One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
So Romney’s Surge Will Continue
DEBATE ANALYSIS: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says anybody who expected Monday night’s Third-and-Thankfully Final 2012 Presidential Debate to look like “Rocky 11” was surely disappointed. There was no knockout punch, but Romney aced the “Commander-in-Chief Test” and Obama flat out flunked the “I’m a Nice Guy Test”
Noted Presidential Debate Coach Rob “Fighting for Final Debates” Portman says Romney’s job tonight was to look presidential, and he did that. He needed to sound presidential, and he did that. He needed to demonstrate a command of foreign policy and world events, and he did that. He needed to keep Obama from shutting him down with tactical interruptions, and he did that. In short, all he had to do was maintain his field position to win, and he did that admirably. To top it all off, his closing statement was a home run. Good job, Mitt!
The Robmeister says Romney wasn’t trying to reach the same voters he reached in the first debate. He already has them, and they aren’t going anywhere. Ditto for Social Conservatives and Tea Party Patriots. Mitt’s job Monday night was to reach those last remaining undecideds and middle-of-the-roaders. He did that by appearing presidential, and by demonstrating a command of foreign and domestic policy issues – especially, the US economy. Appearances were everything Monday night. The people Mitt was targeting aren’t well-informed Persons of Consequence who subscribe to The Whistleblower. Those few remaining dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and still undecided voters say they still haven’t made up their minds. They just needed to compare a competent and confident challenger to the man in the White House who has failed them so badly for four straight years.
Did Romney accomplish his mission? Just check the long faces on the folks at CBS News Tuesday morning when they showed which candidate won Monday night’s debate, according to those so called undecided voters in our Red-White-and Blue State of Ohio.
- MOST CONSERVATIVES, however, were watching Fox News, waiting to hear Krauthammer say Romney had won unequivocally and Obama’s responses were petty. Mitt closed strongly. His last two comments and his closing statement were sophisticated, focused, hopeful, definitive, and business oriented. He was very professional, respectful, and presidential. Obama was petulant and disorganized again, and told many lies again to boot. The aircraft carrier thing was a bomb, condescending and disrespectful. Does anyone think that Romney wasn’t aware of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. The Blower has not seen such a bitchy performance since the Ladies on “The View” went after their token Conservative.
- SCHIEFFER SUBDUED: The most surprising thing Monday night was that the Presidential Debate Commission finally found a moderator who tried to keep his opinions to himself. Unlike CNN’s Candy Crowley and ABC’s Martha Raddatz, CBS’ Bob Schieffer managed to moderate the debate without revealing his own positions. Schieffer’s best line, of course, was “Obama bin Laden.”
ROMNEY WINS BY A BAYONET: Obama’s smug condescension probably didn’t play well in Chillicothe either, especially when he insulted, patronized, and mocked Mitt Romney for critiquing Obama’s military cuts.
According to Obama, Romney just didn’t understand that America has advanced so far technologically that we now have fewer “horses and bayonets” just like we have fewer Navy ships, too. “We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them,” Obama said snidely. “We have these ships that go under water — nuclear submarines.” But the Navy says it’s still 50 ships under what’s needed.
If Obama hadn’t been skipping all those daily briefings, somebody might’ve told him about that monument honoring U.S. “horse soldiers” who invaded Afghanistan. A statue honoring soldiers who served in Afghanistan on horseback was rededicated Friday at the World Trade Center site.
In Franklin, Indiana, soldiers at Camp Atterbury even got some help staying in the saddle before they headed to Afghanistan.
- Whistleblower War Hero Ollie Hackworth says the last time he looked, that thing that goes on the end of a Marine’s rifle is still a bayonet. And why would our few good men still be running the Bayonet Assault Course in Boot Camp?
Commanders-in-Chief who served in the military would’ve known that.
Now here’s the latest e-mail spam gram from the Obama Campaign:
نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيستنقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايهپيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نميدان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايهدگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست ننور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش
This message really caught us by surprise. We thought it would be in Chinese.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN SAYS on this date in 1945, the United Nations was formally established. That turned out to be the greatest international fraud in history with its agenda to destroy the United States.
- NO WONDER OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Esther B. Fein’s “If the United Nations is a country unto itself, then the commodity it exports most is words.”
- IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says both Obama and Biden showed up at the same campaign rally in Dayton on Tuesday. We heard DemocRATS were running out of money. Maybe that’s why they each couldn’t afford their own event, especially after that guy in Toledo told Biden, “Just because you’re a good guy doesn’t mean you’re a good vice president.”
LOCAL EVENTS: Mitt Romney gets his own event Thursday morning in Cincinnati. So how many more times do you think he’ll be back in Cincinnati during the next “12” days until the 2012 Presidential Elections.
Not only that, a televised debate between Sherrod Brown and Josh Mandel is scheduled for Thursday evening at 7 PM in Cincinnati. This shows how critical and important southwest Ohio is in this election!
DOWNTOWN DENIZENS: Casey our Cell Phone Photographer snapped this picture while walking back to his office from lunch on Monday. If you look closely you’ll see that the guy in costume is holding a sign that says: “99% of the 1% is Jewish.” This is the only lasting impact of the embarrassing failure known as the Occupy movement – rabid anti-Semitism. Keep in mind that the DemocRAT Party embraced the movement wholeheartedly. In fact, The Blower wouldn’t be surprised if the Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party was actually behind the Anti Semetic-Yeti down on Fountain Square.
And if you think that picture was ridiculous, some people thought Loony Libertarian First Congressional District Candidate Jim Berns looked strange protesting in front of the Federal Reserve Bank on Monday. But let’s face it, Whistleblower Subscribers already knew that.
- ELMWOOD ENTREPRENEURS: That den of iniquity on Vine Street known as Elmwood Place, is attacking every citizen who drives past their state of Maryland-operated speed ticketing mill. They’re giving out about 2,000 speeding tickets a week, at $105 each, to anyone driving through the town.
These tickets aren’t criminal charges and don’t place State points on your record, but Elmwood Place will sic a credit agency on you for non-payment of the ticket. The town basically has little income and has come up with this dishonest way to fill their coffers, whether a person is speeding or not. It’s time Elmwood Place is de-chartered as an Ohio town. The police chief, the mayor, and so many more in Elmwood Place are just out and out crooks.
Curious Cathy heard about the Elmwood speed trap on TV and read about it in The Fishwrap, so when she needed to pick up some brass keys she’d had made at a St. Bernard business, she thought she’d drive by and look at the speed trap equipment in Elmwood Place. Since she was aware of what was going on, she crept along at 12 MPH. The next day, she received a notice that she was driving 35 in a 25 MPH zone along with $105 fine!
With this picture of Elmwood Police Chief William Peskin by Artis Conception, The Blower wonders if our Award Winning Photo Illustrator had the displeasure of driving through Elmwood Place too.
- FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: As if every day isn’t already a calamity day within the halls of learning at the Failed Cincinnati Public Schools, the students of the new multimillion dollar School for the Creative and Performing Arts are in the dark. When FCPS agreed to have the electricity turned off for a Duke Energy drill in exchange for a $700,000 incentive, nobody knew that an $85,000 power transformer would be permanently damaged. The only solution is to cut a hole into the roof of a brand new building to replace the transformer. Looks like FCPS will need another levy to cover up their incompetent foolishness.
Speaking of incompetency…was failed CFT “president” Julie SellYourSoul really on NPR proclaiming support for the new teacher evaluation system that she spoke out against just days before? Teachers are running scared…from their own failed union. Note to SellYourSoul: just stop talking, the teachers will thank you in April.
- CONCERNED IN COLERAIN: The cash collectors at the Northworst District will be using their cronies in today’s Northworst Fishwrap to defend robber baron Denny and the married couple’s corrosive coercion to cut children’s extra-curricular, if the latest levy does not fly. Birds of a golden feather sticking together, they want to continue to feather their nests with high salaries, higher benefits and a 185 day work year. See the goose get strangled while laying the golden egg. See the amazing colossal compensation.
- CLERMONT CRONIES: Commenting on the loss of disgraced candidates like Mary Walker, Archie Wilson, and “Mean Jean” Schmidt on the ballot this election, our Clermont Crony says The Archie Wilson nomination was a complete debacle, orchestrated by Tim Rudd who had a personal vendetta against Scott Croswell. Croswell voted against creating the position Mr. Rudd now holds and, as chairman of the Clermont County Republican Committee, that was his way of getting back at him.
Our Crony Commentator says he voted for Croswell and would do so again given the opportunity. He says frankly, it’s time for Tim Rudd to go as the leader of the Committee and is long past time for voters to look at the actual candidates, not just the postcard telling them how they should vote. His actions and his behavior should not define the Republican Party in Clermont County. Archie Wilson is, was, and always will be a sleaze but that doesn’t mean the individual taking his place isn’t an upstanding individual. If DemocRATS in Clermont County are so concerned, why is it that nobody has the nerve to run against Bob Proud and Ed Humphries?
- NoKY NEWS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Monday’s Removal Hearing for Disgraced Vanilla Hills Mayor Mike Martin was so packed, the unanimous verdict by all six members of City Clown-cil will have to be held over until that hearing was replayed on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The location of the lynching is yet to be announced.
- SLUTS ‘R US: Infamous Northern Kentucky sex-ed teacher Sarah Jones’ “Interrogation Video” was released yesterday. Does “Crazy Eric” Deters know how to get his clients great publicity or what?
- FINALLY, AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what he thought about Monday night’s Third Presidential Debate. “Watching Obama repeat his failures of the past four years was like seeing Bill Murray in ‘Groundhog Day,’” Kane explained, “because the only speech we want to see from Obama will be his concession speech in “12” more days and that picture of Obama and Michelle being perp walked out of the White House on January 20. Seeing all those tear-stained faces of our Obama Supporters in the Press will be worth watching too.
e-mail your candid clues today.
Some voting hints in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally voting hinting Subscribers, but we could always use more.
Link of the Day
Chinese Profesor
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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