Saturday, October 20, 2012
Don’t Forget What Today Is
IT’S SWEETEST DAY: And Hurley the Historian says everybody should’ve remembered because it’s always celebrated on the third Saturday in October. Our Quote for Today Committee says we should’ve remembered Ogden Nash’s “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.” Boss’ Day, on the other hand, is a non-religious holiday celebrated on October 16. Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say it would be great if Sweetest Day and Boss’ Day fell on the same day, especially if your boss is gay?
But with only “16” more days until the Presidential Elections, Obama already got his Candy at Tuesday night’s so-called Presidential Debate, since CNN now admits that Candy Crowley’s disregard of the rules was intended to help Obama. A CNN memo says Obama was given more time to speak, because he speaks more slowly. No kidding. We now have affirmative action for the Slow Speakers of America, but if interrupters like “um,” “ur,” and “uh” had been counted as words, Obama would’ve had twice as many words as Romney. So see, CNN is the fairest network of all.
ROMNEY WINS HUMOR DEBATE TOO: Thursday night in NYC, both Romney and Obama showed up at the Annual Alfred E. Smith Dinner for a humorous break from the campaign trail. It was like the first debate all over again. Romney got big laughs, Obama— not so much. Some of Romney’s best lines included “I wish President Barack Obama would have bought Vice President Joe Biden with him, because he’ll laugh at anything” and “The President’s new campaign slogan – you’re better off now than you were four weeks ago.” Then there was “Of course we’re down to the final months of the President’s term,” Romney said to applause, and then, “You have to wonder what he’s thinking, speaking here before this crowd (all dressed in white tie): So little time, so much to redistribute.” Or how about when Romney said speaking of Sesame Street as a campaign issue, President Obama’s remarks “are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 Trillion?”
Our Late Night TV Jokewatcher says those were some great zingers. You’d almost think Conservative Comedian Dennis Miller had been traveling with the Romney campaign all week. Mitt did so well, he might want to make roasts part of the Presidential Debate format when he runs for re-election in 2016.
- MORE DUMBED DOWN OBAMA VOTERS: Yesterday, The Blower showed you Jimmy Kimmel’s interviews with some stupid Obama supporters. LINK But lest you think you’ll only find dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed voters that stupid in Hollywood, let’s ask some young Liberal Obama supporters at Ohio University where Obama spoke on Wednesday what they thought about Benghazi. Ohio University alumnus Matt Lauer should’ve showed it on the “Today Show.”
Speaking of Bungling Benghazi, almost immediately Obama went on Comedy Central’s “Daily Show” Thursday night and called the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi “not optimal,” social media exploded with outrage over Obama’s offensive remarks. This comes just weeks after President Obama told CBS News’ Steve Kroft on “60 Minutes” that the murders of four Americans in Benghazi were “bumps in the road.” It seems the only thing Obama gets upset about these days is when Murdering Muslim Terrorists get insulted by imaginary videos.
Meanwhile, the Mother of a slain ex-SEAL says, “My son is not very optimal – he is very dead.”
Many people think Benghazi will be Obama’s Waterloo. The final presidential debate on Monday, moderated by CBS’s Obama Suck-Up Bob Schieffer, will focus on foreign policy — which means that Benghazi and the administration’s fraudulent handling of it will be back. And this time, Obama won’t have CNN’s Candy Crowley to block for him. Freddie Factchecker says Obama has gone 0-5 on his major foreign policy promises. We’ll see if Romney brings any of those up.
ONE LESS LIBERAL MAG: Did you see where “Newsweek,” like Obama, will be finished at the end of the year? More than two hundred subscribers may be affected. The Fishwrap may take a little longer.
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Mitt Romney is winning over white votes by more than 20 points in polls by Fox News, Gallup, Monmouth University, and the Pew Research Center, and is up in a Washington Post-ABC News poll by 11 points. So much for all that Liberal White Guilt DemocRATS were depending on, or as Mitt Romney alluded to at the Al Smith Dinner, Obama was leading from behind. Where’s CNN’s idea of a babe Candy Crowley when Obama could really use her?
- BUSINESS UPDATE: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes reports Hollywood Commie Harry Belafonte warns: if Mitt Romney is elected, “We’re In For A Terrible, Terrible Future” Of “Unbridled Capitalism,” and not a moment too soon.
- PUSHING ROMNEY’S “LIKE” BUTTON: According to multiple polls, Romney’s favorability rating has surged since the Republican National Convention and in surveys he now equals or surpasses President Obama’s favorables.
ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER BLUNDER: It was bad enough when Obama’s Buffoon VP Joe Biden asked a crowd in Las Vegas how many knew someone who had served in “Iraq or IRAN,” but senile DemocRAT Senate Leader Harry Reid actually raised his hand.
- BACK IN THE HEART OF IT ALL: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders reports Ohio Republican Party Chairman Boob Bennett commended Josh Mandel for his clear command of the issues Thursday night and criticized Disingenuous DemocRAT Senator Sherrod Brown for supporting borrow and tax policies. That’s another press release that could’ve been written last week.
And when Bill Clinton was in Ohio this week campaigning for Obama, did he really say Obama had not fixed the Economy? Maybe Obama shouldn’t have thrown Hillary under the Benghazi bus last week.
Speaking of debates, The Blower understands Republicans Jonathan Dever and Charles Miller acquitted themselves quite well against Doofus DemocRATS Don Mooney and David A. Pepper at Thursday’s free noon time Cincinnati Bar Association debate that included lunch for freeloading attorneys.
REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES say even though they don’t know him, you don’t know him, and his own party leaders don’t know him, they are proud to endorse Some Guy Named Smith running for Congress against their enemy “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup. They don’t believe Wenstrup had the right to run for Congress against “Mean Jean” Schmidt and certainly didn’t have the right to defeat her.
But did you see the list of people running for Congress who’ve signed Americans for Tax Reform’s “Taxpayer Protection Pledge?” Let’s see, in Ohio we have Steve Chabothead and John Boehner. In Kentucky, Thomas Massie has signed the pledge. So Wenstrup must have forgetten our Tea Party Patriots support candidates who’ve signed that pledge.
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: Ditzy DemocRAT Hamilton County Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter filed a court order on Tuesday requiring county officials to make funds available so she can hire a second $107,000-per-year court administrator along with spending $87,000 to redecorate her boudoir chambers at Juvenile Court, all while Hamilton County Juvenile Court is already $300,000 over budget this year. Everybody’s waiting to see if Commissioner Me, Greg Hartmann has the balls to say, “File this, Bitch!”
ABSENTEE BALLOT UPDATE: The latest information from the Hamilton County Board of Elections shows that although Republican have asked for more absentee ballots than in 2008, they haven’t completed and returned in their absentee ballots. So what they hell are these political procrastinators waiting for…Halloween?
- TWO YEARS IS ALREADY TOO LONG: Degenerate DemocRATS like Laure “Not So” Cleanlivin and Foxy Roxy Qualls say increasing Clown-cil terms from two years to four years would stop the bickering and fighting at City Hall. But without fighting and bickering, our Nine Fine Clowns would each be paid $240,000 to just sit on their over-paid asses and wait for the Trolley Folly to be built. So if you like fighting and bickering, a volunteer will be happy to deliver a free “Vote No” sign for your yard or business, CLICK HERE.
NYMPHS IN NoKY: You’d think a woman convicted of screwing her teenage student might not want to air even more of her dirty laundry, but “Crazy Eric” Deters has reached a new low. Planted stories about her ex-husband and the breathless expectation about that train wreck of a defamation lawsuit (almost as frivolous as Crazy’s lawsuit against The Blower) was only surpassed when Slutty Sarah was on TV Thursday night with her teenage boy toy.
Tino Delgato says he can wait for the movie version. He suspects “Bull Dog” Deters will play himself, along with producing and directing credits. Go Figure!!!
At the hearing on the protective order, Crazy Eric claimed that he furnished Sarah access to firearms in his office. Was this before or after she became a convicted felon?
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if was too early to start counting down the number of days until Obama’s Last Day in office on January 20, 2013, and Kane said, “92.”
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
e-mail your romantic notions today.
Some really romantic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally really romantic subscribers.
Mitt Romney Jokes and One Liners at Al Smith dinner with President
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.