Official “Jewish New Year” E-dition

Monday, The First Day of Tishri

Obama’s Official Jewish New Year Greetings

  • Everybody’s waiting to hear Obama’s really sincere Jewish New Year greetings wishing the Jewish donors a year of peace and reiterating his administration’s “commitment to the State of Israel” when he foregoes his morning intelligence briefing and hops on Air Force One for today’s scheduled junket to Cincinnati. 

With only “49” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, most people think today will be just another over-taxed payer funded campaign and fund-raising trip to fool all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed and undecided voters one more time, but Tri-state Jews are wondering if it might to up conduct High Holy Day Holiday Services at Murray Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park today. Plum Street Temple, Wise Center, and Adath Israel were already booked.

The Blower says there’s no chance Obama’s coming here to tell the truth about what’s going on in the Middle East these days.

  • The Blower remembers what was happening on Obama’s Re-election Campaign last year on the Jewish New Year. Obama was appearing in an ad for Palestinian Terrorists while Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Perry speaking to Jews in New York.
  • But this year, some Jewish Voters are beginning to have a few doubts about Obama, since that well-known terrorist group took over Egypt and proved Obama’s so-called “Arab Spring” was nothing more than a radical Islamic nightmare. Obama couldn’t wait to congratulate the Muslim Brotherhood, especially after those fanatics claimed their future capital would be in Jerusalem.
  • Saturday, Obama rejected any denigration of Islam, insisting there was no excuse for attacks on US embassies as angry protests over an obscure, anti-Muslim film even spread to Australia. Middle East Mayhem, you bet— Congratulations, Obama—you built that!
  • Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says prior to the upcoming debates, Americans still appear to be evenly divided between Obama and Romney, while American Jews are still projected to support Obama, but not nearly by the 78% who voted for him in 2008. The newsflash is not that Jews are Liberal, the question is: why is Obama en route to getting the smallest percentage of the Jewish votes in decades?”
  • Do you think last week’s total collapse of Obama’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East, where Hillary’s Bungle in Benghazi on 9/11 that got American diplomats murdered in a premeditated attack about which the USA had been warned might have something to do with it? Or maybe Obama’s refusal to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an Armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf with Israel preparing a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons program might be the reason, particularly since most recent intelligence reports indicate Iran now has a cache of nuclear missiles that can hit any Israeli city. Did Obama really invite Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, to meet with him in New York this week? Perhaps Congress should invite Netanyahu to explain the situation to the American people during the annual UN meetings. That might get Obama’s attention.
  • In an interview with Obama Supporter David Gregory that aired on Sunday’s NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Netanyahu said, “it’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?” Do you think that means Jews in Israel (and America) would like to see Obama getting a little tougher with Iran? What a nice Jewish New Year’s greeting that would be.


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Some Anti-Israeli items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Anti-Israeli subscribers.

Link of the Day

Obama Starts the Fire

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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