Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Blower’s Week in Review
- OUR NUMBER ONE RUSH LIMBAUGH STORY THIS WEEK was “Nobody Cares About Obama’s Libya Lies?”
- OUR NUMBER TWO RUSH LIMBAUGH STORY THIS WEEK was “If Obama Wins, He’ll Inherit a Worse Economy Than the First Time Around”
- AND OUR NUMBER THREE RUSH LIMBAUGH STORY THIS WEEK was that new study showing GOP Women are More “Feminine”
Now El Rushbo presents Obama Singing “Another Bump in the Road”
- MONDAY in our Special “Negative Advertising” E-dition, The Blower asked how you can criticize without being critical:
Remember when the Morning Fishwrap published a letter from a reader who claimed he was constantly amazed at how many individuals disagreed with a politician by criticizing him or her with the harshest words they could imagine? Our Ridiculous Reader said referring to someone as “stupid,” “inept,” “dishonest,” or with other derogatory adjectives will not change the viewpoint of a strong supporter of that person. Facts (real facts), our Ridiculous Reader says, would sway the other side, but not name calling.
Was that guy nuts?
That’s just the kind of touchy-feely Rodney King “Can’t We All Get Along?” claptrap you’d expect the eunuchs on Skaggie Maggie’s idiotorial board to publish. It’s no wonder The Fishwrap and our local Society of Unprofessional Journalists still can’t understand why so many of their dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed readers and viewers don’t understand the world around them.
- TUESDAY in our Official “Yom Kippur” E-dition, The Blower wished everybody a Happy Day of Atonement and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
On the Sunday TV News Shows, I denied America was misled about the Libya attacks. — “Baghdad Bob” Gibbs
Obama’s Spokesman also wasn’t able to answer Chris Wallace’s question about why Obama won’t meet with any foreign leaders at the UN this week because he has to appear with Whoopi Goldberg on “The View.” —News Spoofer Edward Cropper
Was it OK to mock Obama before my visit to the UN? —Mohamed Morsi, the new Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt
Don’t worry. Obama says those attacks against the United States all over the Middle East and Israel’s concern about Iran are just “little bumps in the road.” —Hillary Clinton, Obama’s Secretary of State
Yom Kippur begins tonight at sundown. It’s the most holy day in the Jewish religion. It’s the time each year Jews ask God to forgive them for all their transgressions during the previous year, especially the ones who voted for Obama in 2008. —Jewish Republicans
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “Ryan Speech Coverage” E-dition, The Blower said We can hardly wait till he debates “The Intellect of the DemocRAT Party!”:
Top Ten List
Today it’s the Top Ten Reasons the Hamilton County RINO Party chose the Byer Steel plant location on North Bend Road as the site of Tuesday’s Paul Ryan Victory Town Hall Meeting:
10. It was kept away from the West Side so that Princess Margaret Wuellner didn’t have to deal with any Smelly West Siders.
9. Proximity to Cincinnati School of Mortuary Science a fitting metaphor for Hamilton County Republican Party’s down-ticket candidates.
8. Hoping that the Kneepad Liberals in the Press get stopped by a train in Carthage and can’t mis-report another biased story.
7. This week, Team Romney-Ryan wants to pretend to be tough on China.
6. Wanted to show out-of-towners sent here to work on the Romney campaign, one of Cincinnati’s more appealing neighborhoods, Carthage.
5. Catherine Smith Mills’ beautiful rendition of Star-Spangled Banner sounds really patriotic bouncing off industrial machinery.
4. Jaywalking Joe Deters making sure all those St. X kids can get their service hours watching this clusterfuck unfold.
3. Giving no-shot Republican candidates in gerrymandered DemocRAT districts something else to do to make themselves feel busy and important (this means you, Ron Mosby and Tom Bryan).
2. Like everything else the Hamilton County Republican Party does these days, it was designed to accommodate “Bronze Star” Brad and his Bootlicking Campaign Mangler’s oh-so-packed schedule.
And the Number One Reason the Hamilton County RINO Party chose the Byer Steel plant on North Bend Road as the site of Tuesday’s Paul Ryan Victory Town Hall Meeting is… Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP thought “steel group” had something to do with opposing the Pittsburgh Steelers.
- THURSDAY, in our Special “News Digest” E-dition, The Blower hoped you took your Acid Reflux pills when we gave our First Amendment Update to digest:
This week, Muslims at the United Nations continue to call for America make it against the law to hurt the feelings of Murdering Terrorists and enact a law throwing out the First Amendment, and Lefty Rags are already telling us Americans overvalue their free speech. Maybe that’s why Obama pardoned himself for his Libya fiasco and said, “The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” Obama then devoted five minutes of his UN speech to that YouTube trailer nobody ever saw but only a mere 32 seconds talking about the threat of Iran obtaining nuclear bombs, all the while slandering our military by claiming putting Marines in front of our embassies wouldn’t make them safe (which also excuses his Pansy Pacifist Administration for not even trying), but The Blower bets our Marines would have taken out every last one of those cowardly bastards, and done it before they raped and killed our Ambassador.
- FRIDAY in our Special “Dumbed Down Voters” E-dition, The Blower asked, “How dumb are the typical Obama voters”:
An Obama spokesperson protesting outside a Romney rally in Cleveland explains that Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why everbody should vote for Obama.
That stupid woman reminds us of Obama’s Coalition of Morons interviewed by Howard Stern contributors Sal and Richard we showed you in yesterday’s edition. [SEE IT HERE]
Another Obama voter in Cleveland explains that our assassinated Ambassador in Libya “had it coming,” and argues that besides, Romney will raise taxes on the middle class.
And why Obama appeals to all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed readers and viewers out there is there to be clearly seen.
- SATURDAY in our Special “Free Obamaphone” E-dition, The Blower said who knew Liberals could be so funny:
Did Uber-Liberal “Saturday Night Live” really mock Obama’s claim that ordinary Americans are better off today than they were four years ago? And you thought SNL only made fun of Conservatives.
And in other video reviews, in Friday’s lead story, SEUI Union Goons paid Typical Obama Voters $11-per-hour to demonstrate outside Romney’s Rally in Cleveland, along with their free phones from Obama. Now if they only had a brain.
Reacting to Friday’s Link of the Day, our Angry Andersonian says, “Jesoooey H. Christopher! Samuel L. Jackson’s “Wake the Fuck Up” Ad for Obama video really blew me away! How can anyone believe that crap?
Just for fun, the latest episode of “NewsBusted” is out.
Meanwhile, Google CEO Eric Schmidt is defending his company’s decision to keep an anti-Islam film on its YouTube website despite violent protests all over the Muslim world. [FREE SPEECH FANATICS CAN WATCH IT HERE]
Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS 2012: GOP Senator Rob “Fighting for Fallacies” Portman says Mitt Romney plans to turn himself into a one-man truth squad during the first presidential debate next week, casting Obama as someone who can’t be trusted to stick to the facts or keep his promises. Meanwhile, the White House is telling anybody who’ll listen that Obama is “too busy” these days to prepare for next week’s debate in Denver with Mitt Romney. That must mean Obama’s been prepping night and day.
Pollster Pat Caddell says Romney must go after the Obama Supporters in the Press. In a football game, a team can’t win if the referees are helping the other team. And in the Romney vs. Obama Bowl, the refs aren’t just calling the plays in favor of Obama; they are out on the field trying to tackle Romney themselves.
- READING THE TEA LEAVES: The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared “dead” by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and Hollywood. The Blower wonders what all those Obama Supporters in the Press will have to say when 41 Million Tea Party Patriots show up at the polls to vote against Obama on November 6.
- OHIO THE AORTA OF IT ALL: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says tracking Ohio’s absentee ballot requests is a good measure of voter enthusiasm in our key swing state. So far, Dispirited DemocRATS have only requested 61% of the number of ballots they asked for in 2008, and Rabid Republicans are already at 101%. In Hamilton County, Republicans are only at 77%, so local RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP is still doing his usually fine job. Meanwhile, 1 Million Ohioans have free Obamaphones.
- DIRTY TRICKSTERS: Donald Segretti reports Dishonest DemocRATS say only 1,000,000 free Obamaphones have been distributed to Obama Supporters in Ohio, but now it’s getting REALLY dirty. There’s an “Outrageous” film claiming Obama’s mother once posed for pornographic pictures is sent to a MILLION swing voters. Then there’s that film clainming Obama’s real father is left wing poet and Communist party activist, Frank Marshall Davis. 100,000 copies of the DVD have already been mailed to voters in Ohio with up to three million more planned to go out.
- HOW ABOUT DEM REDS: Last Saturday morning, the Hamilton County RINO Party invited people to the Kenwood Romney Victory Center to meet Cincinnati Reds Pitcher Homer Bailey. Just think how many more people would’ve shown up if the invitation was yesterday, the morning after Homer pitched the first Reds’ no hitter since 1988.
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says the Lap Dog Media have turned into Lap Dog Pollsters. Media Bias has become so acute in 2012, it’s like termites eating away at the very foundations of our democracy.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “A new survey out today shows how much time we waste every day in our lives. For example, we waste seven minutes in line every time we go to get coffee, 28 minutes getting through airport security, four years waiting for Obama to do something about the economy. Every year, we waste a lot. We wasted a lot of time.”
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says 1986 September proved to be a hard month for investors. In the span of three short weeks, the Dow lost just under two hundred points. 200 points? BFD! Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says “These days changes that size in the stock market (up and down) seem to happen every few hours.”
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose Will Rogers’ “There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail.”
- VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Michelle Obama will be Digging Up DemocRATS at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati for the first day of Early DemocRAT Voter Fraud on October 2.
- THUGS ‘R US: The United Federation of Teachers union contract now says teachers can be caught in school drunk five times and on drugs three times before being fired. It’s all part of the “Dumbing Down of America,” folks!
- MEDIA MENDACITY: PMSNBC and News Harpy Andrea Mitchell got caught in June selectively editing a video of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to make him look like an out of touch moron. Thursday, Morning Joe aired a video that has aroused similar suspicion.
The distrust of the media keeps growing. Trust has become disgust. That’s hardly news to anyone, except to the clueless editors and publishers of the big newspapers and television network executives, who keep seeing their audiences shrinking and wondering why.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #261 is to say to a liberal, “You remember the Reagan era, when Ronald Reagan was President, and Bob Hope and Johnny Cash were still with us? Well, now we have Obama, no hope, and no cash.”
- DERANGED DEMOCRATS: Hillary Clinton is still lying about her complicity in the Libyan Attack Cover-up, but she still wants to give US Over-taxed Payers to borrow another $495 Million from China so she can give $45 Million to the Syrian Rebels and $450 Million to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. That’s what we really call “deranged.”
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Obama Supporters in the Press are warning that Racism could sway the 2012 Election. And The Blower thought Obama had solved all those problems when he healed the country after he was elected in 2008.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: are happy that the misbehavior in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department is costing Hamilton County taxpayers another $110,000. This is what the department has become after years of being led by Senile Sheriff Simon Lies and Streetcar Supporter Sean Donovan.
- MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY: Beginning tomorrow, your morning Fishwrap will cost you more and its online edition will no longer be free. Just wait to you find out how much more that’s going to cost you.
- SPOILED SPORTS OF ALL SORTS: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says please don’t remind people how many times he made fun of “Homer” Bailey for giving up all those “Homers” during the year.
- THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Monday’s meeting of our Budget and Finance Committee to piss away more over-taxed payers’ money on our Girly Mayor’s Trolley Folly was the best reason yet to increase our terms to four years so we can become even more irresponsible and unaccountable. Foxy Roxy Qualls says “Just because I want to be Cincinnati’s next mayor, please don’t ask why I called that special meeting with only three days notice. Clown-cil voted to waste another $29 Million on our streetcar funding schemes, 6-3.” Smitherman, Winburn, and Sittenfeld voted no on each item.
- IN ANDERSON: Did Sean’s Donovan’s campaign really pay $65 for a permit to place that gaudy 4×4 sign in the yard next to The Whistleblower’s Estate so Charles Foster Kane could see it every minute he was in his office working on The Blower?
- NORTHERN KENTUCKY POLITICS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CanmBoo reports Bill Adkins says “the Massie campaign and Republicans are winning the fundraising contest. We may never beat them in fundraising, but we can close the gap.” Now The CamBoozler wants to know: who’s Bill Adkins?
- CONFRONTING MUSLIMS ATTACKS: What It’s one thing for Muslims in the Middle East to demand Americans suspends our First Amendment so we don’t hurt their feelings, but Friday night, Muslim Americans in Michigan, including a local newspaper editor, rallied in Dearborn to protest the YouTube film, “Innocence of Muslims” and advocate for blasphemy laws in the United States.
How’s this for Tolerance and Respect for Muslims?
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: Autumn has finally officially arrived, and we have another timely poem from Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves.
September Screwing
The lady likes to have her fun
But not to become a mama.
So she took her daily birth control
And mailed the bill to Obama.
THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if Obama’s “historic” presidency has been a “Total Disaster” or a “Complete Disaster.”
“It doesn’t much matter,” Kane explained. “Our Obama Supporters in the Press will make sure all those dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct, uninformed readers never hear a word about that.
AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “36” days away.
Monday, everybody will be prepping for that First Presidential Debate, so we might as well do our own prepping too.
Tuesday will be the first day for Early Voter Fraud in Ohio, so we want to be ready for that.
Wednesday we’ll be backstage at the Debate in Denver, if we won either $3 Lottery from Obama or Romney. We’ll see if you have just as good a chance, even if you don’t give them any money.
Thursday we’ll be celebrating “Post Debate Spin Day” and we’ll be watching all those DemocRAT Dervishes.
And the first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “It’ll be four more weeks till elections.”
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Voices Without A Vote
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.