Saturday, October 6, 2012
Fact Checkers Are Really Working Overtime on This
- REALLY SUSPICIOUS JOB NUMBERS: Obama’s Unemployment Rate miraculously fell to 7.8 % last month, dropping below 8% for the first time in nearly four years and As Obama Supporters in the Press are claiming, will practically assure Obama’s re-election in only “30” days. Coincidence? We think not.
Obama’s 7.8% unemployment rate for September matches the rate in January 2009, when Obama took office. In the months after Obama’s inauguration, the rate rose sharply and had topped 8% for 43 straight months. The decline in the unemployment rate now comes only two days after a weak debate performance against GOP challenger Mitt Romney. Obama’s Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said she was “insulted” when asked on CNBC about suspicions that the Obama administration might have skewed the jobs numbers to aid Obama’s re-election dimming prospects. Former GE CEO Jack Welch Tweets, “These Chicago guys will do anything. They can’t debate, so they change the numbers.” Imagine that!
REVERED FORMER CONGRESSMAN BOB MCEWEN EXPLAINS: The magic 7.8%number could not have been reached without taking over eight million people out of the labor force. Obama’s Latina Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis arbitrarily removes hundreds of thousands from the work force, each month, by pushing them into the “no longer looking” category. She moves them by whatever number is needed that month to keep the unemployment number from rising.
Speaking from jail, Bernie Madoff now says everyone on Wall Street knew that he was cooking the books or trading on illegally-gotten information because he was earning returns that were 10-12% for years on end. In a dynamic economy no one can earn a flat line of return.
In the same manner, the largest economy in the world (America) has had a flat line of unemployment for all four years of Obama’s term. It has been a nearly straight line, fluctuating less than 1/2 of a percent. That is achieved by moving whatever number of job seekers into the “no longer looking” and thus no increase in unemployment.
The overreach this month, for the election,(to take it below 8% for the first time) will definitely be revised by Thanksgiving…….but by then the lame stream media folk hope to be celebrating in the Hamptons and Hollywood on the Riviera.
Let’s pray America can be thankful that this “long national nightmare” is over and we can have a government that appreciates job creators. That we will have a new Administration that encourages new jobs and not just a smaller and smaller pie of old jobs.
One cannot claim to love employees and yet hate employers the way Obama does.
OHIO RINO PARTY BOSS BOOB BENNETT SAYS: Obama’s new job numbers are far off from where they should be, and he criticized Obama for trying to take credit for Ohio’s economic growth.
“It’s disappointing that Obama keeps coming to Ohio claiming credit for things he didn’t do. His message of more regulation, red tape and taxes as a path to economic prosperity makes as much sense as foot warmers on the beach and it doesn’t resonate in Ohio.
“It’s sad that with over 23-million Americans still unemployed and underemployed this President declares it a victory. Under President Obama, we spent two years with double-digit unemployment until we were rescued by John Kasich, Rob Portman, Republicans in the General Assembly and our other newly elected statewide officeholders.
“We need Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House to compliment what’s already going on here,” Bennett added.
ANOTHER OBAMA SCANDAL: Obama’s campaign raised more than $150 million in September, a record haul for the 2012 cycle, but the Washington Examiner, citing “knowledgeable sources,” reports a national magazine and a national web site are preparing to run a bombshell donor scandal story that could put Obama’s fundraising numbers under intense scrutiny. Stay tuned.
- PERHAPS RELATED: local Tea Party Patriots are also talking about a developing story, largely unreported by the media, which could be game-changing for the November 2012 election and beyond. They’ve scheduled an open meeting on the topic on Saturday, October 6th, 1:30p.m. at the SW Ohio Liberty Headquarters, 5430 West Chester Road, West Chester, OH, 45069. They say if you’d like a firsthand look at what this is all about, please attend.
- DEMOCRAT DEBACLE IN DENVER: Prior to Wednesday night’s over-hyped Joint Presidential Candidate Press Conference with a Biased Liberal Moderator Wearing an Obama Button in Denver, Liberals everywhere were touting their polls predicting Obama would defeat Mitt Romney handily. It’s hard to believe any of those media polls could’ve been wrong. As a master debater, Obama just made Jimmy Carter look awesome.
- RACIAL HEALING MOMENT: Obama claims he didn’t recognize the Mitt Romney who showed up at the debate. After all, when you’ve seen one rich white Republican, you’ve seen them all.
- NO ENDORSEMENT FOR OBAMA: AARP is reminding voters that it’s NOT endorsing any candidates after Obama cited the group twice during the his Emperor-Has-No-Clothes Moment.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES endorse Barack Hussein Obama for President, citing his strong efforts to raise taxes and expand government control over our health care decisions. They also said Obama had a big win at Wednesday’s debate.
LAWBREAKERS IN CHURCH: so how many pastors will be taking part in Pulpit Freedom Sunday, October 7? Will they preach like Charlie Hassell at Highland Avenue Baptist Church? If his sign on I-71 is any indication of where he stands, his sermon should leave no doubt.
- EARLY VOTING IN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo still doesn’t have the slightest clue when that begins.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN: On this day in 1996, Deviant DemocRAT President Bill Clinton faced his Republican challenger, Senator Bob Dole from Kansas, in their first debate of that year’s presidential campaign. One of the things Bob forgot to mention was all those blow jobs our Pants-Dropper-in-Chief was getting in the Oval Office from Monica Lewinsky at the time. We’re sure Mitt Romney wouldn’t have overlooked that opportunity.
- THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE CHOSE Slick Willie’s big lie: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman…”
- SPEAKING OF LIES: Americans for Limited Government says those Lie Detector Tests at the debate didn’t work out. Because the technology can detect a deception if the person knows he is deceiving, but if the person actually believes all the lies he’s telling, was too dumb to know he’s lying, it’s not picked up.
OBAMA POOP ANALYZER: This is a photo of an Obama ad that appears in a smartphone game App called “Poop Analyze.” It’s REAL! You tap the ad and it takes you to his website to check your voter registration status!
- OBAMA COOKIES AND WELFARE: Busken Bakery is selling cookies to vote for Romney or Obama. A lady with a $400 handbag and a $200 purse was buying Obama cookies with food stamps. Was she talking on her free Obamaphone too?
Those cookies are $2.25 each. If you’re on food stamps, $2.25 would buy a half- gallon of milk, a box of cereal, a jar of peanut butter (Kroger’s brand, not JIF – but it’s still protein) a loaf of bread, a couple pounds of bananas, apples, grapes, a pound of chicken breasts (when they are on sale) and they are using that money to buy a damn cookie. What would Michelle say? Isn’t she the childhood obesity czarina?
Our Buskens’ informant tells us you can also buy birthday cakes, tea cookies, donuts with food stamps. And people wonder about Romney’s 47% – can you see why? The 47% are the ones buying Obama cookies with food stamps. You can’t blame Buskens. If the government allows people to buy their pastries, with food stamps, Buskens would be crazy not to do it. Maybe this is just another example of the government helping build a business, this time one cookie at a time.
- TOP TEN LIST: Today it’s the Top Ten reasons to vote early in the 2012 Elections:
10. No standing in long lines.
9. No smelly old people at your polling place.
8. If you die before the election, they’ll still count your vote
7. You can support the US Post Office by using a 65-cent stamp to mail in your absentee ballot.
6. No more Tea Party Patriots knocking on your door
5. Chance to Google some last-minute information on candidates you never heard of
4. You can ignore all those lying political commercials on TV.
3. No more political junk mail.
2. No more Robocalls.
…and the Number one reason to vote early in the 2012 Elections is…you can’t vote twice until you vote the first time.
- FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if there’s any way Obama’s miraculous job numbers could be accurate. “It doesn’t much matter,” Kane explained, “as long as some of those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed people who haven’t already voted believe it.”
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
E-mail your reasons Obama got his ass whipped in Denver today.
Some Obama-bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers.
You Didn’t Build That – PolitiZoid
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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