Friday, October 19, 2012
How Stupid Are They, Really?
- TOO STUPID TO VOTE: From time to time The Blower has casually mentioned how stupid people are and how all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed and still undecided voters should not be allowed to vote.
And just to prove it, Jimmy Kimmel sent his cameras out on the street to ask people which candidate had won Tuesday night’s Second Presidential Debate, four hours before that debate actually began.
WOMEN IN BINDERS: Now Disingenuous DemocRATS are faking outraged because Mitt Romney said he had obtained “binders full of women” to assist in his Cabinet selection process in Massachusetts. They say using the phrase “Women in Binders” is a sure sign Republicans hate women. Of course, not everybody thinks “Women in Binders” would be such a bad thing, regardless of what that sly devil Mitt Romney really mean. You know those Mormons.
AN ACTUAL HONEST NETWORK NEWS REPORT: On Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford actually devoted an entire story to Obama’s lie that he’d called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” early on and indicted CNN’s Biased Moderator Candy Crowley Wearing an Obama/Biden Button for aiding and abetting Obama’s disgraceful distortion? Obviously, Ms. Crawford must be a racist.
- LOCAL GREEDY TV AD SALESMEN were celebrating after it was announced that Cincinnati’s television stations accepted more political adverting contracts this week than any other city in Ohio.
- OHIO BUSINESS REPORT: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says GOP Governor John Kasich’s plan to bring business to Ohio will continue to work as long as Ohio voters still appear to be undecided for the next “17” more days. You have to be careful every time you walk outside between now and November 6, or you might trip over somebody from the Romney or Obama campaign.
ABSENTEE BALLOT UPDATE: The latest information from the Hamilton County Board of Elections shows that although Republicans have asked for more absentee ballots than in 2008, they haven’t returned those absentee ballots as quickly as last time. What the hell are these political procrastinators waiting for…the Third Presidential Debate next Monday?
- NOT JUST ANOTHER DEBATE: Loony Libertarian Ohio First Congressional District Jim Berns has challenged Republican Steve Chabothead, Green Party Candidate Rich Stevenson, and DemocRAT Jeff Sinnard to debate on Fountain Square at noon on Sunday, October 28. Do you think the square will be big enough for the crowd?
- TWO YEARS IS ALREADY TOO LONG: How much money could Degenerate DemocRATS like Laure “Not So” Cleanlivin and Foxy Roxy Qualls waste if they didn’t have to face the voters every two years? If you’d like a free “Vote No” sign for your yard or business delivered to you, CLICK HERE.
- CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: Ditzy DemocRAT Hamilton County Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter filed a court order on Tuesday requiring county officials to make funds available so she can hire a second $107,000-per-year court administrator along with spending $87,000 to redecorate her private chambers at the court house, all while Hamilton County Juvenile Court is already $300,000 over budget this year. Thank you, Judge Mr$. $tan!
2012 VENDORSEMENTS: Did The Fishwrap really endorse Race Card Playing DemocRAT Connie “The Pillager” for State Rep-tile? It’s not surprising. With That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt getting her wrinkly white ass kicked and able to run until 2014, Skaggie Maggie’s Idiotorial Board needed to find another unqualified woman to endorse.
Speaking of Ohio’s Second Congressional District, where exactly does “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup plan to live after he’s elected to Congress? The Clermont County TEA Party wonders if their hero is going to continue to live in DemocRAT Cincinnati or move to their idyllic all RED county. After all, at least Our Bitch-in-a-Ditch lived in Clermont County.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: says on this date in 1796, an essay in the Gazette of the United States attacked presidential candidate Thomas Jefferson for having an affair with a black slave, and today, just to show you how far we’ve all come, anchor bimbos in the Obama media are still saying, “Take me, Mandingo!”
NORTHERN KENTUCKY NEWS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says “Crazy Eric” Deters’ client Sarah Jones, that over-sexed former Cincinnati Bungals cheerleader who pleaded guilty to doing the nasty with her 17-year-old former student while she was a teacher at a northern Kentucky high school, has had the emergency protection order against her ex-husband Nate Wilburn extended after the ex-husband threatened to kill Jones if she publicly admitted that she had sex with the student. We didn’t know Crazy included marriage counseling as part of his practice.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE is still trying to find out if Jefferson ever said, “Once you go black you’ll never go back.”
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if voters could actually be as stupid as those people in Jimmy Kimmel’s video. “Are you kidding,” Kane said. “Those were the smart ones.”
Stories We’re Working On
No surprise: jobless claims rose 46,000 last week
- Welfare under Obama rose 32% to $1.03 Trillion last year
- Blacks feeling even less empowered under Obama
- Obama still hasn’t called Benghazi massacre a “Terrorist Attack”
- CNN’s Candy Crowley wins Obama Supporter of the Week Award
- Obama promises to be even more unpresidential in third debate
- Romney campaign not complaining about latest Gallup Poll
Whistleblower Web Poll
This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said DemocRATS will always try to get away with Early Voter Fraud:
(A) Think of all the times they don’t get caught: 2%
(B) Accomplices in the Liberal News Media usually cover it up: 1%
(C) It’s only Voter Fraud when Republicans do it: 1%
(D) Dems claim the Constitution says it’s OK: 96%
Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!
Political Poll-emics
This week, everybody who thinks all those media news polls are really bogus, especially after that recent poll showed that 84% of the people claimed they would never lie to a pollster, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is noted push pollster Harley Barber, founder of the noted Barber Poll, who says, “Send me lots of money and I’ll tell you what you want to hear.”
Harley wins a “You Can Fool Some of the People All of the Time” T-shirt, a list of 1,001 misleading questions you can ask dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed short-attention-span registered voters, a list of everybody’s cell phone number, so people can actually be reached when they’re having dinner at a fancy restaurant. His winning entry is:
When the media takes a news poll
First they tell the pollster their goal
And all they’ll receive
Is what they already believe
So it’s just money down a rat hole
When the media takes a news poll
Misleading the public is their goal.
Whether they copy or edit,
You know where they get it.
The same place for both: the toilet bowl.
When the media takes a news poll
The full truth never gets told
They tweak it on this
Massage it on that
And only publish what helps a Dem A-Hole!
When the media takes a news poll
It’s just one of the ways they control
The dumbed-down and celebrity-obsessed,
Whose brainwashed minds are so easily impressed,
That they’ll swallow just about anything, whole
When the media takes a news poll,
To see which candidate’s in the hole.
You know they’re for Obama
So ask your daddy and momma
Should you flush the results down the toilet bowl?
And from the Unlicensed Anderson Laureate (It’s not terribly mean-spirited this time, but then, he’s a Republican):
When the media takes a news poll
The DumbocRATs will be on a roll
The truth doesn’t matter
The libs keep up the chatter
Lying for Obama is their goal.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“What folks will be wearing on Halloween Night.”
E-mail your informative insights today.
Some voter educating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally voter educating subscribers.
Link of the Day
Act of Terror
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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