Saturday, September 8, 2012
Brainless Biden’s Banishment to Bumfuk
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says last weekend after the successful Republican National Convention in Tampa, Mitt Romney headed straight to Cincinnati, where an overflow audience at Union Terminal chanted “Mitt, Mitt, Mitt!” on National TV.
This weekend, following the Disastrous DemocRAT National Convention in Charlotte, Joe Biden is also heading to the Tri-state. Did DemocRATS book 42,319-seat Great American Ballpark for this momentous meeting? 65,535-seat Paul Brown Stadium was also available. So was UC’s 35,097-seat Nippert Stadium.
Instead, more in keeping with lowering expectations for the Presidential Elections in only “58” more days, Downsizing DemocRATS will be trying to find enough Clermont County DemocRATS on a Sunday night to fill the cavernous MILFord High School gym, which we’re told can hold up to 500 people, following other weekend Ohio stops in Zanesville, Athens, Portsmouth, and Palookaville.
Our Facebook Friends at the Clermont Tea Party wonder if Biden will be here to promote the MILFord School levy appearing on this November’s ballot. DemocRATS say, “Paying more in taxes is patriotic, you know, but running humongous deficits isn’t any more.”
Clermont County DemocRAT party Chairman David Lane says he is delighted that Biden has chosen to come to the Republican stronghold of MILFord and that he and former MILFord Mayor Amy Brewer plan to greet the Vice President. There aren’t any other elected DemocRATS in Clermont County so the stage will be rather lonely. Of course nobody feels lonely when Amy Brewer is around since she resigned in disgrace as the mayor of MILFord after it was alleged that she had been engaging in sexual trysts with a MILFord police officer while she was still married to someone else. And if that scandal wasn’t enough, she was then replaced as Mayor by her new boyfriend and fellow City Councilman.
Perhaps Biden can talk about the legacy of MILFord High School where just a few years ago, Strauss Troy’s Joe Braun sued MILFord High School and some of the members of the ninth grade boys’ basketball team after they held down a student and forced him to give another student a blow job. That would make an interesting topic of discussion during Biden’s speech, particularly if Disgraced Former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton decides to tag along for the trip.
Meanwhile, the shades are drawn at GOP headquarters in Batavia and Clermont Party Boss Tim “The Dudd” Rudd says he will be out tending to his farm on Sunday instead of protesting the Vice President’s visit. Certainly members of the Clermont County Tea Party Militia led by Patriots Paul Odioso and Larry Heller will be out protesting. We’re told that members of the Miami Township Republican Mafia are organizing a plan of their own to welcome Joe Biden to MILFord with an empty chair parade lining his bus route to the speech, and we’ll be following up to see if Miami Township and the MILFord Police Department send Obama a bill for all that Sunday overtime.
What else would you expect, after this week’s Calamity in Charlotte? We saw the DemocRAT Party Obama un-built, and noted North Carolina political reporter Tarheel Tadwell says Obama and his Devout DemocRATS had embraced Sandra Fluke, but not God and Jerusalem. Those Dysfunctional DemocRATS had Flucked up their freak show convention almost as badly as they’ve fucked up the country.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ronald Reagan’s, “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”
- And how bad was Obama’s speech? As The Blower predicted, it would contain more lies and distortions. The Messiah said his second term would be a harder path to a better place —blah, blah, blah— and he promised to solve our problems with more time —yada, yada, yada—along with making bullshit the coin of the realm. The e-mail from Obama before he went on stage asked for another donation. The e-mail from Obama after his speech asked for one too. Has a candidate ever gotten a negative bounce from a convention before?
Early reviews of Obama’s speech were not encouraging. Lovely Peggy Noonan said it was “Stale and empty… he’s out of juice.” The Daily Beast called Obama “Pedestrian and overconfident.” And from the right, Charles Krauthammer called Obama’s speech “One of the emptiest I’ve ever heard.” Still Obama Supporters in the Press thought Obama’s speech was ‘epic,” and our Feckless Fishwrappers’ front-page headline read: “Obama promises energetic economy.” No kidding! See, we told you bullshit would become the coin of the realm.
The Blower says watching Obama’s speech was pure torture, and DemocRATS complain about waterboarding? The Empty Chair gave an empty speech. It was “a disaster of Biblical proportions” in terms of political messaging. One on-line comment read: “I’ve been watching these conventions since the 1960s. I have never seen anything quite this pathetic. When the best speaker of the entire tedious circus turns out to be Joe Biden, well, it’s time to pull down the tent and free the animals, because this freak show is over,” and it was time for all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed short-attention-span hags and fags in the audience to go home.
Hurley the Historian said it was ironic that Obama’s DNC speech came on the one year anniversary of Solyndra’s Collapse. No wonder that Obama-contributing Solyndra investor ducked and ran when he saw TV cameras coming his way at the convention.
- At the DNC Convention, we saw more liberal media bias and more fake fact checkers, along with media race-baiters parroting DemocRAT talking points and reporters using fake names to buy DemocRAT campaign merchandise and make donations to the DNC.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if he thought the DNC Convention was “historic,” like everything else has been during the Obama Administration. “The DNC was no BFD,” Kane explained. A new Fox News Poll asked, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago” Only 82% said, “No.” “But I disagree,” Kane added. “The reason we’re better off now than we were four years ago is…in only “58” more days we can vote Obama out of office.”
REMEMBER: If you can’t improve on the news, you shouldn’t even be reporting it.
e-mail your Erudite Essays today.
Some scholarly items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally scholarly subscribers, but we could always use more.
Link of the Day
Romney Claims Clinton in Latest Ad
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.