama’s Blunders: The Death of Hostess
- ON THE FIRST THANKSGIVING during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, more people will be on food stamps than ever before, and even worse than that, Hostess Brands and one of its biggest unions failed to reach an agreement in private mediation Tuesday. The company only has 50 different unions to deal with. And just as many pension plans. They also had 5,500 delivery routes and the unions would not allow Wonder Bread to be delivered on Twinkie Trucks. Last week Hostess union workers voted to strike and the company closed. Now they’re having second thoughts. Those 18,500 Hostess union workers hope a buyer will take over company and rehire them. Isn’t that about you’d expect from all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed, short-attention-span Obama voters?
Our Late Night TV Jokewatcher likes Jimmy Kimmel’s, “Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies, is in big financial trouble right now. Hostess filed for bankruptcy back in January. I don’t understand how this is possible. This country has never been fatter. How are the people who make Zingers and Snowballs losing money?
John Galt says you shouldn’t freak out over a Twinkies shortage this Thanksgiving. Make your own. The recipe is on line.
ALL OBAMA’S GENERALS SCANDAL: It has been revealed floozy Paula Broadwell, 40, relating to her access and affair with general David Petraeus, has been a visitor to the inner workings of the White House on three occasions.
Also because of her ties to Petraeus, Broadwell was paid to appear in a gun infomercial for Kriss Arms, a Virginia firm that has hopes of supplying the U.S. military.
Additionally, social climbers Jill Kelley, 38, and her twin sister Natalie Khawam attended a $10,000 per person Florida fundraiser for Marco Rubio in 2010 and had their photo taken with Rubio. Neither Kelley nor her sister bothered to pay the $10,000 fundraiser admission fee, of course.
Kelley days ago complained in emails to Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn about Tampa police officers releasing the tape of her 911 call concerning paparazzi stepping onto her lawn. Did she also crankily yell, “Get off my lawn”? The 911 tape was accessed under a public information request. Kelley has lawyered up with Washington PR and law firm Smith & Co.
Jill Kelley was born Gilberte Khawam in Beirut, Lebanon. It appears this story has a national security element to it in addition to the sexual element.
Isn’t it suspicious this scandal didn’t become public until after the presidential election? Could that information have been what tipped the election?
And is it true the stock market is going down faster than Petraeus’ mistresses?
RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: According to CNS News, Obama is now asking his supporters to complete a survey that asks the people being polled to check off which “constituency groups” they identify with – there are 22 groups listed, but not one for “whites” or “men.”
- OUR DC NEWSBREAKER SAYS: According to ConservativeHQ.com, GOP House Speaker John Boehner is headed for a fight with our Tea Party Patriots these days after Boehner declared “Obamacare is the law of the land” and seemed to throw in the towel on any further effort to defund or repeal that law. Many Conservatives (including ConservativeHQ.com Chairman Richard Viguerie) called for the Speaker to resign, or for a Conservative to challenge him for the gavel.
TROUBLEMAKING TIMEKEEPER TINO DELGATE SAYS: I was looking at the US Debt Clock. But do not despair. For the first time the created digital content of the world reached 1 zettabyte in 2010. (A byte = 1 character). It is predicted that at the end of this year the annual created digital content will hit 2.7 zettabytes. What is a zettabyte you ask? Well, if each byte were a grain of sand, 1 zettabyte would allow you to build 400 Hoover Dams. Picture that and the National Debt takes on a whole new meaning. Just do not tell Obama. Go Figure!!!
Tino also says the Big East Conference has lost Miami, Boston College, Virginia Tech, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Notre Dame and now Rutgers. It had been called the new Big Least. But now with Thanksgiving around the corner it will be renamed the Big Leftover. Look for Louisville to be next and UC to dominate this new reshaped conference or move to the MAC. Go Figure!!!
THE OBAMANATION OF AMERICA: Gay marriage and legalizing marijuana was approved by voters on the same day several places. But it was foretold in the Bible (Leviticus 20:13). “If a man lies with a male as with a woman … they shall be stoned.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN SAYS: On Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to live in a country where today everybody will remember where they were at 12:30 PM Central Standard Time in 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated.
BUCKEYE BUREAU CHIEF GERRY MANDERS says in Columbus, Ohio RINO Party Chairman Boob Bennett called on leaders in the Ohio DemocRAT Party to force disgraced DemocRAT State Rep-tile Clayton Luckie to stop drawing a paycheck from Ohio’s over-taxed payers and resign, since this week marks the 45th day Luckie has received a paycheck while under indictment. Ohio DemocRAT Chairman Chris Redfern says maybe that’s why they call him “Luckie.”
Meanwhile, Gerry Manders says for months state house lobbyists have been taking bets on which State Rep-tile was being investigated. The most money was on that guy who replaced “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman for all that cash he took from energy companies and delivering huge tax breaks to the detriment of his constituents. Have you seen the new car that guy is driving! But it turns out they were wrong for now.
Republican Pete Beck, who ran unopposed in Warren County, helped bilk his CPA clients out of over $1 million by directing their hard-earned money to a phony church. Beck, who is chairman of the Ways & Means committee was fired from his day job as a CPA and the prosecutor and regulators are crawling all over his records. Some are wondering if Former Warren County Party Chairman and now Prosecutor David Fornshell will look the other way on this one like when he refused to go after all the Mason high school teachers and administration that failed to report when the gym teacher Stacy Schuler was holding sex parties. Currently, two former State rep-tiles are in prison and it looks like another two might be headed that way. Then again, as Angry Andersonians have seen with Kevin O’Brien, these guys sure take their time. It has been over three years and O’Brien, whose jury trial for masturbating in a woman’s car is still scheduled for next Tuesday, is continues his wanking on the dais at monthly Township Trustee meetings.
THANKSGIVING IN OHIO: Winning DemocRAT Senatorial Candidate Sherrod Brown used his over-taxed payer funded office e-mail system to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving. Republican Senator “Rob “Fighting for Fricassees” Portman’s campaign committee thanked us for our friendship and support.
On the other hand, Ohio Republican Attorney General Mike DeWhine also used his campaign e-mail to send out his wife Fran’s recipes for the family’s Favorite Rolls, Broccoli Salad, and Carrot Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing.
And is DeWhine’s stuttering son P-P-P-Patrick really being considered for that opening on the Ohio Supreme Court? Will somebody be asking The Blower for a character reference?
REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES discuss the Business Insider article that detailed the “complete collapse” of the Romney campaign’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) operation in Hamilton County. This operation was largely handled by the party’s Team 12, which was headed by Ashwin Corattiyil. As Republicans for Higher Taxes discovered immediately after his hiring, Ashwin is a lifelong DemocRAT! He spent the 2004 cycle working for the John Kerry for President campaign, worked for the liberal DemocRAT Speaker of the New York City Council Christine Quinn through August 2010, and as late as 2011 was assisting a New York group that advocates illegal immigration. Yet our wise Chairman Alex TryinToFoolYou thought it would be a good idea to hire him into the county party and place him in charge of the county’s important GOTV effort.
WHAT’S NEW IN OH2: Last year on Thanksgiving, Lame-Duck, Corrupt, Evicted, Lying, Plagiarizing, Meddling, Overblown, Bought-and-paid-For, Tax-and-Spend, Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt wrote a check to those nefarious lawyers at Taft Stettinius and Ataturk to pay for some legal expenses that those murdering Muslims weren’t allowed to pay anymore The Blower wonders if that’ll be a new Thanksgiving tradition in the Schmidt family?
- MEAN JEAN’S SUCCESSOR: Not content to simply hire his Campaign Butt Boy at an exorbitant salary, Congressman-Elect Lt. Col. Dr. Brad Wenstrup is setting up a “Transition Advisory Committee” to use a “fair, open, and honest” process to put his butt boy on the public payroll and to allow these self-appointed “Great Republicans” to select their own friends and relatives for positions on the public payroll themselves. In the words of PJ O’Rourke: “Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.” If these self-appointed Republican leaders and hangers-on really believed that the private sector is so much better than the bloated and inefficient public sector, why do they spend so much time and effort trying to get themselves and their friends and family members hired into it?
VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: 81 people in Hamilton County voted twice. Maybe they really needed those billboards saying it was a crime. Looks like Hamilton County might be $810,000 richer!
- THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Last week we told you about Cincinnati Parks director Willie Carden Jr., Girly-Mayor Mallory’s relative, who is now building a big expensive new addition onto the Krohn Conservatory for the sole benefit of the employees there, including bathrooms, bedrooms, break rooms, and a lunchroom.
For the past four years, Willie has received an annual $20,000 “salary enhancement” from the private Parks Foundation on top of his lavish yearly $138,170 city wage. People wonder what other “perks” Carden pulls down to fatten his bank account.
And who is the director of the private Parks Foundation? Why, Willie Carden himself. So Carden is in charge of padding his own salary.
- OUR NINE FINE CLOWNS: Cincinnati City Clown-cil’s Livable Communities Committee just approved a 20-Year Comprehensive Plan. Item Number One on the plan was 20-year terms for members of Clown-cil.
- AND ONE MORE FOR GOOD MEASURE: Loony Libertarian Candidate Jim Berns e-mailed his supporters about being in the news three times this week— once in The Blower, and twice on TV 19 News (Once for presenting the “Libertarian Solution” to the Casino Plunder and once for taking out papers to run for Mayor of Cincinnati.
MEANWHILE IN HAMILTON COUNTY’S SECOND LARGEST CITY: Our Branch Norwoodian says there seems to be a small cash flow problem at the Gem of the Highlands these days. Word is the Auditor feels it’s more important to pay the Police and Fire Pension this week than to give employees their regular pay before Thanksgiving!
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says, “Heads up shoppers!” You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car, and get inside. You start the engine and shift into reverse. When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the rear of your car, carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car, and take off. They’ll practically mow you down as they speed off in your car.
And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car. So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!
So if you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this warning.
FINALLY, AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how the Friday after Thanksgiving became known as “Black Friday.” Some say it comes from the fact that it is the biggest shopping day of the year, putting stores firmly in the black. This is false, since the days closer to Christmas generate more in sales. “The reason retailers call it Black Friday,” Kane explained, “is because it’s the biggest shoplifting day of the year.”
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Today’s e-dition is brought to you by another generous donation made during our November fund-raising drive by, Tewes Poultry Farm in Northern Kentucky, murderers of millions of turkeys since 1955.
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Some stuffing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our stuffing subscribers
Link of the Day
Happy Thanksgiving with Jeff Dunham and Walter
NOTE: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.