Special “Debate Wait” E-dition

Friday, October 12, 2012

 But will the Biased Liberal Moderator Be Wearing Her Obama Button?

  • BATTLE OF THE RUNNING MATES: Since The Blower is always available the day before our publication date (e.g. Friday’s E-dition comes out on Thursday), we can’t report on Thursday afternoon exactly what happened at Thursday night’s Historic High-Stakes Vice Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan and Obama’s Gaffe-a-Minute Buffoon VP Joe Biden. 70 million people watched the VP debate in 2008.

Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says voters are attaching less importance to Thursday night’s vice presidential debate compared to the one four years ago, but think Paul Ryan will do more in the debate to help his running mate than Joe Biden will.

But The Blower says you should forget the so-called “conventional wisdom” about presidential debates. Our Stormin’ Mormon’s big win in Denver was the Mother of All Game Changers, and even a perceived loss for Bumbling Biden against Janesville Juggernaut Paul Ryan by the viewing audience would be huge.

That’s why Tea Party Patriot Andy Pappas promised Thursday night’s 7 PM Tea Party Meeting at the Anderson Government Center (the last currently scheduled meeting before the election) would be over in time for folks to scurry home to watch the VP Debate.

But was the Debate Moderator the big story? Thursday night you saw the ABC News version of an “impartial debate moderator,” especially after the Commission on Presidential Debates is trying to dismiss a report by the conservative website “The Daily Caller” that exposes Obama’s ties to Martha Raddatz, the moderator of Thursday night’s VP debate, saying “There’s no conflict of interest, really. We selected Martha Raddatz because she’s a terrific journalist and will be a terrific moderator and we’re thrilled to have her. The notion that that somehow affects her ability is not something we have given a moment’s thought to.” Team Romney and the RNC really must have been asleep at the switch on that one.

Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Thursday was the second Vice-Presidential Debate at Centre College in Danville. On October 5, 2000, Dick Cheney cleaned Senator Joe Lieberman’s clock. Also, Danville is famous because in 1957, MGM’s Civil War epic “Raintree County” starring Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift was made there.

  • ROMNEY ALL OVER OHIO ON SATURDAY: Mitt Romney, Rob “Fighting for Face Time” Portman, Anthony Munoz, and the Republican Team will be speaking at a 5:15 PM Victory Rally at the Golden Lamb in Lebanon on Saturday, but that’s only if he can get away from his 2:05 PM Victory Rally at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth.
  • BENGHAZI-GATE HEARINGS: Are Obama’s Libyan lies worse than Watergate? Let’s face it: Obama lied. Diplomats died. End of Story. Did Ditzy DemocRAT National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz really say just because the Obama Administration “Put out wrong statements about the Libya attacks doesn’t mean they were false.” Is it all a cover-up or is the Obama Administration incompetent? It really doesn’t matter, because the result’s the same.

Next, Republican Congressman Darrell Issa plans on holding hearings on the September employment report released last Friday. The bogus figures from the Labor Department showed a sharp drop in the unemployment rate that many economists don’t really believe.

  • BIG BIRD DISTRACTION:  And is using Big Bird to avoid big issues backfiring on Obama? Obama’s concern for a Sesame Street character seems to be overshadowing concerns for diplomatic security these days, even for all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed voters out there. And guess what, the actor who plays Obama’s Favorite Left-Wing Campaign Prop is only paid $314,017 a year. Your over-taxed payer dollars at work, indeed!
  • DIALING FOR DOLLARS: Frankly, we can’t believe the local Citizens for Community Values Action Office really is still hiring phone bank callers, especially when you hear they’re paying $15-per-hour. So if you know any unemployed conservatives, have them call (513) 652-5035 right away.
  • OBAMA SUPPORTERS UPDATE: A bus driver was fired after telling a 12-year-old he should have been aborted because of his family’s Romney Yard Sign.

And did somebody really dump a big pile of manure in front of DemocRAT Headquarters in Warren County? Get over it, D-RATS. It was just another “Dump in the Road” during the Obama Administration. The Blower says, it looks like we finally found one of Obama’s “Shovel Ready” jobs.

  • OHIO ELECTION COMMISSION UPDATE: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says the Ohio RINO Party filed a new election complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission this week concerning false statements made by supporters of Issue 2 which changes Ohio’s constitution. The complaint alleges the organization made numerous false statements in campaign materials disseminated on its website.

And if Determined DemocRAT Candidate for Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil ever files his complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission against Sean Donovan for illegal campaign tactics, will it include Donovan’s making people doing “community service” as part of their sentences wear his Donovan for Sheriff t-shirts while out in the community performing these services on the sides of the road.

  • BETTER LATE THAN NEVER: Last week a local organization reminded its members to vote early. Ten days later they e-mailed their endorsements. How timely was that?
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER reports Jay Leno said, “Can you believe it’s only another month until we start arguing about whether the election was stolen or not? David Letterman said, “You know the Obama campaign’s in trouble when they’re looking to Joe Biden to turn things around.” And Jimmy Fallon said, “People close to the campaign are saying that Mitt Romney’s son, Tagg, is now one of his chief advisers. That’s right, when Mitt asked him to join the team, he put his arm on his son’s shoulder and said “Tagg, you’re it!”
  • SIGN CENSORSHIP: So how much business is the Lamar Outdoor Advertising losing because that Obama-loving billboard company refused run these digital signs paid for by Patriots Action LLC?

    • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: says today’s really Columbus Day, and early this week we learned that Christopher Columbus was a DemocRAT. He took off not knowing where he was going. When he got there he didn’t know where he was. When he got back he didn’t know where he’d been. And he did it all using someone else’s money. Plus, Mrs. Hurley told us maybe Columbus’ problem was that he would never stop and ask for directions.
    • THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Columbus’ “For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.” Sounds a lot like Obama, doesn’t he?
    • SARAH JONES NICKNAME CONTEST: More entries are coming in every day for Eric “Call Me Crazy Deters’ client, the Former Bungal Cheerleader who pled guilty on Monday to being a slut in Kenton Circuit Court, including these from the Greedy Weasels at Clear Channel: “Pupil Pleaser,” “Team Teaser,” and “High School Hootch.” 

  • REALLY BAD VIDEOS: We’ve seen some really terrific campaign videos during the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Take this really awful Romney Campaign Song, for example. It’s the rankest.
  • CLERMONT COUNTY TEA PARTY reports Wednesday night in West Chester volunteers gathered to stuff walk bags to be distributed to swing voters in the coming weeks. The few undecided voters who are left will ultimately decide the contest this election. By now they have enough to give 423 walk bags to every one of them during the next “24” days
  • OUR COLERAIN CRUSADER SAYS disgraced former Colerain Township Trustee Bernie “My Grandkids Need Jobs” Fiedeldey isn’t waiting until the 2012 election is over to kick off his comeback in 2013. Fiedeldey clearly has his sights on incumbent Republican Township Trustee Jeff Ritter. In just the past week alone, Fiedeldey appeared at a trustee meeting to oppose a zoning change on Galbraith Road about six miles from his home and seven miles from his business.  No nearby residents complained, but Super Bernie was there to save the day. Fiedeldey then wrote a letter to the Northworst Press telling residents near Northgate Mall that the township and the county are selling them out over the sewer issue and he has a track record of cooperation and collaboration.   No word yet on whether the good people of the Dornbusch Subdivision appreciate the too-little, too-late unsolicited offer from the ethically-challenged former trustee.
  • ANDERSON UPDATE: Anderson’s Welcome Wagon folks have now confirmed that Demon Lynchmob III and Regina Jenkins purchased a house at 675 Hyacinth Rd. in Clermont County. Our neighborhoods are still safe.
  • FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane more about his exclusive interview with Loony Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson. Kane said he was hoping all those Libertarian women he met at the meet-and-greet event would turn out to be “Libertines.” Instead all those Kool Aid drinkers turned out to be more like “Librarians.”

Stories We’re Working On

  • Obama gives Biden debate advice
  • More Phony Weekly Jobs Claims
  • CEO threatens layoffs if Obama re-elected
  • Holder promises to investigate fraudulent Obama campaign donations after the election
  • Hope and Change becomes Mope and Blame
  • Our Long National Nightmare is almost over
  • Big Bird plans to vote for Romney

Whistleblower Web Poll

This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said you should never believe media polls: (A) Rigged questions: 2% (B) Paid-off pollsters: 1% (C) Hand-picked respondents: 1% (D) Liberal Media Bias: 96%

Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!

Losers’ Lament

This week, everybody who’s waiting for his refund for Reds Playoff and World Series Tickets, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is Typical Reds Fan Farley Fairweather, who says the only way those Reds playoff games could’ve been more embarrassing for the City would’ve been if our Girly Mayor Mallory had thrown out the first pitch.

Farley wins a pennant from 1919, when the Reds won their first World Series, but only because the Chicago Black Sox threw the games; 477 marked-down sweatshirts from the Reds Over-priced Apparel and Merchandise Store, and his name entered in the lottery of people who may be picked to receive a partial refund for their Reds Playoff and World Series tickets. His winning Limerick is:

Watching the Reds’ Playoffs this year
Was just a short-lived thrill, I fear.
The Giants and their terrible towels
Gave the Reds such watery bowels,
That they were baffled by that hurtling sphere.

Watching the Reds’ playoff this year
Confirmed my most ominous fear
They met a dire fate
And couldn’t score late
And left me crying right into my beer.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who says “Never get your hopes too high when it comes to the Bungals and the Little Red Machine”):

Watching the Reds playoff this year
Makes me long for a brat and a beer
I think of the past
Time flies by so fast
And another World Series draws near.

Though my memory is frequently “iffy”
I remember Bench, Rose and Griffey
There was Morgan and Foster
It was a fantastic roster
I’d go back to those days in a jiffy.

Concepion, Gullett, and Borbon
So many good players we’ve known!
Almost 40 years passed
Now we have a new cast
And they all are still in the zone.

Arroyo, Cueto and Bailey
We follow their exploits daily
“We’re champs” is our motto
With Phillips and Votto
They all swing a mighty shillelagh.

Soon it will be the World Series
“Will we be there?” ask the queries
We’ll all do our best
And hope we pass the test
Or else we will cry in our beeries.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:

“When the media takes a news poll.”


E-mail your informative insights today.  

Some post-debate gloating items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally post-debate gloating subscribers. 

Link of the Day

Putting Jobs First

     Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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