Saturday, November 10, 2012
Sensible Suggestions
Tired Over-Taxed Payer Tino Delgato says, “Unfortunately the new majority consists of those who do not pay taxes and are on one or more government entitlement or welfare programs. If Obama gets the illegal immigrants citizenship he will have further increased that majority, except for the ones who already vote. The government will be run by those who do not pay taxes and like Obama have never had a real job. Remember the old saying circa 1776 “no taxation without representation.” It is back. Go Figure!!!
Romney was right about the 47%
Thomas Jefferson would’ve agreed, when he said, “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
- Our Good Friend Bobby Leach says we should start working to repeal the 19th Amendment (the one giving women the right to vote) and test all male offspring for excess levels of estrogen in their systems. After Tuesday’s elections, it looks like treatment needs to begin immediately
- Also, this just in from our Portly Pundit: The GOP needs to stick to their values and pick better candidates.
Now Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves, has a political poem for any Liberals who might be giving you grief these days:
The election is over,
The talking is done.
My party lost,
Your party won.
So let us be friends,
Let arguments pass.
I’ll hug my elephant,
And you kiss my ass.
MEDIA MADNESS: Fox News host Sean Hannity told his radio listeners that after Tuesday’s election “you get what you deserve” and now America “deserves Barack Obama.” Didn’t The Blower predict the same thing BEFORE the election? Other things Hannity might be figuring out one of these days also appeared in The Blower before the Election:
Jesse “The Body” Ventura’s warning: “If you don’t vote, you’ll be leaving the decision to someone even dumber than you are.”
Loony Libertarians’ caution: “A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.”
And the utter worthlessness of The Fishwrap’s endorsements.
- BUCKEYE BUREAU CHIEF GERRY MANDERS SAYS: Obama won dozens of Cleveland precincts with 100% of the vote. What incredible luck!
- LIP READERS ALERT: Conservatives across the country are concerned about a rumored GOP House Speaker John Boehner cave-in over tax policy, but Kentucky’s Republican U.S. Senate Minority Leader Bitch McConnell says, “Read my lips. No tax hikes.” Boehner now says his words were taken out of context and he doesn’t want to raise taxes either.
In a related item, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says 8 -in-10 Republican voters want GOP lawmakers to fight Obama even harder than before. Were the other 20% asleep?
Meanwhile, claiming his re-election was proof that “a majority” of Americans agree with his approach, Obama vowed Friday only to approve a plan to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” that also includes raising tax rates on higher earners.
CROOKS IN CONGRESS: Jordy Yager at The Hill seemed surprised that over the last three months, That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt hadn’t raised any of the roughly $500,000 that the House Ethics Committee has ordered her to pay for violating the chamber’s rules by accepting “free legal services” from lawyers with the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund (TALDF). Do you think it’s because when she leaves Congress in less than two months, the Ohio Republican will no longer be required to pay back the money?
Meanwhile, “Mean Jean’s” replacement, “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, continues to disappoint Real Republicans by letting his political consultant in Columbus hire his DC staff. That consultant is none other than pro-abortion RINO Mark Weaver (Pro Abortion Betty Montgomery’s consultant). Next thing you know, Wenstrup will be moving to DC to get in big with all the lobbyists. Also, how did William Smith, who nobody had ever heard of before or since, and who didn’t even run a campaign, get 41% of the vote against Wenstrup? Do you think Disgruntled DemocRATS like David A. Pepper noticed Wenstrup’s lackluster performance?
HONKING AT HONKIES: Libertarian Jim Berns, who came in third in the race for Ohio’s First District Congressional seat, was saying “THANK YOU” yesterday by waving at traffic at the corner of Martin Luther King and Clifton Avenue 4:30 pm till 5:30 pm, and drivers from that neighborhood rolled down their windows and yelled, “Get your white as outta here, honky!” Berns says “I am thankful for every one of the 9,000 votes I received. That total was three times what I got in 2010. Now if I can just triple my votes each time I run, I should start to be getting competitive by 2018!
TURKEY OF THE YEAR CONTEST: Down at Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters, everybody’s still congratulating Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP on helping make Hamilton County just a little bit bluer Tuesday night. Alex’s results were even worse than last year, when his “Vote for Five” Jive resulted in only one Republican on Cincinnati City Clowncil. Do you think Alex now qualifies for our 2012 Whistleblower Turkey of the Year Contest, sponsored by Dummy’s Restaurants? [SEE LAST YEAR’S 2011 TURKEY OF THE YEAR VIDEO HERE]
- CONCESSION STAND: When candidates lose elections, they usually make a concession speech and congratulate the winner. But not local State Rep-tile Candidate Mike Wilson, who writes: “Connie Pillich – this is the place where I’m supposed to congratulate you on victory, but I’m not a politician and I’m going to break the rules. You should be ashamed of how you won this race. Be proud of your efforts to reach out to constituents – they are admirable. Unfortunately, your reckless disregard for the truth poisons our politics, and prevents good people from getting involved. No intentions are good enough to justify false smears of your opponent.”
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1989, crowds of East Germans were still tearing down the Berlin Wall, and you really have to wonder if any of that would’ve ever happened if Obama was just being “more flexible” with the Russians.
- MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Ronald Reagan’s immortal command during his immortal speech in Berlin on June 12, 1987, when he said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
- READING THE TEA LEAVES: Kentucky’s New Fourth District Congressman-elect Thomas Massie will be sworn in on November 13 to succeed Goof Doofus, who resigned July 31 citing family health issues. Wait till Tom starts looking for where the Tea Party Caucus is supposed to meet.
- THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-newsletter from Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders is on cyber news stands today! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court features some real turkeys even if though it’s not quite Turkey Day just yet. The Robster says that’s because he’s thankful to be re-elected to another six years of throwing bad guys and gals in the slammer!
Something you won’t see in the Robster’s e-rag is any mention of the investigation into the death of a guy who hit one of Elsmere’s finest with his car then wondered why he got shot. The Robster cleared the officer of any criminal wrong doing but that certainly didn’t stop NOKY’s most infamously fined for frivolous suit filing yet to be disbarred attorney, Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters from suing the cop. In fact, Billy Bob the Bluegrass Bailiff tells us that suit was filed before the guy’s body was even cold. Most of NOKY’s only question for the Robster was, “What took ya so long?!”
FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why so many Romney supporters are continuing to experience Post Election Depression these days.“Conservatives had hoped the majority of voters would elect a man of character like Mitt Romney,” Kane explained, “but instead all those Moochers and Slackers voted for more free stuff, choosing to believe Obama’s lies and ignore his record of failure. Today, Conservatives in the Divided States of America must be wondering if the 2012 election was a vote to commit national suicide.”
Perhaps Obama was reelected because of immorality and materialism in America these days. Remember what President John Adams once said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Somehow, we don’t believe that all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed short-attention-span Obama voters would ever understand.
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
Sunday is Veterans Day
Whistleblower War Hero Ollie Hackworth says according to, a military news source, “hundreds of thousands” of overseas military ballots were misdirected by the military mail service and arrived the day after the election and were not counted. That’s another reason many veterans aren’t smiling today.
Well, maybe there is one reason to smile: Applebee’s is offering free meals to Veterans and active duty personnel on November 11. No kidding! Outback has free Bloomin’ Onions and Coca Colas on November 11-12. And the Military Press also lists many other Veterans Day restaurant offers. Be sure to check it out HERE.
“I can hardly wait to start swapping war stories with all those other geezers.” Ollie exclaimed. Maybe Ollie will tell about that time he and two buddies survived that massacre. What a battle, what fantastic odds, they never should have attempted it in the first place, it was three against a 1000. First they opened up with artillery fire— it was three against 1000. Then they came with an infantry assault— it was three against 1000. Finally, it was some of the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat in history. “Yes,” Ollie said, “they were the toughest three guys we’d ever seen.”
Meanwhile in Northern Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo has this heartwarming story about the Bluegrass Battalion returning home last night, just in time for Veterans Day: Six-month old Marley Mather had never seen her father Harley Mather, when he returned home to Boone County with the rest of the 169th Underground Mess Kit Repair Group. PFC Mather, a motor pool specialist, had been in Iraq for the past eighteen months. Actually, the unit was only supposed to be in Iraq for six months, but one night they all got drunk and the entire unit volunteered to stay an extra year. When asked by a Channel 19 reporter how it felt to see his six-month old daughter for the first time after being away for a year and a half, Harley beamed: “Now I finally know what the surprise was my wife kept writing me about.”
e-mail your medals and decorations today.
Some patriotic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally patriotic subscribers
Obama! A Modern U.S. President (musical spoof)
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.